Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by Nako XL

^ Doesn't change the fact that one player does one thing, gets a certain punishment. Another player does the same or similar (or worse) and pleads ignorance of the rules and gets a lesser punishment. Even if they are acting consistent to their current bylaws, that just means the problem lies specifically in the stupidity of how the rules were written and interpreted.

Dez Bryant being suspended for a year immediately for paying a discounted entrance fee in a venue and lying (although he went back and told the truth) while pryor and the others get a deferred punishment (possibly no punishment if they decide to bounce and avoid being hurt by this at all) is stupid.

Although I like him, the handling of the Cam Newton situation is stupid.

The NCAA needs to recognize the problem lies with THEM and address it.

To me the bigger one is the USC thing. Players had nothing to do with Bush don't get the "experience of playing in a bowl game" or whatever *%%% the NCAA said. Yet these tOSU guys did something wrong and get to play the game.
I have absolutely no respect for Jim Tressel or that program.  He should do the right thing and suspend them for the bowl game.  Otherwise this is nothing but a joke.
Blackmon looks just like Dez in his pads.

However every time I see him play, and w/ that #81 I think Anquan.

He makes a little more plays downfield than Q does though.
Coach tressell is Wylin out...
Don't laugh BigMike, lots of big timers do not want Harbaugh around this program. I think it is laughable that they think this way but its the truth.

I just put a wish list out there and Patterson screams the type of coach I want on my sidelines. Getting him is another story. But you have to offer him IMO.

Jimmy wasn't that hot of a name in BCS minds when he went to Stanford. There was no way he was getting a look from a power in a BCS Conf at that time. Surely not when Michigan was looking. He was a high risk/high reward and really showed that it doesn't matter where he coached he can cut it. But I do not remember people annointing him the next best thing at that time.

Plus, he broke bad with a lot of people at Michigan when he would get boozed up and spout off during interviews. That is why we are still hearing that some at Michigan aren't hot on him.

Personally, I have come to deal that this is just how he is. He made his mends to those that matter and has fallen back into good graces around Schemy Hall. Brandon certainly seems to like him and it looks like this cat should be in line for the job. But, it in't as cut and dry as only offering him.

They will throw out feelers and probably have already.

Right now, this program needs a change and I think Brandon set it up by showing RR that the AD runs s*&^ around here. I like it. Don't care about what recruits we have or will lose/lost because if Jimmy shows up in town his work ethic will allow him to recruit some players that will get him to where he needs to be.
Just firing coaches so early into the job is what kills me.

He improved the team and he'll keep building on it but firing him and starting over is useless
Over his 3 years, yes the team has improved in win totals. But he still won't be back to the 9-4 season that was here the year before he came. 8-5 is the best he has done. That isn't really what many thought he would do to be honest. Win totals are a terrible thing to judge but if you look deeper its even uglier what he has done here.

It is a terrible fit started out by a terrible hiring process. I will never argue that Bill Martin screwed up the hiring process, but not going after Harbaugh at that time is not at the top of that list.

Looking at the resume's RR and Harbaugh are kinda close. Thats why I don't see why Harbaugh is looked at like a sure thing when many "say" RR wasn't. 11-1 in a BCS game. Sub .500 first year to top of the conferences in a short time. 40 something coach that was a good coordinator and position coach early. Offensive guy. The styles are different x's and o's.

But looking at it on paper I don't see how RR was a coach that was looked at to fail at Michigan.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Tressel is trying to force the suspended players into staying next yr. says they "Must" return.


I would have figured he would go the other way and try to force them out by sitting them in the Sugar Bowl for a period of time. He really is wylin.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Tressel is trying to force the suspended players into staying next yr. says they "Must" return.

What he did was he made the players involved sign a pact. It basically states that if they want to play in the Sugar Bowl then they must return next season. Obviously, there's nothing legally binding to this pact, but they did give their word. From what I've gathered, the reason he did this is so if the players left for the NFL there would still be some sort of punishment (not playing in the Sugar Bowl).

At least that's how I'm taking it...IYE can help me out if I'm off base.
I see NO problem with what Tressel did.

The only reason those players weren't suspended for the Sugar Bowl is because the Ohio State Pres and Big 10 commish did some lobbying to the NCAA.

Would be really unfair for those players to play in the Sugar Bowl and then dip to the NFL without ever seeing any consequences from what they did.

Tressell isn't one of those slimy Urban Meyer type coaches. It's not like he was trying to blackmail them to stay in school by threatening to withold them from the game. Tressell isn't that kind of coach. He has morals. Which is why he wasn't going to let them play in the game, then jettison to the NFL and escape any punishment. He gave them the choice to either leave or come back next year and take their punishments like men.
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