Goodbye, Toys R Us? * UPDATE: Toys R Us is preparing to liquidate its U.S. operations, sources say*

The first Super Soaker was a game changer. The 300 though, that was a life changer. The backpack??? It was chaos

Every time someone came out with the backpack it was over. Had the neighborhood taking cover like Omar was comin’.:rofl:
Toys r us hella expensive. Amazon way cheaper. You could get same toys @ Walgreens that were cheaper
What would they do different that won’t fail again? Maybe they’ll just put everything online and be like the amazon of toys.
I hope so. They should have an electronics section that sells home entertainment things as well. Market it as “adult toys” :lol:

Using the term 'Adult Toys' would never work lol I can see someone doing something stupid and leaving dildos in there
What would they do different that won’t fail again? Maybe they’ll just put everything online and be like the amazon of toys.

Exactly. They just never got with the times and evolved with the consumer. The old heads in charge were too stubborn and greedy.

Scaling back and getting a fresh start could do wonders since TRU obviously has the name recognition with people. They just need to find competent people in the offices this time.
What would they do different that won’t fail again? Maybe they’ll just put everything online and be like the amazon of toys.

something like this

party people, yall gotta mod up. do a collab with fortnite build an arena, get some fortnite exclusives gear.
yall know, get the store to an vr entertainment park instead of tryna sell **** desperatly, go ikea, make food offerings. thats where you get the cash.
maybe you dont have to close every year
Toys 'R' Us owners will hand out $20 million severance to employees

New York (CNN Business)Two of the former owners of Toys "R" Us have agreed to pay $20 million to help laid-off employees.

Bain Capital and KKR, private equity firms that owned part of the toy retailer, set up a severance fund to pay former workers who lost their jobs when the company closed its stores.
The third owner, real estate firm Vornado, did not join the fund, and did not immediately respond to request for comment.
Toys "R" Us filed for bankruptcy a year ago with plans to stay in business. But in March the company's creditors forced it to go out out of business, and the 31,000 remaining employees did not get severance payments.
Some top executives at Toys "R" Us received bonuses as part of the bankruptcy process. The nation's bankruptcy laws place limits on the severance payments that can be made to laid-off employees, and they give priority to repaying creditors of the bankrupt companies.
Had the employees been laid off before the bankruptcy, they would have been entitled to severance pay of up to one week of pay for every year of service.
The $20 million severance fund does not come from Toys "R" Us.
The fund was set up following negotiations between the private equity firms and various public interest groups that organized the employees, including Organization United for Respect, Private Equity Stakeholder Project and Center for Popular Democracy.
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