Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

Eh I mean there's no way that anything should be getting into that gorilla enclosure. So for that, I put it on the zoo. Parents lose sight of kids all the time. I'm not going to destroy the mom because this time it just happened to turn out worse than normal

Like I've walked away from my parents when I was at the zoo. I don't think protective services needed to be called. That's just over reacting. Something bad happened sure, but kids scurry off. It happens

Also I could care less of the gorilla got shot. Human life is more important
This is 100% the kids moms fault. The kid had to climb up the wall first to be able to fall into the pen.
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Yea a human life is more important i think thats pretty cut n dry black n white.

Wen i say
I still feel like i care more that its a primate.

im talking about in reference to other animals.
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Sounds like ur saying you only have sympathy for those like you. Slippery slope.

Im just talking about animals.

Because a gorilla has more in common with humans this bothers me "more"

Dont get me wrong tho im not one of those animals>humans people.
U have to save the human. Just a freak accident.

Im not trying to troll but i feel like if i were religous id feel the same way about a bear...lion...shark....gorilla.

Again im not peta or nothin im just sayin i think it being a primate adds to sum of those peoples anger instinctively.

I dunno if im explainin that clear tho

Would it bother you more if something bad happened to a human that you personally had more in common with or were more similar to, as opposed to someone completely different than you in every way? I see your perspective but "similarities" shouldn't make you value a life any differently. I guess thats a natural, knee jerk response tho.
Killing the animal is dumb. The disconnect we have from nature is dissapointing. They killed the lions that attacked the suicidal man who provoked the lions as well. :smh:

The parent who let the child fall should be held accountable for their negligence.

Though I agree with your general point about killing the animals as far as there being another way to figure things out, I completely disagree about a disconnect with animals, as in general it seems like people are more inclined to care for animals than actual people. There's tons of evidence for that
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Serious questiom.

Do you think God views killing a gorilla the same way we assume n he views killing an ant? Is it like killing a human ?
Wats the reason for killin tho ^^^^

Would it bother you more if something bad happened to a human that you personally had more in common with or were more similar to, as opposed to someone completely different than you in every way? I see your perspective but "similarities" shouldn't make you value a life any differently. I guess thats a natural, knee jerk response tho.

Im talking about just animals though.

The impact of a humans death is a whole nother galaxy.

like thats a whole other conversation.
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Sounds like ur saying you only have sympathy for those like you. Slippery slope.
Im just talking about animals.

Because a gorilla has more in common with humans this bothers me "more"

Dont get me wrong tho im not one of those animals>humans people.
U have to save the human. Just a freak accident.

Im not trying to troll but i feel like if i were religous id feel the same way about a bear...lion...shark....gorilla.

Again im not peta or nothin im just sayin i think it being a primate adds to sum of those peoples anger instinctively.

I dunno if im explainin that clear tho
Nah I feel you. Human's share 95%-99% of DNA with Gorillas. We're eerily similar so my interpretation of that video makes me think that that Tyson Killer was protecting the kid in it's own weird way. With that being said I F's with SBG and want them to flourish out there so that video got me kinda heated. There's not a lot of other living creatures so damn close to us that are on the brink of extinction for us to just kill because of bad parenting. Im no animal activist either.

And smh @ y'all saying the fault doesn't fall on the parents. The kid was doing what any normal little kid would do. It's your job as a parent to protect your son/daughter and make them understand how dangerous these animals can be. Ya'll probably flat earth'ers too
they couldn't just tranquilize the gorilla? Wow that mom, father need some consequences for even letting that kid get into that situation.
And smh @ y'all saying the fault doesn't fall on the parents. The kid was doing what any normal little kid would do.

Curious as to wat NTers with kids think about this.
RIP to the Silverback

This is why I don't go to the zoo

Gorillas don't just attack, they have to be provoked...

Its those small spider monkeys you got to watch out for
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I respect the animals and I have questioned whether or not I should support zoos.

For those of you don't support zoos, do you feel the same way about aquariums?
Killing the animals isn't dumb at all. It was the fastest most safe way to get the person out of thee. If your point is animals shouldn't be in zoos, that's probably right. But that aside, what other way is there to save the human life

We all know zoos aren't closing shop anytime soon.
2016 and the best we can do is bullets?
Should be fair game once you're in their home.

they couldn't just tranquilize the gorilla? Wow that mom, father need some consequences for even letting that kid get into that situation.
tranquilizers aren't instant. I just looked it up and animal tranqs can take from 5-10 minutes to take effect. And if you shoot the animal it gonna get enraged wishing is also bad. And I don't think Zoos keep high tech gadgets on lock for this situation. That's what the guns are for
There are less than 1,000 mountain gorillas left in the world and they are critically endangered. Why are they endangered? Humans. We just lost another one because of bad parents.

There are less than 1,000 mountain gorillas left in the world and they are critically endangered. Why are they endangered? Humans. We just lost another one because of bad parents.


but we don't have enough humans on this planet. Let's rape earth and life till it's just us left.
#teamhuman :smokin
2016 , where people are 10/10 perfect parents 24/7 365 for 18 years without ONE reasonable mistake that can happen anywhere , at anytime . And my favorite , the people saying "poor gorilla" like if that ***** give a **** about your grown *** if you fall in there . 2016 where caring about a gorilla is more important then a todders life . Why dont some of yall just revoke your human card and go live outside in the wild like my homeboy with the goats ? Man the america haters and human haters REALLY need a taste of reality honestly.
Again ...im def team human.

But i mean is that a reasonable mistake?
Losing sight of your kid and letting him fall into a ******* gorilla enclosure? ? Lol.

Thats probably happened 5 times in 50 years.

Im not a human hater but if i had a kid i wouldn't let that lady babysit thats for damb sure lol

2016...1996...1986 keep an eye on your kid
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