Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

Mother is dumb for not paying attention to her kid. But the zoo is also at fault for having it be so easy for a child to even get into the pit.
Curious as to wat NTers with kids think about this.

I have a 6 year old, kids do run around a lot but cmon if you're putting them in a situation where they might fall into a pit like that. You're a bad parent. Surprised the fall didn't cause more injuries.
Humans are idiots. We should throw the parents in the den and shoot them for being idiots... Poor Gorilla
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easy? it's never happened in 38 years

If a 4 year old can manage to make their way inside, then it's easy. And you also have to keep in mind that most parents are responsible enough to keep their children within sight when they're out in public.
Fact is these animals shouldnt be in a zoo in the first place. If you want to see a gorrila go in the forrest your damn self and go see it
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So you enslave an animal, pimp it out in an "exhibit," and then murder it because it reacted the way any threatened animal would in a foreign, high-stress situation?

Humans really are the worst.
How the hell yo kid get that far? Anybody from the area familiar with the zoo? or do we have a blueprint of it? Took my nephew to the zoo few weeks ago and i'll be dammed if I sat him on the ledge for a photo opp. People crazy as hell.
bro the human hate is real 

why dont you guys go to the congo and live with some gorillas , see how much they care about YOU?

   never change NT
just to make sure im on the same page with #teamape ......they shouldve just left the kid with the gorilla and let him live out a real life jungle book , or you guys expected the gorilla to hand the kid over like "oh man bro heres your kid - be careful next time"

im howling 
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just to make sure im on the same page with #teamape ......they shouldve just left the kid with the gorilla and let him live out a real life jungle book , or you guys expected the gorilla to hand the kid over like "oh man bro heres your kid - be careful next time"

im howling 
The Gorrila was pretty calm tho.....
thats worse. the gorilla took the kid in to take care of it - this is true. at that point the gorilla WILL NOT give the kid up easily though , and theres too much at stake at that point. we cant leave it up to the gorilla to decide the kids fate. 
thats worse. the gorilla took the kid in to take care of it - this is true. at that point the gorilla WILL NOT give the kid up easily though , and theres too much at stake at that point. we cant leave it up to the gorilla to decide the kids fate. 
Gorrilas arent really violent tho. Like Gorrilas are like people
thats worse. the gorilla took the kid in to take care of it - this is true. at that point the gorilla WILL NOT give the kid up easily though , and theres too much at stake at that point. we cant leave it up to the gorilla to decide the kids fate. 

I didn't know we had a Gorilla expert that hated Gorillas so much.
I didn't know we had a Gorilla expert that hated Gorillas so much.
bro i dont HATE gorillas at all , i just care about a human toddler more . thats for sure.

i never claimed to be a gorilla expert , the end of that post clearly shows my point , i guess you have to be logical to understand it but the point is

are we really going to leave a 4 year old childs fate up to a gorilla ? 
Sad All around. Yeah the gorilla really had not done anything yet, but what could they do at that point?

Even if the gorilla was calm, it could hurt the kid without even trying just by being a gorilla. How are they supposed to even go in there and get the kid anyway?

Zoos are ****** up though :smh:
please make a point when you respond to me "i didnt know we had a gorilla expert" is not enough for a logical argument
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