Got a cellphone ticket.. while using bt earpiece. I need help.

Off topic but reminded me of when I see dudes with earbuds in while driving. Irks me smh.

Illegal and dangerous. Too big of a distraction imo.

I'm lost honestly. Using earbuds are more dangerous than listening to the radio?

I know the apple earbuds have the mic so how is that different from the bluetooth headset?

Bluetooth doesn't cover both ears and I'm sure people actually play music through their earbuds
Idk how it works in California but in the states I've been in if you get a ticket of any kind and you go see a hearing officer they will usually athe least reduce the amount if you have a good story. It's not like some trial where you have to produce evidence and have a solid defense. It's not even that serious. I’ve been completely in the wrong and admitted it and they still knocked off half just to get me to pay it that day.

My dawg where do you stay at? Alabama? lol

I've done this in MN, IL and DC. In DC the cop that pulled me over was at the hearing, I was shook. I'm not talking about going to court to dispute the ticket, cause I know if they have to set a court date and use court resources they are gonna take you for every penny. I'm talking about scheduling an appointment with a hearing officer. Usually it will have a number in fine print on the ticket that you call to do this. Otherwise look it up on ur local .gov
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