Got a college degree and a job, but still feel cheated?

What the hell is wrong with us?

If I was born yesterday and came in here and read this thread it's like the meaning of life would be defined by getting a salary worth 100k+

I mean I can sit here and take the high road and act like I don't have some love for money and possessions like everybody else...but the problem is college isn't getting people jobs because it's reinforcing the 100k standard that all of us are constantly worshiping.

Let's start getting creative here people. College is about researching the BIGGER picture not just getting your little engineering degree in hope of one day making 100k.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

What the hell is wrong with us?

If I was born yesterday and came in here and read this thread it's like the meaning of life would be defined by getting a salary worth 100k+

I mean I can sit here and take the high road and act like I don't have some love for money and possessions like everybody else...but the problem is college isn't getting people jobs because it's reinforcing the 100k standard that all of us are constantly worshiping.

Let's start getting creative here people. College is about researching the BIGGER picture not just getting your little engineering degree in hope of one day making 100k.
The vast majority of people that I know from my university are there to because it is a means to an end with that end being a job and money. My school has the highest amount of students that complete an internship before they graduate and why else would people participate in an internship? To build connections/experience for future jobs, not because they are "researching the bigger picture." People want that position when they graduate or the resume builder because just about everything around here (DC) requires at least a 4 year degree + some experience or a masters + some experience. I agree that college would be better if people could focus on "researching the bigger picture" but college today is what it is.
Originally Posted by PassMeTheSoySauce

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by PassMeTheSoySauce

I graduated with a Kinesiology degree back in '09 and now I'm a fitness center manager making 35K/year. I'm 23 and I am desparate to leave my current job. It is so depressing everyday hearing complaints from gym members. I dread going to work everyday. I am on craigslist everyday trying to apply for different jobs in the healthcare field. I have the intentions of going back to school for nursing but I am afraid I won't get into any schools because my GPA is not competitive enough and now I'm scrambling to find out what I should do if I'm not cut out for nursing school. At this point of my life I really want to make 60K/year. I would be satisfied with that for now. Anyone else out there who graduated with a Kinesiology degree and is wondering what to do and graduate school is not an option due to low GPA? I'm about to look into other fields. I feel ike the 4 years of schooling is a waste. I think money would make me happy. I'm sick of seeing my friends who drive bimmers and lexus and having a career at the age of 24 and I'm stuck at a dead end job.
Did you not think of all those things while you were earning that Kinesiology degree and getting below average grades. I not mean to be harsh but you spent 4 years of college coasting by and you did not think you would have to pay for it eventually? Dude you should really scratch it up as a lost and start fresh, go back to school and earn a second degree in Accounting.
accounting unless its from a known school = a degree in flipping burgers at Mikey D's

You are right. I won't listen to that man. He is both negative and wrong. My friend graduated with an Accounting degree and it took him a year to find an accounting job and he is only making 30K/year. He's my age.
My bad, I should have been more specific.Get an Accounting Degree and become a CPA. An accounting degree is put to waste if you don't take the CPA.

And I was not being negative, I was being honest, if people can't face the mistakes they made in past they will not change their habits. The dude did something he liked in college, not what would get him a job. Plus he got below average grades. Plain and simple, he wasted his time in school. You either do something you like and be great at it and accept that is going to take extra work/time to become financially successful , or do something to guarantee you make some money.
I think the work experience factor matters more than what you majored in. There are a lot of people who are doing jobs that have nothing to do with their major. I know a friend who majored in psych but is now doing IT bc most of his work experience/internships were in that field. And even myself, I majored in sociology but landed a job in HR due to my internship experiences. So the key is finding out what you have a passion in doing, getting experience in that field, build connections along the way, and then hopefully you will get what you want at the end.
Getting a CPA is hard lol. People say this stuff like ya know... its easy here is what you do

Go to a good 4 year school
Graduate with an accounting degree
Sit for the CPA....PASS
Take your CPA to a big firm and get a really good job.

Get rich and your done gg life.

If you think your bored with your job now try being an accountant....i have a degree in finance and accounting and id rather take less pay doing finance (like i do) then do accounting.
--I know at least 4 or 5 people that graduated from University and still work the jobs they were workin while they were in school.
--Have a friend that graduated from UTI back in '07 from the BMW mechanic program and dude found work twice, got laid off twice. Still lookin for steady work.

--Im still in school but I been gettin nice, steady paychecks from Tmobile for about 6 years now.
I should really clarify what a "low GPA" means to ME. I received a 2.85 cummaltive GPA from my undergraduate. Even though it is not a strong GPA I would not say it is below average. Most accelerated nursing programs require a 3.0 and above and that is why I'm somewhat in a panic. I'll hear back from schools in October regarding their decision so wish me luck NT'ers! Hopefully being a male will increase my chances of getting accepted. If I don't get accepted then I will retake some courses(pre -requisites) to boost my GPA and apply again.
And the phrase "working for the weekend" really holds true
welp, just had sort of a break fall into my lap today ... let's see if i can get this internship with the government and start a career ... im a year out of college so i'll be rusty but a foot in the door is a foot in the door ... once i finish this $$!%@@%@ internship i'll b straight ...
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--I know at least 4 or 5 people that graduated from University and still work the jobs they were workin while they were in school.
--Have a friend that graduated from UTI back in '07 from the BMW mechanic program and dude found work twice, got laid off twice. Still lookin for steady work.

--Im still in school but I been gettin nice, steady paychecks from Tmobile for about 6 years now.

"No, a degree does not guarantee you anything...but remember that there are no guarantees either if you dont get a degree. "

I know im late but ive been reading this thread over the past day and this is the best quote imo
Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--I know at least 4 or 5 people that graduated from University and still work the jobs they were workin while they were in school.
--Have a friend that graduated from UTI back in '07 from the BMW mechanic program and dude found work twice, got laid off twice. Still lookin for steady work.

--Im still in school but I been gettin nice, steady paychecks from Tmobile for about 6 years now.

Tell me about it. I been laid off twice in 18 months. Oh well, collecting unemployment and playing FFXIII all day FTW. 
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

as long as i make 100K or more a year i will consider life a success
what if your life is miserable though...but you're making 100k, still a successful life?
Miserable + 100K >>>>>>>>>>>miserable + 50k.

Money doesn't equal happiness but it can contribute to the attainment of it. On the other hand, a lack of money severely limits your potential for happiness. Believe that.
That depends on what your definition of happiness is.  Is happiness defined by the acquisition of material goods?  A nicer car, a nicer house?  Is that what truly makes you happy?
When is enough, enough?

All I need to be happy is enough money to live comfortably, a car that gets me reliably from A to B, the occasional vacation, enough golf, and regular dome/sex.  I don't need a BMW or a 5 bedroom to be happy, a Corolla and a 2 bedroom would suit me just fine.

Happiness is what you make it. Even something as little as eating makes you happy, but if you can't afford food, how happy you gone be?
Originally Posted by swizzc

It's funny to be on the other side of the coin in this discussion.

I guess I'm one of the "lucky" kids who graduated college and had a job locked up going into my senior year that will be paying me close to 100k this year, and over the 100k mark for the next two.

Let me tell you, 100k means NOTHING. Here are a few reasons why:

1. I don't even own a car. Even if I did own a car, I wouldn't have anywhere to drive it from Mon-Sat because I work roughly 12-15 hrs a day. So i guess I could "stunt" on my way too and from work, but I'd rather take the bus for free with my expired student ID from college.

2. I am paying off 60k in student loans that I currently have. My family didn't qualify for financial aid because both of my parents make a decent amount of money, but I did not want to stick them with a 120k+ college tuition bill. I consider this the LEAST I could do for them after all the sacrifices they made to help me throughout my life, so that is where a good amount of my paycheck goes every two weeks. Not exactly "ballin".

3. You want to make > 100k? Get ready to bust your +$*. When i say "work 12-15 hrs a day" I'm not talking about just physically being at work. I'm talking about actually using your mind to find solutions to tough problems, taking responsibility for your work, being stressed out over deadlines constantly, being ON CALL at any hour of the night to be able to complete an assignment. You know why companies give you a blackberry/iphone when you start? It's not so you can browse NT on the job or hit up your buddies to party on a Thursday night. It's so you have no excuse for EVER missing a work related call/email. I've had more than a few times when I've been out to dinner with friends/my girlfriend on a Friday/Sat night where my manager has called me and said "Get your +$* to the office right now and don't plan on going anywhere for the next 24 hours". Do you want to live like that?

Sure, making 90, 100, 110k is nice right out of college, but there are MANY sacrafices you have to make (i.e. not have a life whatsoever) when you are at that level. The reasoning? Well there would be someone else who would KILL to be in your shoes, so shut up, stop complaining, and work your +$* off.

I am not happy when I receive my paychecks. I'm not happy when I'm at work (which is a lot of my waking hours). I've come to find happiness in good discussions with old friends, books, my girlfriend, working out, and throwing back a few beers every now and then because these are simple things that I have SOME control over that I can actually enjoy. The rest of my life is pretty much out of my hands at this point. And you know whats funny? You don't have to be making 100k to enjoy ANY of those activities I just listed.

Just wanted to give you guys something to think about from the other side of the coin in this discussion..

If you don't mind me asking, what is it exactly that you do?
Originally Posted by s1eepyboy

Damn at swizzc...
i wait and pray for the day i am able to do that. granted, it sounds like it really sucks, but at least i made it to a point where my hard work has paid off. i would hate to be in the perpetual dead end job, with the perpetual dead end pay check years from now.
Originally Posted by bogusreality

Originally Posted by s1eepyboy

Damn at swizzc...
i wait and pray for the day i am able to do that. granted, it sounds like it really sucks, but at least i made it to a point where my hard work has paid off. i would hate to be in the perpetual dead end job, with the perpetual dead end pay check years from now.
money is that serious?

you can't wait til you have no life and are a slave?

i feel bad for you.
Originally Posted by AG 47

swizzc said:
It's funny to be on the other side of the coin in this discussion.

I guess I'm one of the "lucky" kids who graduated college and had a job locked up going into my senior year that will be paying me close to 100k this year, and over the 100k mark for the next two.

Let me tell you, 100k means NOTHING. Here are a few reasons why:

1. I don't even own a car. Even if I did own a car, I wouldn't have anywhere to drive it from Mon-Sat because I work roughly 12-15 hrs a day. So i guess I could "stunt" on my way too and from work, but I'd rather take the bus for free with my expired student ID from college.

2. I am paying off 60k in student loans that I currently have. My family didn't qualify for financial aid because both of my parents make a decent amount of money, but I did not want to stick them with a 120k+ college tuition bill. I consider this the LEAST I could do for them after all the sacrifices they made to help me throughout my life, so that is where a good amount of my paycheck goes every two weeks. Not exactly "ballin".

3. You want to make > 100k? Get ready to bust your +$*. When i say "work 12-15 hrs a day" I'm not talking about just physically being at work. I'm talking about actually using your mind to find solutions to tough problems, taking responsibility for your work, being stressed out over deadlines constantly, being ON CALL at any hour of the night to be able to complete an assignment. You know why companies give you a blackberry/iphone when you start? It's not so you can browse NT on the job or hit up your buddies to party on a Thursday night. It's so you have no excuse for EVER missing a work related call/email. I've had more than a few times when I've been out to dinner with friends/my girlfriend on a Friday/Sat night where my manager has called me and said "Get your +$* to the office right now and don't plan on going anywhere for the next 24 hours". Do you want to live like that?

Sure, making 90, 100, 110k is nice right out of college, but there are MANY sacrafices you have to make (i.e. not have a life whatsoever) when you are at that level. The reasoning? Well there would be someone else who would KILL to be in your shoes, so shut up, stop complaining, and work your +$* off.

I am not happy when I receive my paychecks. I'm not happy when I'm at work (which is a lot of my waking hours). I've come to find happiness in good discussions with old friends, books, my girlfriend, working out, and throwing back a few beers every now and then because these are simple things that I have SOME control over that I can actually enjoy. The rest of my life is pretty much out of my hands at this point. And you know whats funny? You don't have to be making 100k to enjoy ANY of those activities I just listed.

Just wanted to give you guys something to think about from the other side of the coin in this discussion..

If you don't mind me asking, what is it exactly that you do?

Sounds like he's an I Banker.
Any1 wanna throw me some advice?
Graduated in 2009 with a Pysch degree 
 from an accredited school - minored in finance - I have a crappy GPA (3.31) - and my resume has big names on it with basic office assistant bullshif roles on it

Did this because I want to become a corp. lawyer - and now I'm unemployed temping from job to job while studying for GMATS (to get MBA) and LSATS (to get JD) - which seem to get harder and harder everyday

Im depressed - sad - so regretful because I have no job - Can any1 make me feel any better about myself because I'm at an all time low.

Im terrified I will never be employed again and that my hard work (and yes it was hard) - will never pay off. Did I screw myself over?
Originally Posted by bkzkurse

Any1 wanna throw me some advice?
Graduated in 2009 with a Pysch degree 
 from an accredited school - minored in finance - I have a crappy GPA (3.31) - and my resume has big names on it with basic office assistant bullshif roles on it

Did this because I want to become a corp. lawyer - and now I'm unemployed temping from job to job while studying for GMATS (to get MBA) and LSATS (to get JD) - which seem to get harder and harder everyday

Im depressed - sad - so regretful because I have no job - Can any1 make me feel any better about myself because I'm at an all time low.

Im terrified I will never be employed again and that my hard work (and yes it was hard) - will never pay off. Did I screw myself over?

Relax man. You don't have a crappy GPA... So do you want a full time job now or want to focus on grad school? If the former, have you looked into careers in Human Resources? High School teaching? Teach for America? You'll be fine... no need to stress. 
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Anyone with me? I know times are tough, but honestly I'm tired of hearing about how the times are. What that got to do with me? I've slaved for four years, so I could have it easier in the world, but still I have a %@%+%+ job making %@%+%+ pay (Security Officer; $13.25). I didn't get into grad. school, now I'm wondering this can't be life. There's gotta be more.

I'm not sure if this is more of a lack of happiness post, stuck with a perpetual dark cloud over one's head, or an I should be making way more money post, but it's somewhere along the spectrum. Ehh.

But, I still have the facility of my limbs, my health, shelter, food, water...yet, something's missing.

Who's with me?

First off what did you get your degree in? Secondly, why didn't you get into grad school? Doesn't seem like you were slaving for 4 years if you couldn't get into grad school. Lastly, of course your feeling like that LOL. You have no accomplishments. You need a better CAREER, a wife, kids, a house, a hobby that defines you, etc... That's life man. Do something with yourself and stop whining. 

swizzc said:
And you know whats funny? You don't have to be making 100k to enjoy ANY of those activities I just listed.

Because people take for granted all these things when it is available at any moment. They want to live a lifestyle with no responsibility. They want to live with all this money for cars, girls, etc. and don't realize that they won't have the time of day to enjoy the money they are making.
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