Got jury duty tomorrow. What to expect?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

In here now. Been here since 7:45. Siced that I got an outlet. There were like 30 people in here before me and nobody got the outlet? Pleasant surprise. 

Look at you DC, gravediggin' and all. You go on with your bad self plehboi!
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

In here now. Been here since 7:45. Siced that I got an outlet. There were like 30 people in here before me and nobody got the outlet? Pleasant surprise. 

Look at you DC, gravediggin' and all. You go on with your bad self plehboi!
I got called in last summer. Sat in a room with about 15 people for around 2 hours,read a magazine and then everyone got dismissed.
I got called in last summer. Sat in a room with about 15 people for around 2 hours,read a magazine and then everyone got dismissed.
Never been a juror, I always request to postpone.
Hopefully I never have to serve.
Never been a juror, I always request to postpone.
Hopefully I never have to serve.
Jury duty has the same anxiety as a 'long' flight. It gets boring, but more so it becomes fearful especially if you are involved w/ a very long case. I was in one of these. Basically, prior to this, you would be asked to fill out a questionaire to serve as a potential juror. After that, you'll get another letter to summon to court w/ a pool of others.

You fill out your information and all that and eventually head into the room where you're basically being screened by the plaintiff and defendant. I believe, they pick 6 or 12 (depending) as well as some alternates.

Man, I was one of the fews to NOT GET PICKED. It was down to 3-4 people and they did the whole wheel spinning thing where they draw your name. Luckily, they were able to fill it w/o picking me. I felt so good that day.
Jury duty has the same anxiety as a 'long' flight. It gets boring, but more so it becomes fearful especially if you are involved w/ a very long case. I was in one of these. Basically, prior to this, you would be asked to fill out a questionaire to serve as a potential juror. After that, you'll get another letter to summon to court w/ a pool of others.

You fill out your information and all that and eventually head into the room where you're basically being screened by the plaintiff and defendant. I believe, they pick 6 or 12 (depending) as well as some alternates.

Man, I was one of the fews to NOT GET PICKED. It was down to 3-4 people and they did the whole wheel spinning thing where they draw your name. Luckily, they were able to fill it w/o picking me. I felt so good that day.
Been a juror a couple times... not sure why I keep getting chosen?  
What to expect?  Tons of potential females whom are also sitting around looking bored. 
Been a juror a couple times... not sure why I keep getting chosen?  
What to expect?  Tons of potential females whom are also sitting around looking bored. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Been a juror a couple times... not sure why I keep getting chosen?  
What to expect?  Tons of potential females whom are also sitting around looking bored. 

Not really much here to be honest.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Been a juror a couple times... not sure why I keep getting chosen?  
What to expect?  Tons of potential females whom are also sitting around looking bored. 

Not really much here to be honest.
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