Bros this GMAT + crazy projects at work got the kid so skressed out right now. GMAT is making me think more and ore that its just another American scam, that this can dictate getting into school yet has nothing to do with any course work or anything career related.
Any tips to study for the GRE?

this^ I'm afraid of taking them. I was told if you didn't take at least 2 years of math in college you won't do well. Because of my major, I didn't take many math courses, hell I only took one "math" course and it was statistics. :smh:
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I took both the GRE and GMAT (each for one of my master's program), and neither of them were easy.

Calculators were not allowed. Questions were not exactly hard, but tests your thought process. You can't spend that much time per question either, that's the catch.

A question would be: what is 12 x 169? With a calculator, it would be a breeze, but requires some fast thinking without. You need to recognize that 12 is 2 x 6 or 3 x 4, and 169 is 13 x 13 and be able to multiply at a smaller scale to get the answer quickly.

This may have changed since it's been several years since I've taken those tests.
I took both the GRE and GMAT (each for one of my master's program), and neither of them were easy.

Calculators were not allowed. Questions were not exactly hard, but tests your thought process. You can't spend that much time per question either, that's the catch.

A question would be: what is 12 x 169? With a calculator, it would be a breeze, but requires some fast thinking without. You need to recognize that 12 is 2 x 6 or 3 x 4, and 169 is 13 x 13 and be able to multiply at a smaller scale to get the answer quickly.

This may have changed since it's been several years since I've taken those tests.

Lol that'd an easy question though none of this GMAT stuff is straight forward like that
Lol that'd an easy question though none of this GMAT stuff is straight forward like that
Easy question..yes, but still requires thinking. If the numbers were bigger, can you find the answer under a minute? I didn't take any prep stuff. I just spent the summer dedicated to studying by myself, pretty much 9-5 at Starbucks. I like math and it's natural for me so I did well on that part for both exams. I don't recall if this was on the GMAT or GRE, but there was an English section that requires you to memorize obscure words that no one uses, that part I thought was pointless and did less than sub par on.
^ I think that's GRE.

Yea gotta be GRE thus that being a question most wouldn't need to study for buy more so finding short cuts to answer the problem quicker and more efficient. GMAT is a whole diff beast from what I see, a totally unnecessary and useless beast at that.
The GRE was something else. I am not a fan of standardized testing at all. I did take a Kaplan prep course. Without it, I would have done horrible. In the end, I focused too much on quantitative reasoning that my verbal sections suffered. The actual math in the quantitative section is quite simple, nothing past 10th grade math. It is the way they frame, that gets you in the end. The actual test has a calculator in the program (I don't know if I'm saying this right), but it's a useless due to the amount of time needed to use it.
Yeah... I heard a lot of different opinions about it too.. pros and cons, but I figured if I can get through this everything else I would have to study would be easier. Its ironic that u say that ur going to IB and pe, the next chapter is on private valuatiins and the book after this is on private equity mainly vc's and lbo's though.
I'm sure that cfa will help though...

I'm hoping to take a different route ...

I've linked up with a consultant that does mergers and acquisitions for mid to small level companies. Its mainly a side gig. His full time income flow is being the cfo of a dairy distribution companies.

Famb is sharp.

I'm hoping this consulting experience combined with analyst experience will help me make the transition easier.

An analyst or even aim a little higher for an associaterole...

Or skip iit completely and go straight to a private equity firm or hedge fund firm...
3.75 GPA after my first year... not bad coming from a marketing degree and a 2.53... :pimp:
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Good **** DC.

All A's again. 15 hours in, with 36 to go and the internship this summer I am following my 2 year plan exactly how I planned it last August when I started grad.

This semester writing a tutorial on how to navigate an integrated library system was the toughest, along with having to write a grant.

But I'm focused.
I took the GRE last year and got a decent score- I think the key really is to just do problems, and REALLY understand how to do the ones you don't get correct.
The verbal side of the GRE is more difficult, but it also could be easier to get a higher percentile.

I'm taking the GMAT later this summer so I've just started preparing for it. From first impressions, GMAT verbal isn't harder than GRE, but the quantitative section is something else. It's definitely tougher than the GRE math section.

My goal's to get into a top 20 business school (hopefully top 10-15)...will be busting my butt off with the GMAT and apps for the rest of the year haha
Been thinking about going back to school, preferably my alma mater, and I wanted to know if its possible for someone with no CS/IT background to get acclimated with the subject matter at a graduate level? I want to go to the Communications school but I wasn't the best student in undergrad and that school is very competitive to get in to.
This thread is dope.  I graduate from undergrad on the 30th this month. I def want to go to Grad school but I'm personally over school :lol: I think it's more so the fact that I've been going to school non stop since I was a child and I'm just ready to start my career.  I want to take a year or two off and just focus on working and going from there, but idk...the price of going to school is ridic.

Basically I'm indecisive on when I should attempt to go back. People tell me I shouldn't take a break and keep going but right now that's just not possible.
This thread is dope.  I graduate from undergrad on the 30th this month. I def want to go to Grad school but I'm personally over school :lol: I think it's more so the fact that I've been going to school non stop since I was a child and I'm just ready to start my career.  I want to take a year or two off and just focus on working and going from there, but idk...the price of going to school is ridic. :smh:

Basically I'm indecisive on when I should attempt to go back. People tell me I shouldn't take a break and keep going but right now that's just not possible.
what are you trying to pursue?
don't take a break, get your masters now while youre still motivated. Once checks start rollin in youre done.
Can anyone school me on the GRE?

Just graduated last week, looking to get an MPA and then go to law school after that. What am I looking forward to when taking the GRE? Is it ridiculously difficult?
Just graduated with a B.S. in Pharmacology and Toxicology.

Rejected to 3 top pharmacy doctorate programs, waitlisted to one (still waiting). I'm banking my life on this decision. If i dont get in, FML. No idea what I'm gonna do with this degree :smh: :smh:

Completely messed up this last semester too. Life is really not looking good right now.
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