First interview for a OT program... Any tips?
if youre a guy you have very good chances of getting in already 
I finished undergrad with a 2.59 GPA sucks I know but I slacked off my early years. Luckily I'm in a position to where I can go back to school for free. Should I pursue a second bachelors to raise my GPA...what are my options?
You want to go in person or online? A lot of schools will flat hang up on you, can tell you from experience, but mine wasn't even as good as yours at a 2.17. Others will tell you to apply anyways and try to strengthen your application with a good statement of purpose, resume, LORS, GRE/GMAT score, and leave up to admissions to decide but personally I am not wasting my money if the enrollment advisor I work with isn't fully confident I would be accepted. You can find some diamond in the rough colleges with high acceptance rates, but if you are going brick and mortar you'll obviously be limited geographically. Google the best degrees for whatever your major is, and are all very useful resources.
I finished undergrad with a 2.59 GPA sucks I know but I slacked off my early years. Luckily I'm in a position to where I can go back to school for free. Should I pursue a second bachelors to raise my GPA...what are my options?

You should check with your undergrad university, but my understanding is once you graduate that transcript is closed and that's all she wrote with regard to undergrad.

What type of grad programs are you considering ?
Appreciate it. I'm doing antibiotic drug design using natural products. We found a bacteria that makes an antibiotic to kill off competing bacteria. Works well even against MRSA.

Tell me more please...

have you looked at coconut oil and cbd oil...
Never thought I'd find myself in this thread. I'm graduating this May and am looking to apply for an Ed.M program for fall 2017. I absolutely loathe standardized testing but I'm already gearing to go ham with the daily reviews.

Looking through these last couple of pages I have magoosh on my radar, but I'm looking for more resources/tips towards this transitional process. Crazy how time flies and I hope to join some of you in earning an advanced degree.
We haven't investigated coconut oil. The bacteria we are using is Streptococcus mutans, and it makes an antibiotic named mutacin 1140 that kills off other bacteria. We are using it in combination with other known drugs to see synergy, which would allow us to have new therapies using old drugs that don't work as well anymore due to resistance.
Does MBA talk count here?
Absolutely. What's on your mind? I'm going to a T15 this year. 

Mind if u post your stats? Such as what ur doing premba, gmat scores, etc. Also, can u describe what u were doing during the gmat process? Did u take any visits? Anything u wish u would have done differently? And just anything related to bschool u would like to talk about. Im about to apply this Fall and I can pm u if anything is too personal.
You want to go in person or online? A lot of schools will flat hang up on you, can tell you from experience, but mine wasn't even as good as yours at a 2.17. Others will tell you to apply anyways and try to strengthen your application with a good statement of purpose, resume, LORS, GRE/GMAT score, and leave up to admissions to decide but personally I am not wasting my money if the enrollment advisor I work with isn't fully confident I would be accepted. You can find some diamond in the rough colleges with high acceptance rates, but if you are going brick and mortar you'll obviously be limited geographically. Google the best degrees for whatever your major is, and are all very useful resources.

I'm right there with you man, graduating with a 2.6 next week. ****** around way more than I should have but can't change that now. Idk if grad school is in my future but I can't imagine many schools would even consider me
I'm interested if anyone on NT has gone to a school's GSE?

I'm specifically looking into educational policy & leadership but all experiences regarding graduate school in the education field are welcomed. Def shoot me a PM!!!
You want to go in person or online? A lot of schools will flat hang up on you, can tell you from experience, but mine wasn't even as good as yours at a 2.17. Others will tell you to apply anyways and try to strengthen your application with a good statement of purpose, resume, LORS, GRE/GMAT score, and leave up to admissions to decide but personally I am not wasting my money if the enrollment advisor I work with isn't fully confident I would be accepted. You can find some diamond in the rough colleges with high acceptance rates, but if you are going brick and mortar you'll obviously be limited geographically. Google the best degrees for whatever your major is, and are all very useful resources.

I'm right there with you man, graduating with a 2.6 next week. ****** around way more than I should have but can't change that now. Idk if grad school is in my future but I can't imagine many schools would even consider me

Don't feel discouraged bro. there are plenty, and not just ****** no name schools but top 100 ranked. PM me and I'll give you some links and information. If you are ni AZ, go to and get in touch with a rep for whatever department and tell them you are considering it. They'll fly/bus you out there and treat you like Andrew Wiggins for a day.

Anyone here go to a lesser known school? National University in California has a 1yr accelerated program. I don't even know if I'm bout that life, but I could force it for 1 yr maybe. Month long classes x 12.

I haven't gotten any official acceptances because I haven't completely finished the application process anywhere, but I got tentative acceptances pending me getting them all the ****. I am still all over the place dealing with like 6 schools. I need to pick 1 and just focus on them and get my transcripts and **** in
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