Graffiti appreciation/unappreciation?



That usual suspects piece is dope. I'm assuming each is a mural of them self holding their own style. Would be sick if that's their actual height aswell.
I love the types like what monday night posted, but i hate where it just becomes a big mess of tags and it looks dirty like nyc 80s.

Honestly, when I get my own studio, I want a graffiti artist to decorate my walls. It takes a lot of skill to creat murals like that. It's beautiful imo.Idont have to skill, but I appreciate the art they create.

On the other hand, weak scribbles that take a few seconds is unappreciated.

I love seeing run down buildings completely covered in graffiti to see the styles that develop, and how that environment changes with each artist that rollsthrough. Eventually it will be knocked down, but it makes people stop and look.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

horrible, not appreciated, and those dirtbags should be arrested

if its done on a legal wall its awesome, but until you own your own property and paint it and watch it get tagged 2 days later, you dont know how it feels
Yes. There's this new restaurant/bakery opening next to the gym, in a upper middle class at it. They had the side walls painted with muralsand such, took about a week to finish it. One morning someone(s) tagged all over it. If I had the power, I'd make it a law to shoot these dudes on siteASAP.
Originally Posted by nocomment6

If it's nice and has a little bit of art in it then yes, they look good. But if it's just a tag or scrabbling, then they should lock down whoever ruined the wall.
I appreciate graffiti and participate. Graffiti is pretty self regulating, if a toy busts over a mural on a church or on a house/car it's usually frownedon and in extreme cases you'd catch a beating. started in high school and never really stopped, kept meeting better writers that made me want to pushmyself to be better. I've been hitting a lot of trains and freeways lately though.
I love all kinds. Throwups, tags and pieces. All of it is art to me. It's more about the act of doing it...the rush and then seeing tHe result.
Really appreciated
. I use to graff but stopped haven'twent out bombin for like almost 2 years it sucks cuz I was gettin good too. My views haven't really changed on it I still love it jus don't thinkit's worth gettin locked up for. My friends still do and always try to get me to go but jus can't do it. As for writin on houses and stuff I never did,jus kept it on freeway walls and yards it all depends on the writer most that do are little kids and toys. Its funny how graffiti is the black sheep of hiphopit never gets respect people forget about the elements
.I think I'll pop in Style Wars right now....
those are crazy

but yeah, as long as its legal, its all good

i took a graffiti class that was sponsored by the city awhile back. free admittance, free food and free supplies. dont get me wrong, i stunk at it but theinstructors were $@@!%*% crazy

it was funny because there was some chinese store next door that had all these poorly done tags on its walls and if you look around the corner there is like 30kids writing all over the place

wonder what they were thinking when they saw us
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