
Originally Posted by HanSolo23

Where the hell do you ppl live? Must be city slickers, I live in south carolina and there's a grave yard on 20 percent of this state. You won't see that much in a city.
Queens actually has a bunch of cemetaries
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by HanSolo23

Where the hell do you ppl live? Must be city slickers, I live in south carolina and there's a grave yard on 20 percent of this state. You won't see that much in a city.
Queens actually has a bunch of cemetaries
i live literally a walk away from the cemetary
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by HanSolo23

Where the hell do you ppl live? Must be city slickers, I live in south carolina and there's a grave yard on 20 percent of this state. You won't see that much in a city.
Queens actually has a bunch of cemetaries
i live literally a walk away from the cemetary
Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by SINce1987

come on op, everyone knows that they blast old corpses into space.. duh!
 Why cant we have like casket bunk beds, where you dig 12 ft and put one in..... then another at 6 ft.
Because when zombies come up out the ground, there needs to be equal opportunity for all zombies. It wouldnt be fair for those who are under another casket to have to dig through that too.
Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by SINce1987

come on op, everyone knows that they blast old corpses into space.. duh!
 Why cant we have like casket bunk beds, where you dig 12 ft and put one in..... then another at 6 ft.
Because when zombies come up out the ground, there needs to be equal opportunity for all zombies. It wouldnt be fair for those who are under another casket to have to dig through that too.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by SINce1987

come on op, everyone knows that they blast old corpses into space.. duh!
 Why cant we have like casket bunk beds, where you dig 12 ft and put one in..... then another at 6 ft.
Because when zombies come up out the ground, there needs to be equal opportunity for all zombies. It wouldnt be fair for those who are under another casket to have to dig through that too.
im sayin, how is that an even sprint for the dude 12Ft down, like hes gotta dig up an extra 6ft and be expected to chase someone down? 
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by SINce1987

come on op, everyone knows that they blast old corpses into space.. duh!
 Why cant we have like casket bunk beds, where you dig 12 ft and put one in..... then another at 6 ft.
Because when zombies come up out the ground, there needs to be equal opportunity for all zombies. It wouldnt be fair for those who are under another casket to have to dig through that too.
im sayin, how is that an even sprint for the dude 12Ft down, like hes gotta dig up an extra 6ft and be expected to chase someone down? 
Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by SINce1987

come on op, everyone knows that they blast old corpses into space.. duh!
 Why cant we have like casket bunk beds, where you dig 12 ft and put one in..... then another at 6 ft.
This is actually very common nowadys. Usually two sometimes three people get buried on top of each other.
When you reserve a plot in a cemetery you can select how many people you want buried there.
Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by SINce1987

come on op, everyone knows that they blast old corpses into space.. duh!
 Why cant we have like casket bunk beds, where you dig 12 ft and put one in..... then another at 6 ft.
This is actually very common nowadys. Usually two sometimes three people get buried on top of each other.
When you reserve a plot in a cemetery you can select how many people you want buried there.
Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by SINce1987

come on op, everyone knows that they blast old corpses into space.. duh!
 Why cant we have like casket bunk beds, where you dig 12 ft and put one in..... then another at 6 ft.
This is actually very common nowadys. Usually two sometimes three people get buried on top of each other.
When you reserve a plot in a cemetery you can select how many people you want buried there.
Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by SINce1987

come on op, everyone knows that they blast old corpses into space.. duh!
 Why cant we have like casket bunk beds, where you dig 12 ft and put one in..... then another at 6 ft.
This is actually very common nowadys. Usually two sometimes three people get buried on top of each other.
When you reserve a plot in a cemetery you can select how many people you want buried there.
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