Green New Deal proposes to get rid of air travel, replaced by high speed rail?

This proposes to "get rid" of air travel the same way the advent of the automobile "got rid" of horses

yeah.. except all that happened without government intervention.

da story of Henry Ford is a great one, same with da Dodge Brothers, Walter Chrysler, etc.
Point being that eliminating the necessity of air travel is not the same as eliminating air travel completely (as the thread title insinuates)
Point being that eliminating the necessity of air travel is not the same as eliminating air travel completely (as the thread title insinuates)

if da goal is net carbon put, its splitsville for da internal combustion engine that means no air travel/extremely rare& expensive air travel.
Green New Deal: Build Enough ‘High-Speed Rail‘ to Make Air Travel Unnecessary
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By Caroline Biscotti on February 7, 2019

An outline of the “Green New Deal” shows progressive Democrats hope to expand high-speed rail transportation across the United States to “a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary.”
The proposal — championed by freshman congresswoman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) — calls for the federal government to tackle “climate change” and “systemic injustice” by eliminating “pollution and greenhouse gas emissions” to meet “100 percent of the power demand” through “clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.”

The plan outlines 14 different proposed “infrastructure and industrial” projects to meet its objective to “totally overhaul” transportation in the U.S.

“Every project strives to remove greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from every sector of our economy” by “massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary,” the reads.

It also calls for the government to “create affordable public transit available to all, with [the] goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle.”
Speaking at a press conference Thursday, Markey the proposal “the greatest blue-collar job creation program in a generation,” before adding “Our energy future will not be found in the dark of a mine, but in the light of the sun.”

The proposal’s unveiling came after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) released a list of the eight Democrats who will serve on a select climate change committee.

Ocasio-Cortez was not chosen for the panel in what is widely regarded as a snub. On Wednesday, Pelosi threw shade on the Green New Deal, noting that despite the plan’s sparseness on details, numerous Democrats have said they support it.

“It will be one of several or maybe many suggestions that we receive,” Pelosi Politico on whether the climate change panel will write legislation around the Green New Deal. “The green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they’re for it, right?”

:lol: broad buggin.

Why does this matter to you? You dont leave your corner
yeah.. except all that happened without government intervention.

da story of Henry Ford is a great one, same with da Dodge Brothers, Walter Chrysler, etc.

Neverminding the war effort that gave them evonecon prosperity? US not being involved til as late as possible but selling supplies to both sides?
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Bro you’re just deathly afraid of change and the world moving past your archaic ideals.

:lol: archaic? we're da lone superpower.

99% of da world ain't even on our level...da hell you talking about?

petroleum is da lifeblood of an economy, you can't fly or have cheap commerce without abundant cheap energy.
Your ideals are archaic. You’re more concerned with gas guzzling vehicles and saving da coal industry than actually creating new economic pathways that will carry us over as a superpower in the future. Keep sitting here wanting things to stay the same while the world around you grows and becomes a leader in new avenues that you keep fighting.
‘It's crazy. It's loony.’ — Republicans giddy as Democrats champion Green New Deal

Republicans hope their opponents may drift so far to the left that they will be more vulnerable in 2020.


02/09/2019 06:40 AM EST


South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (right) has called for a vote on the Green New Deal, while Sen. John Barrasso (left) has said the progressive climate change plan is a "socialist manifesto." | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo

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  • tweeted Friday. “Americans deserve to see what kind of solutions far-left Democrats are offering to deal with climate change."

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) formally introduced their Green New Deal vision on Thursday, with a nonbinding resolution that is just 14 pages long (compared to the more than 1,400 pages in the cap-and-trade bill that passed in 2009). This leaves myriad details to be worked out before Democrats would have actual legislation ready to bring to the House floor.

    Still, the resolution is more ambitious than any climate proposal previously floated on Capitol Hill: It calls for a 10-year “national mobilization” to move the U.S. economy off fossil fuels, provide health care for all, increase wages and expand union rights through a massive federal stimulus. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has indicated she has no immediate plans to bring the resolution up for a vote.

    Several high-profile presidential candidates have already co-sponsored the resolution, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).

    Republicans quickly bashed the concept as technologically impossible, unimaginably costly and a “socialist fever dream” that they said would ultimately cost Democrats moderate seats across the country.

    “I think this will be a piñata that Republicans will continue to hit and use to their advantage in the 2020 elections. It’s a policy piñata,” said Ron Bonjean, a Republican strategist.

    Ocasio-Cortez says Democrats should not fear the coming GOP attacks.

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    "We have tried their approach for 40 years. For 40 years we have tried to let the private sector take care of this. They said, ‘We got this, we can do this, the forces of the market are going to force us to innovate,’" she told NPR on Thursday. "Except for the fact that there’s a little thing in economics called externalities. And what that means is that a corporation can dump pollution in the river and they don’t have to pay, but taxpayers have to pay.”

    Other Democrats say they are not giving up on the chance for bipartisanship.

    “Who knows what they’re cooking up on their side?” asked Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), a Green New Deal backer. “But I think we have some Republicans that have evolved on this issue and potentially even some partners in moving bipartisan things forward.”

    Meanwhile, polls have shown growing acceptance of the link between greenhouse gas emissions and climate change — even among Republicans. Monmouth University polling from November 2018, for example, found 64 percent of Republicans now believe the science, up 15 percent from just three years prior. That same study found 51 percent of GOP voters supported the government doing more to address the causes of climate change.

    Conservative Republicans, such as Environment Chairman John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), are denouncing it as a "socialist manifesto." More moderate Republicans are avoiding that rhetoric, but say they would prefer more immediate — if incremental — advancements in innovation, boosting clean manufacturing, infrastructure projects and improving soil quality for farmers.

    “I think everyone on our side would say that the Green New Deal is a little bit much,” Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), a senior Energy and Commerce Republican, told reporters.

    Others see early signs that the progressive faction may paint Pelosi into an unworkable position that could end up costing Democrats seats.

    “There’s this new wave of Democrats that make Pelosi look moderate and I never thought I’d see that day,” said Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.), the Energy and Commerce Committee's top-ranking Republican. “You see this Green New Deal rollout, you see Medicare for all rollout and you don’t see her buying into those proposals in any great embrace. I think it’s going to be important for the American people to understand the consequences of those proposals.”

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    Another Republican, Rep. Francis Rooney (Fla.) didn’t immediately discount the climate aims of the Green New Deal, but noted it had “big goals but there’s nothing of substance to figure out how to get there.” He favored technological innovation and a price on carbon to drive down emissions, like the bipartisan carbon fee legislation he’s offered.

    George David Banks, a former climate and international energy adviser to Trump, said the Democrats' proposal should not be dismissed out of hand, praising elements such as calls to address soil health or increase research and development.

    “If you’re pretty clear that a significant part of the Green New Deal isn’t based in political reality or economic reality but there is some common ground that would win the support of most Americans, I think that’s fine,” said Banks, who is now executive vice president of the American Council for Capital Formation.

    That tenor emerged in the run-up to Ocasio-Cortez and Markey unveiling their plan. Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee emphasized the need for research spending, noting they agreed with scientists that greenhouse gases from human activity were warming the planet.

    Given that a number of high-profile House Democrats have declined the co-sponsor the Green New Deal, such as Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone (N.J.) and Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Chairwoman Kathy Castor (Fla.), there appears to be enough of a political middle to strike bipartisan deals, said Rich Powell, executive director at ClearPath, who testified at the Energy and Commerce hearing.

    “It seems like a lot of folks are tacking toward a more moderate position on this,” said Powell, whose group advocates for research and development in emissions-reduction technology such as next-generation nuclear power and carbon capture, and sequestration for coal and natural gas power plants.

    The tone differed in the House Natural Resources Committee. Republicans downplayed climate change by pointing to warmer periods during the world’s long history. Scientists say combustion of greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuels and other sources has driven current levels of CO2 and average temperatures much higher than they normally would be given the planet’s position and angle relative to the sun.

    Industry and conservative groups are ready to give such sentiments backing. Many came out strong against the Green New Deal, demonstrating that Republican allies off the Hill will be keeping a close eye on how members position themselves.

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    “The Green New Deal is nothing more than the latest job-killing, socialist wish list from the radical left obsessed with climate change, Medicare-For-All, free college, and a total redistribution of wealth,” Club for Growth President David McIntosh said in a statement.


    • “The Green New Deal is nothing more than the latest job-killing, socialist wish list from the radical left obsessed with climate change, Medicare-For-All, free college, and a total redistribution of wealth,” Club for Growth President David McIntosh said in a statement.
So these "radicals" are obsessed with wanting to have a clean environment, affordable health care for everyone, free education to all and to tax the rich at a higher rate. Sounds like a pretty good society to live in if you ask me :lol:
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    • “The Green New Deal is nothing more than the latest job-killing, socialist wish list from the radical left obsessed with climate change, Medicare-For-All, free college, and a total redistribution of wealth,” Club for Growth President David McIntosh said in a statement.
So these "radicals" are obsessed with wanting to have a clean environment, affordable health for everyone, free education to all and to tax the rich at a higher rate. Sounds like a pretty good society to live in if you ask me :lol:

cool, who's paying for it?

    • “The Green New Deal is nothing more than the latest job-killing, socialist wish list from the radical left obsessed with climate change, Medicare-For-All, free college, and a total redistribution of wealth,” Club for Growth President David McIntosh said in a statement.
So these "radicals" are obsessed with wanting to have a clean environment, affordable health for everyone, free education to all and to tax the rich at a higher rate. Sounds like a pretty good society to live in if you ask me :lol:
People like ninja don't move the needle and never will, but will gladly benefit from those that do.
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In short, the Green New Deal would be a deficit financed expansion of federal bureaucratic power to dictate investment decisions in one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. Responding to the threat of climate change by growing the government and further centralizing energy market decisions puts at risk the free market economy that our nation has relied on for economic growth for more than two centuries.
Mega bus is about to be hurting.

These airlines need some competition anyways. They and getting worse by the week.
Every time i step into one of these threads it's about 90% right vs Left, & never about the actual REAL weaknesses or strengths of the actual proposal. Whatever is being asked is like a footnote in the scheme of dem vs rep beef :smh:

Yeah it’s getting old. Two party system is trash.
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