Green New Deal proposes to get rid of air travel, replaced by high speed rail?

Why "net zero"? The lawmakers explained: "We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren't sure that we'll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast."

At the time this story was published, the FAQ page with the phrase "farting cows" appeared to have been removed from Ocasio-Cortez's website. Fox News' John Roberts reported that the language was tweaked to "emissions from cows" in an update, which also appears to have been deleted.

yeah, whats da title of this thread again?
Excellent deflection from what I said.

"replace every combustion engine"

you think that would happen voluntarily? :lol:

go peep certain European countries banning da sale of new internal combustion engines.
Replace is not synonymous with ban.
Dude it wants to replace them in new vehicles.

You act like this is something new.

There is a reason semi trucks aren’t running 2 stroke v12 Detroit’s anymore and why cars have cats.

You can still drive them, you just can’t buy a new one.
It’s the way auto makers are going anyways. You just don’t like it because the snowflakes are saying it.

Most people will be driving electric vehicles in the future regardless of the laws snowflakes and deplorables pass.
Pretty much. I like cars too but I mean most new ones suck anyways.

I really couldn’t give a damn if my dd was an ev.

Keep the gtr or vette in the garage for the weekend.

Who cares what engine your Nissan Rogue or Ford Explorer has in it? It’s slow regardless.

I like internal combustion engines too but I’m not gonna act like they aren’t harmful.

You can’t be scared of the future, yeah a Chevy volt is wack af.

But could you imagine electric motors used to make something fast? They have no lag in power and very few moving parts to make them very reliable.
Excellent fear mongering. You have learned well from Fox News.

puhhhleezzzz, "democratic socialism" is a direct import from Europe. :lol:

dont blame me ol' girl trying to get rid of farting cows & airplane.
But could you imagine electric motors used to make something fast? They have no lag in power and very few moving parts to make them very reliable

battery power can't compete with gasoline still or else it wouldve over took it in da marketplace years ago.
The extraction process for the metals used in batteries and EV's is still very dirty, uses slave labor and harmful to the environment. The storage of renewable energy hasn't been solved yet.

EV's are still not a suitable replacement.
I also think politicians shouldn't be forcing this down .ppls throats and guilting the public into taking care of the environment. The damage these industries do is to blame and on a much larger scale. Individuals drastically changing their habits won't have much effect on the climate.

You see the folks with money planning for space.
Earth already a lost cause.
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