Greg Oden is trash thread...vol 1 man hacking machine

Jan 9, 2007
Why did this guy get so much hype? I've been following him since I read about him in SI when he was in high school and I've always thought he wasoverrated. Even in high school his coach used to force him to shoot the ball and he obviously doesnt have the personality or inner fire to be a dominantplayer.

He's been labeled the next great center and compared to Shaq, Russell, Ewing, Robinson, Duncan and Hakeem. IMO he's Erick Dampier 2.0. Yes, Dampier.Both were much bigger than everyone in college and went to the Final Four. I wouldnt say they led their teams (Donte Jones and Mike Conley were the bestplayers on the team) to the Final Four but they recieved all the hype. Oden and Dampier have the same demeanor on the court and always have a confused look ontheir faces.

I've seen nearly every Blazers game this season and its becoming more and more clear Oden will be a BUST. I know its not even the halfway point of hisrookie year, but this guy has no offensive moves, terrible footwork, a hacking machine and he has ZERO confidence.

Just image if Oden had OJ Mayo's confidence and desire to be great. I cant believe my team threw a parade for this bum as if he's was the next greatthing.
Sports fans have ZERO patience nowadays.
I agree with everything you said

Some live up to the expectations,others dont.... He wont
Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Sports fans have ZERO patience nowadays.

Says the Celts fan who team is only great because ya'll didnt win the 2007 lottery. If the Celts would've had the # 1 pick the trade for KG doesnthappen. So the whole city of Boston should be thankful the ping pong balls bounced the way they did.
Z-bo and Amare had microfracture surgery and both came back improved. They both developed mid range jumpshots after the surgery. Its not like its 1995 wherethe surgery and procedure were new and hadnt been perfected.

It doesnt even look like Oden watched any games while he was injured.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Sports fans have ZERO patience nowadays.

Says the Celts fan who team is only great because ya'll didnt win the 2007 lottery. If the Celts would've had the # 1 pick the trade for KG doesnt happen. So the whole city of Boston should be thankful the ping pong balls bounced the way they did.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Sports fans have ZERO patience nowadays.

Says the Celts fan who team is only great because ya'll didnt win the 2007 lottery. If the Celts would've had the # 1 pick the trade for KG doesnt happen. So the whole city of Boston should be thankful the ping pong balls bounced the way they did.
Ok? I don't get it. So are you saying you'd rather have Yi right now?
We said the same thing about Yao Ming.

Oden will be good, but not great. I hardly doubt the Blazers drafted him for any other reason to be a big body and play defense.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Z-bo and Amare had microfracture surgery and both came back improved. They both developed mid range jumpshots after the surgery. Its not like its 1995 where the surgery and procedure were new and hadnt been perfected.

It doesnt even look like Oden watched any games while he was injured.

Greg is coming off of Micro Fracture Surgery... You name dropped Amare... Do you remember how long it took Stat to come back after MF? Let Greg get a full yearin, the KID is only 20. His coach, Maurice Lucas, has been in the hospital the whole season and hasn't been able to coach him. People are so quick to jumpthe gun. I hope all of the haters keep on hating him so that when he is dominat, notice I said when and not if, that I can laugh at all of you.
Don't even worry about this dude...he's just mad that he was all pumped when the Blazers won the lottery and got Oden but since it has worked outbetter for teams that didn't win the lottery (Hawks, Celtics, etc.) he's salty
Dude is less than 2 months into what will likely(barring major injury) a decade+ career, be easy. Most people knew he would only be a rebounder and shotblocker/changer off the bat, those expecting more are crazy. Give dude some time to develop and let his skills catch up to his natural abilities before youcall him trash. Geez.
the op has a point. oden is just not very good and he has absolutely zero offensive moves and looks awkward with the basketball. you can say his job is torebound and play d but hes a #1 pick and should do a lot more than that or else hes just desagana diop.
Originally Posted by Joe McKnight Is BALLIN

the op has a point. oden is just not very good and he has absolutely zero offensive moves and looks awkward with the basketball. you can say his job is to rebound and play d but hes a #1 pick and should do a lot more than that or else hes just desagana diop.

People forget this dude is only 20 years old. Obviously, he's still going to have a lot left to learn..and because he's so young I expect him tofulfill the unfair expectations that everyone has put on him.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by Joe McKnight Is BALLIN

the op has a point. oden is just not very good and he has absolutely zero offensive moves and looks awkward with the basketball. you can say his job is to rebound and play d but hes a #1 pick and should do a lot more than that or else hes just desagana diop.

People forget this dude is only 20 years old. Obviously, he's still going to have a lot left to learn..and because he's so young I expect him to fulfill the unfair expectations that everyone has put on him.

look of course its early to say that hes a bust but from what hes displayed up to this point the guy needs a lot ofwork. his foot work is horrible and his offensive ability is extremely limited. the guy hasnt even shown the potential to be a decent player on the offensiveend up to this point. i would say if he doesnt improve significantly offensively in the next couple of years you can pretty much call him a bust.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Sports fans have ZERO patience nowadays.

Says the Celts fan who team is only great because ya'll didnt win the 2007 lottery. If the Celts would've had the # 1 pick the trade for KG doesnt happen. So the whole city of Boston should be thankful the ping pong balls bounced the way they did.
That is seriously some of the dumbest !!!$ I have read on here in a minute
I think that Oden gets more hate and criticism than he deserves given his age and experience, but there is one thing I agree with the OP about. From whatI've seen so far, I don't know that he has the temperment to be really great. Solid contributor, yes. Dominant force, probably not. But, if he canget to the point of averaging 12 - 15 points, 10 - 12 board and 2.5 blocks, I think that's all the Blazers will really need from him considering all theother talent they have.
OK. he's had microfracture surgery, he's only 20... but he shows NO FLASHES of being a good offensive player.

He was the # 1 pick in the draft and he's is just not good. last night he was outplayed by dampier and 2 nights earlier he had 5 fouls in 8 minutes.

what about his heart? you can't honestly tell me he looks like he desires to be great. He has no confidence.

When Shaq was a rookie he HATED david robinson. He wanted to prove to Ewing and Hakeem that he was better than them or just as good. Shaq had the desire to begreat. Oden just wants to be one of the guys.

Oden probably doesnt even have the games against the other top centers circled on his calendar. What did he do against Dwight in his first matchup? NOTHING!

What about the first time he played Shaq? He looked scared.

This kid is mentally fragile and was not worth the number one pick. Bogut and Okafor are much better than Oden at the same point in their careers. He has noskills.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

OK. he's had microfracture surgery, he's only 20... but he shows NO FLASHES of being a good offensive player.

He was the # 1 pick in the draft and he's is just not good. last night he was outplayed by dampier and 2 nights earlier he had 5 fouls in 8 minutes.

what about his heart? you can't honestly tell me he looks like he desires to be great. He has no confidence.

When Shaq was a rookie he HATED david robinson. He wanted to prove to Ewing and Hakeem that he was better than them or just as good. Shaq had the desire to be great. Oden just wants to be one of the guys.

Oden probably doesnt even have the games against the other top centers circled on his calendar. What did he do against Dwight in his first matchup? NOTHING!

What about the first time he played Shaq? He looked scared.

This kid is mentally fragile and was not worth the number one pick. Bogut and Okafor are much better than Oden at the same point in their careers. He has no skills.
i'd be scared too. apparently shaq is an alien.
Here's the thing that kills me...

Any other young player that goes #1 and looks like Greg Oden has looked that far...he'd be getting crucified. But because Greg Oden has been gassed to thehighest degree...people are cool with giving him the "give him some time" treatment.

Maybe I'm the only one who remembers all the talk before he actually he was going to instantly come in and be one of the best centers in theleague. Even this season he was going to be the rookie of the he could easily average a double he was going to be betterthan Dwight.
lnMyMind wrote:
Here's the thing that kills me...

Any other young player that goes #1 and looks like Greg Oden has looked that far...he'd be getting crucified. But because Greg Oden has been gassed to the highest degree...people are cool with giving him the "give him some time" treatment.

Maybe I'm the only one who remembers all the talk before he actually he was going to instantly come in and be one of the best centers in the league. Even this season he was going to be the rookie of the he could easily average a double he was going to be better than Dwight.

My point EXACTLY

If you were as hyped as Oden was for the past 5 years then you shouldnt have to be a player thats a project. He aint no Andrea where hes the #1 pick and youaint sure what your getting... Well at least he wasnt SUPPOSED to be.

Like I said, hell NEVER live up to the hype.
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