Greg Oden is trash thread...vol 1 man hacking machine

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

people was saying the same thing about dwight on here

howards 1st year number was 12 and 10 and 2 blocks a game. oden is doing what?
damn give the dude some time.....

it takes 2 years to recover completely from his surgery..

relax, yall too quick to judge
I've read in this thread someone say "we were saying the same thing about yao" and "ppl were saying the same thing about dwight"

as mig mike said d-12 avg 12, 10 and 2 as a rook. yao avg 13, 8 and 2.

Okafor still put up 15, 11 and 1.7 in his rookie year.

What's really sad is MARC GASOL is putting up better numbers than Oden.

If I would've made a thread a few months ago about Marc Gasol being better than Oden I would've had about 200 replies of stonefaces.

In Oden's defense his rookie numbers are better than what Al Jefferson, Kaman, Biedrins, Bynum and Chandler had as rookies.

But none of those guys were suppose to be the next great center and had a parade the day after the draft...

damn give the dude some time.....

it takes 2 years to recover completely from his surgery..

relax, yall too quick to judge

well amare averaged 26 and 9 the season AFTER his surgery and Z-Bo averaged 18 and 8 the following year. Greg had his surgerywhen he was younger than both of them, so what's his excuse?
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

howards 1st year number was 12 and 10 and 2 blocks a game. oden is doing what?
Oden is at 8 and 7 and 1.4. Not to bad if you ask me. I'm no Oden fan but I don't think you can say he is trash after 23 games.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

damn give the dude some time.....

it takes 2 years to recover completely from his surgery..

relax, yall too quick to judge
yes...give the kid some takes a while to develop a big man especially from a surgery...i mean no one thought dwight was gonna be thisgood
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

I've read in this thread someone say "we were saying the same thing about yao" and "ppl were saying the same thing about dwight"

as mig mike said d-12 avg 12, 10 and 2 as a rook. yao avg 13, 8 and 2.

Okafor still put up 15, 11 and 1.7 in his rookie year.

What's really sad is MARC GASOL is putting up better numbers than Oden.
The major reason they put up better numbers is that there teams are trash. If Oden was on the Thunder or the Grizz his numbers would be higher forsure. Who else did Dwight or Okafor have around them? They were the main guys on those teams when Greg is not even close to being the main guy on his team.

Oden has a role to play and it's not the big time scorer that most of you think make a great player. As his basketball iq rises so will his stats.
It really isn't fair to judge his numbers since he never gets over 30 minutes of playing time. Of course he does get a lot of fouls so that has somethingto do with it. It's only his first season so it would be unfair to call him a bust just yet.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

I've read in this thread someone say "we were saying the same thing about yao" and "ppl were saying the same thing about dwight"

as mig mike said d-12 avg 12, 10 and 2 as a rook. yao avg 13, 8 and 2.

Okafor still put up 15, 11 and 1.7 in his rookie year.

What's really sad is MARC GASOL is putting up better numbers than Oden.

If I would've made a thread a few months ago about Marc Gasol being better than Oden I would've had about 200 replies of stonefaces.

In Oden's defense his rookie numbers are better than what Al Jefferson, Kaman, Biedrins, Bynum and Chandler had as rookies.

But none of those guys were suppose to be the next great center and had a parade the day after the draft...

damn give the dude some time.....

it takes 2 years to recover completely from his surgery..

relax, yall too quick to judge
well amare averaged 26 and 9 the season AFTER his surgery and Z-Bo averaged 18 and 8 the following year. Greg had his surgery when he was younger than both of them, so what's his excuse?
He's younger than them are but at that time they had developed nice games. We all know that Greg has no offensive skills. Like everyone elseis saying, "give him more time."
Originally Posted by DIGITALJORDAN

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

I've read in this thread someone say "we were saying the same thing about yao" and "ppl were saying the same thing about dwight"

as mig mike said d-12 avg 12, 10 and 2 as a rook. yao avg 13, 8 and 2.

Okafor still put up 15, 11 and 1.7 in his rookie year.

What's really sad is MARC GASOL is putting up better numbers than Oden.
The major reason they put up better numbers is that there teams are trash. If Oden was on the Thunder or the Grizz his numbers would be higher for sure. Who else did Dwight or Okafor have around them? They were the main guys on those teams when Greg is not even close to being the main guy on his team.

Oden has a role to play and it's not the big time scorer that most of you think make a great player. As his basketball iq rises so will his stats.

When D-12 was a rookie he played w/ Francis and Cuttino. And if i'm not mistaken he Cuttino was traded for Hedo that same year. Yao also put up betterstats and he played w/ the same two guys.

Like i've mentioned earlier, I've watched nearly every Blazers game this season and the fact he plays w/ LMA and Roy hide how terrible he is onoffense. If he were on a team that needed him to score the pressure alone would break his spirits. You cant throw him the ball in the post and expect a bucket.He either travels or shoots a jump hook off the bottom of his wrist.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Here's the thing that kills me...

Any other young player that goes #1 and looks like Greg Oden has looked that far...he'd be getting crucified. But because Greg Oden has been gassed to the highest degree...people are cool with giving him the "give him some time" treatment.

Maybe I'm the only one who remembers all the talk before he actually he was going to instantly come in and be one of the best centers in the league. Even this season he was going to be the rookie of the he could easily average a double he was going to be better than Dwight.

dudes were gassing him up to be one of the top centers of the league, even ahead of an improving andrew bynum (yes homer pick) without even stepping a foot onan nba basketball court.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

damn give the dude some time.....

it takes 2 years to recover completely from his surgery..

relax, yall too quick to judge
well amare averaged 26 and 9 the season AFTER his surgery and Z-Bo averaged 18 and 8 the following year. Greg had his surgery when he was younger than both of them, so what's his excuse?
In his defense unlike either of those players Greg had never played a game in the league until after the surgery. Not everyone can just come inthe league and dominate from day 1, there's an adjustment period for a lot of players as they get acclimated to the league. Everyone knew he was anoffensive liability and injury prone before the draft, which is why I was pulling for KD the entire time.

This is just my opinion but Oden appears to have a Ricky Williams type of attitude for his sport, he doesn't have a love for the game, he only playsbecuase he's tall and his family and friends are counting on him. Thats just how I see it.
He honestly sucks. I watched the game last night and all he can do is dunk.

He is over 7 feet and can barely grab a rebound.
I can't believe people are making excuses for Oden.. He's %!%$$+% trash

He better go extra hard this off-season.
I've known Greg for a MINUTE and the only thing he's developed thusfar is a better free throw percentage...since his freshman year of HS.

I forget if it was either Sectionals or Regionals his freshman year against Pike, who had Robert Vaden, Justin Cage, and Courtney Lee, but all I know is thatwe lost and he went like 0-8 from the line. Following that, dude was in the gym every morning at like 5-6 a.m. shooting free throws. I guess that game ate awayat him but what about everything else?

His defensive skills remain dormant. He's always had that but it's easy to do against high schoolers and even college players that weren't hissize. He's big and long but has yet to develop a desire to KILL on the offensive end. I honestly don't think he ever will.

His offensive development has gone NO where. His bent body hook shots that make him look like a moon crescent are hard to watch. He has no jumper. He has nofootwork. He can't create his own shot. It has remained the same since HS. His upside, defense, has equated to nothing but foul trouble in the league.

It's not even about the microfracture surgery, even though I feel like Greg got TOO big during the year off. But...this is just the way Greg has alwaysbeen.

Do work, son. He needs to get mad again or something. This dude be walking around the court like his stoneface commercial.
Just the way all ya'll hyped him up to be the next Bill Russell, he was doomed from the start and will probably be labeled a bust for a #1 pick.
I see people in here mentioning the hype surrounding Oden or the talk about him prior to the season, but all that is irrelevant. Did you guys see him play attOSU, if you did then you shouldn't be surprised by what he's doing now. If you guys guys expected a dominating big man(or even a a competent offensivebig man) right off the bat then you should be questioning your ability to evaluate talent, not Greg's ability to play in the NBA. Forget what other peoplesay about dude, what did you guys think of him based off of what you saw?
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

people was saying the same thing about dwight on here
I been around here since 01...and nobody was saying that$#+* about Dwight. If anything people were critical of his selection period over Okafor...he shut that up after the preseason alone.
Originally Posted by el producto79

I see people in here mentioning the hype surrounding Oden or the talk about him prior to the season, but all that is irrelevant. Did you guys see him play at tOSU, if you did then you shouldn't be surprised by what he's doing now. If you guys guys expected a dominating big man(or even a a competent offensive big man) right off the bat then you should be questioning your ability to evaluate talent, not Greg's ability to play in the NBA. Forget what other people say about dude, what did you guys think of him based off of what you saw?

You DO know that that IS what determines if someone is a bust or not dont you? I mean you should know that.
I would not write Greg Oden off only after a handful of games as big men need a LOT of patience. I remember thinking the same about Dwight Howard and thatBobcats were going to get the last laugh for taking Meka and all of the sudden Dwight just exploded.

I don't get to watch too many Blazer games but from the handful I've been able to catch, he seems to be struggling with conditioning so hopefullyhe'll get used to it during this season. Offensively, I know he's got a mean drop-step and a pretty decent jump-hook he was using consistently at OSUthat maybe he needs to adapt to make them his regular go-to moves in the L. Defensively, he's actually pretty decent EXCEPT for defending the pick androll where he just looked completely lost against the Mavs. These are some pretty obvious deficiencies but I'm sure every big man goes through this andit's just a matter of time before he comes around.

One thing I did notice though, was when he did catch the passes in the post and had room to operate, he was mad quick for a big man (not fast, but quick) sothat is encouraging. Again, I would give the kid 5 years before calling him a bust, which I am really not convinced he is but man, this Portland team isgoing to be scary when he does develop.
Originally Posted by juschiang

I would not write Greg Oden off only after a handful of games as big men need a LOT of patience. I remember thinking the same about Dwight Howard and that Bobcats were going to get the last laugh for taking Meka and all of the sudden Dwight just exploded.

I don't get to watch too many Blazer games but from the handful I've been able to catch, he seems to be struggling with conditioning so hopefully he'll get used to it during this season. Offensively, I know he's got a mean drop-step and a pretty decent jump-hook he was using consistently at OSU that maybe he needs to adapt to make them his regular go-to moves in the L. Defensively, he's actually pretty decent EXCEPT for defending the pick and roll where he just looked completely lost against the Mavs. These are some pretty obvious deficiencies but I'm sure every big man goes through this and it's just a matter of time before he comes around.

One thing I did notice though, was when he did catch the passes in the post and had room to operate, he was mad quick for a big man (not fast, but quick) so that is encouraging. Again, I would give the kid 5 years before calling him a bust, which I am really not convinced he is but man, this Portland team is going to be scary when he does develop.

Thats not how is works
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