Groups Of Teens In Brooklyn Are Playing A Game Called 'Knock Out The Jew' - I Was Quoted In This Art

truth ...

This video is stupid

Why should Al or Jesse speak about this? Are Jay-Z and Obama supposed to speak on it too?

It's a police issue. Are Jesse and Al supposed to speak out for all crimes?

During the Trayvon trial, many people said they should be worried about other more serious crimes. So this knockout game is the most serious crime going on or is it one the media is sensationalizing.

Did someone die?

But black people pick and choose the race card :rolleyes

Did Jesse or Al speak out about San Jose State or North Carolina Wilmington? So why are they brought up all the time?
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How the hell do a few idiot black children represent an entire race?

Is it a fair to assume all middle aged white men are pedophiles too?

Y'all are ridiculous.

When its a few idiot black children as suspects we want no responsibility for it.

When its one black victim he or she all of sudden represents "all of us" tho

We only a "community" when its convenient
When its a few idiot black children as suspects we want no responsibility for it.

When its one black victim he or she all of sudden represents "all of us" tho

We only a "community" when its convenient

Ehh, it's not convenient for someone to die over their complexion. There's idiot children of all complexion, they don't represent everyone why should they in this case? White america blamed Columbine on video games, music, and just about anything to remove responsibility. I believe all people should take a larger role in teaching the youth, but Trayvon happened one too many times without recognition. Young black children in the wrong will always be brought to attention.
When its a few idiot black children as suspects we want no responsibility for it.

When its one black victim he or she all of sudden represents "all of us" tho

We only a "community" when its convenient

Any black person can be a victim of racism. Every black person is not an idiot who goes around knocking people out for fun.

The two don't relate. Nice try tho.
This game is stupid, and the kids deserve to be punished. I see the usual suspects are throwing shade at black people though, NT never fails to disappoint
black people are throwing shade on themselves with these situations. it is what it is

go to 2:20 of that video just posted. pretty much sums it up.
coded language.
If the shoe fits...
its not racist if its always true WINKY FACE WINKY FACE WINKY FACE 
I'm tired of your racism and I'm tired of you.

Drop us a line sometime (via email) and let us know how your "Señor Entertainment' schtick goes over on Stormfront.  
You play a lot of grand theft auto 5 dont you @2tonetizzle
I can tell.

My logic...
Why are you so upset? Is it because you see potential in yourself becoming a victim of these crimes?
Ofcourse this is crazy what they are doing BUT far from new.
Kids been getting knocked out just for livjng since the infamous mobb deep album dropped.
Im not pissed about it nor wish death pn these kids bc 1. I dont eveer see this happening to me no matter where i am and 2. Death for punching someone bc of potential risk is not right. Lol

I guess i should be put the death bc i did 150mph in a 50mph zone and could have potentially killed an innocent person.

1 I haven't played video games since mario 3

2 I live so far away from this type of stuff, being a potential victim is not even a thought.

3 Innocent black kids will end up getting shot as a result of fear and stereotyping. Obviously anyone with a brain understands a miniscule percentage of the black population finds this fun. Paranoid people with low intelligence will just have another reason to go zimmerman.

4 Your driving example would work better if you took your car and made a game out of trying to crash in to grandmas from behind on the sidewalk.

5 dont use the word logic ever again
I came in here made my comments and left because I knew it would turn into a "Black ghetto kid" thing when it actuality that is far from the truth and there would be the chosen few who love to show their true colors for the sake of adding to the bs that is already surrounding this socalled game.

If it wasn't for the media coverage the majority of you wouldn't even have known this went on or even existed so that's why I find it funny how some of you are even outraged at what is going on.I personally believe a lot of you are scared so you mask your fear with violence and other unrealistic scenario's for the soul purpose of being bothered by it but more so being fearful of being a victim of such a thing like this.
Which is probably unlikely ever to happen to anyone of you,you're more likely to get hit by a car or get into a drunkin fist fight at a off campus frat house party than being the victim of any teenagers stupidity.

When its a few idiot black children as suspects we want no responsibility for it.

When its one black victim he or she all of sudden represents "all of us" tho

We only a "community" when its convenient
I used to sell illegal drugs so that means if I get caught we( yes you,me and the community) should accept responsibility and take the punishment?riight of course not so please stop with the self hate.

Remember Columbine?The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting which occurred on April 20, 1999 done by two crazy white teenagers the community suffered but should the community also be punished because before that happened they the shooters were victims of being bullied because of being socially awkward by their own peers?right anyone who would be in favor of punishing the community for something those two did would be a straight idiot but in reality there is some truth in that type of thinking because words hurt and you can mentally break a person down to their lowest point if you choose too.

That columbine thing has happened again,over and over again(not as big) so should I be scared of teenage,young adult white males toting bookbags with a grunge look about them?No not at all,even though I do keep one eye on em lol.

Live and learn....this isn't the end of the world no is this the beginning of dooms day preppers type of madness either.:lol:
That columbine thing has happened again,over and over again(not as big) so should I be scared of teenage,young adult white males toting bookbags with a grunge look about them?
To your point:  school shootings have been presented as a "mental health" problem, not a "suburban white youth" problem. 
You dont have evidence to suggest they are not from single parent homes so the argument works both ways.
I can only go by what a youtube search shows me, im not a cop or lawyer.

I already said that the bad part of this is that innocent kids will be shot due to the stereotypes created by stuff like this.

I have my theories about why im seeing what im seeing. I am actually seeing something though.
That's more evidence than you actually have presented.
You dont have evidence to suggest they are not from single parent homes so the argument works both ways.
I can only go by what a youtube search shows me, im not a cop or lawyer.

I already said that the bad part of this is that innocent kids will be shot due to the stereotypes created by stuff like this.

I have my theories about why im seeing what im seeing. I am actually seeing something though.
That's more evidence than you actually have presented.
Currently, census statistics say that 64% of American children are raised in two parent homes. 24% come from single mother homes.

So to assume that any young person is from a single family home lacks, to use a word you had fun with earlier, logic.

To assume the presence of a 2nd parent would automatically put an end to acts like this is equally asinine.

What your "theory" is, as you've already stated, is that this is an act of random violence, therefore it must have been perpetuated solely by black children, and being black children, they come from a single family home and are as a result, criminally inclined.  That about covers it right?
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You dont have evidence to suggest they are not from single parent homes so the argument works both ways.
I can only go by what a youtube search shows me, im not a cop or lawyer.
Oh my goodness.  Is this really the level of argumentation you've stooped to?  I have an equally valid theory:  they're all werewolves.  You have no proof that they're not, so nyah nyah.  

Tell me, did your "youtube search" show you nothing but children from single-parent families?  You don't know.  You just assumed.

All you've done is regurgitate a stereotype without any supporting evidence whatsoever.  It seems to me that the burden of proof rests on you to support your so-called "theory."  In that respect, you've failed utterly.

You can go by more than just what a "youtube search shows" you, by the way.  Reading isn't the exclusive province of law enforcement.  

Case in point,

There are articles from 2005 about schools throughout the EU banning camera-phones due to "happy slapping."  I'm not sure how old you were in 2005, but not a lot of poor kids were taking camera-phones to school with them back then. 

Since you're a big youtube fan, search "happy slapping" instead of "knockout king."  

You're gonna see quite a few images like this, which, for some strange reason, aren't being looped 24/7 on Faux News:  


Oh, and when they did cover it, in Europe, they attributed it to voyeurism, the tv show "Jackass", and class warfare

Read:  not race, not single mothers. 

Sometimes, the evidence just doesn't fit the "theory."  
Wow...dude really broke it down.
He's a little cynical but for the most part he addressed all the clowns in this thread along with the garbage media propaganda. Hella long vid though.
first of all, i never believed the knock the jew thing out. that was bs from the start.

second. i watched the tariq nasheed video. and to be honest, it was serious real talk thrown my way....i never heard of knockout before growing up, never seen it, never knew anyone who was about that life coming up. so after hearing about it recently, and seeing the viral videos, i formulated my own opinions about the situation. man was i completely wrong about the whole thing. video was appreciated.
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first of all, i never believed the knock the jew thing out. that was bs from the start.

second. i watched the tariq nasheed video. and to be honest, it was serious real talk thrown my way....i never heard of knockout before growing up, never seen it, never knew anyone who was about that life coming up. so after hearing about it recently, and seeing the viral videos, i formulated my own opinions about the situation. man was i completely wrong about the whole thing. video was appreciated.
this is groundbreaking...

A NTer... ADMITTING he was wrong?


Sreggie... Unlimited reps from me sir...

:pimp: :pimp:

Rep this man, people...
Media capitalizing off of white conservative's fears = potential disaster.
[h1]  [/h1]
[h1]Police Unsure if Random Attacks Are Rising Threat or Urban Myth[/h1][h6]By CARA BUCKLEY[/h6]
Fear swept through Borough Park, Brooklyn, as soon as the news got out: A young man was randomly assaulted by strangers early Friday morning, and the attack was possibly part of the so-called Knockout Game.

Four men were arrested, but on Friday night only one was charged and the others were released.

The attack added to a growing log of reports of such crimes in the Northeast and beyond. Young assailants were randomly picking unlucky targets and trying to knock them out with just one punch.

Yet police officials in several cities where such attacks have been reported said that the “game” amounted to little more than an urban myth, and that the attacks in question might be nothing more than the sort of random assaults that have always occurred.

And in New York City, police officials are struggling to determine whether they should advise the public to take precautions against the Knockout Game — or whether in fact it existed.

“We’re trying to determine whether or not this is a real phenomenon,” Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said on Friday. “I mean, yes, something like this can happen. But we would like to have people come forward and give us any information they have.”

Dread about being singled out for attacks has taken root in Jewish communities in the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Crown Heights, Borough Park and Midwood, according to Dov Hikind, a state assemblyman.

Two weeks ago, a 78-year-old woman in Brooklyn reported being punched in the head, with her assailant fleeing without touching her shopping bags or her pocketbook.

This followed sporadic reports of similar recent attacks in Crown Heights, Mr. Hikind said, including one on a 19-year-old Hasidic man who said he had been approached by eight men and then punched in the face by one of them, in what the police said was a possible hate crime.

Then, at 2:45 a.m. on Friday, on the border of Borough Park, a 24-year-old man found himself suddenly boxed in by three men and punched by a fourth. Police said the four men had been out celebrating and were “somewhat intoxicated.” Mr. Kelly said the victim overheard the group discussing “how you knock somebody out.” (Amrit Marajh, 28, of Brooklyn, was charged with assault and with aggravated harassment as a hate crime.)

Whatever the case, a type of panic set in. Mr. Hikind said a girls’ high school in Midwood canceled a Friday evening get-together after nervous parents called the school, expressing concern for their daughters’ safety.

“It’s sick, it’s scary,” said Mr. Hikind, who gathered with other Jewish community leaders last week to discuss the attacks. “It’s like nothing I’ve experienced in my 31 years in office.”

But police officials cautioned that they had yet to see evidence of an organized game spreading among teenagers online, though they have been reluctant to rule out the possibility.

There is particular concern within the department that widespread coverage could create the atmosphere where such a “game” could take hold in New York.

Much news coverage of reported knockout attacks includes 2012 footage from a surveillance camera in Pittsburgh of James Addlespurger, a high school teacher who was 50, being swiftly struck to the ground by a young man walking down an alleyway with some friends. Yet the Pittsburgh police said the attacker insisted the assault was not part of any organized “game.”

“This was just a random act of violence,” Police Commander Eric Holmes said in a televised interview last year. “He stated that he was just having a bad day that day.” The assailant saw Mr. Addlespurger, the commander said, “and decided this was a course of action he was going to take.”

Telecasts have also shown teenagers in Jersey City, their faces blurred, describing knockouts, which they defined as anyone might; someone is struck and knocked out. But they did not report that it was a game.

Bob McHugh, a police spokesman in Jersey City, said there had not been a single reported knockout incident there.

“If there ever was an urban myth, this was it,” he said. Still community concerns spurred by the video prompted a member of the City Council there, Candice Osborne, to post on her Facebook page, “there have been NO reported instances of this type of assault.”

In nearby Hoboken, there was one report of a random assault; in September a man approached by three youths was punched, and died after his head became wedged in a fence between pickets. But Police Chief Anthony P. Falco Sr. of Hoboken said the attack appeared to have been isolated, an assertion repeated by Gene Rubino, a spokesman and assistant prosecutor in the Hudson County prosecutor’s office.

“We keep getting asked that question,” he said, of the Knockout Game, “and there is no noticeable trend.”

Jeffrey Butts, director of the Research and Evaluation Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan, said much of the fear sown by the reports may have racial roots.

“There’s an element to who wants to see this through the lens of race,” he said. “The kids in Jersey probably set off racial alarms.”

Police officials in Syracuse said the city had seen two such attacks this year, each fatal, and they were on the lookout for more. The police said that at least one of the assailants said he was playing the Knockout Game.

“I think it’s very real,” Sgt. Tom Connellan said. “As opposed to a motive for assault, be it anger or robbery, this is strictly for a game.”

Joseph Goldstein and J. David Goodman contributed reporting.
[h1]Knockout game: Videos of the teen attacks go viral; the crime’s not viral[/h1]
Knockout game: A violent teen prank – seen in videos, but probably still an isolated trend – highlights the need to establish strong connections between young people and their community.

  • Knockout game: There have been several incidents of teenagers assaulting random passersby in Brooklyn, shown here, and other cities around the country. Police suspect that the assaults are part of a knockout game that has popped up in several cities around the country.
    (Mark Lennihan/AP)

By Lisa Suhay

posted November 20, 2013 at 1:21 pm EST

As the Knockout Game resurfaces in the news yet again with teens randomly selecting adult victims to punch in the head and render unconscious in an ambush "game," it’s time to engage innercity teens, rather than give in to panic, vilifying them across the board.

Here’s an example of how an incident can be magnified beyond it's real dimensions to stir panic, hate, and terror that is both longlasting and widespread.

The “Knockout King” or “Knockout Game” has been playing out for more than a decade on streets in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Chicago, St. Louis, and now Washington D.C. in small numbers. But videos of the incidents have gone viral on the Internet, creating the illusion these things happen more often than they do. 

“There is no evidence supporting this as a huge, viral number of attacks. If the ‘Knockout Game’ really exists and isn’t just a media label that could fit many of the hundreds of thousands of random attacks on strangers,” says Mike Males, senior researcher for the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice located in San Francisco. I’ve heard of incidents of this so-called Knockout Game dating back to 1996. It’s not new.”

“What is important to realize is this tiny ‘Knockout’ pattern is part of a stronger pattern of random violence against strangers in this country,” adds Mr. Males.

Two women were separately assaulted in Washington last week on Nov. 14 and 15. Police are calling both attacks simple assaults and have not indicated that they were realted to the knockout game. [Editor's note: A previous version of this story inaccurately reported the dates of the Washington attacks.]

"He just like threw a hook with his left hand, and just got me right in the face," Ms. Connolly told ABC 7. "And he said 'wa-pow' as he hit me in the face."

Back in December of 2011 the Associated Press reported the game was expanding its territory and that attackers were both male and female teens, some attackers as young as age 12.

“The rules of the game are as simple as they are brutal,” The AP reported. “Unlike typical gang violence or other street crime, the goal is not revenge, nor is it robbery. The victim is chosen at random, often a person unlikely to put up a fight. Many of the victims have been elderly. Most were alone.”

I think it may be time to take a hard look at how we engage, or disengage, teens when this kind of antisocial and violent behavior takes root in our communities.

“Cities with high populations of teens with good community engagement traditionally have much less teen crime,” Males says. “Conversely, cities like St. Louis have been cited as an epicenter for the so-called Knockout Game and that city has a very high youth poverty rate with very poor teen engagement.”

Males says the place to begin our defense against Knockout and other random acts of violence by teens is by starting with “troubled families” and also with teens individually to teach empathy.

By making innercity teens and their families part of the solution rather than casting them as part of the problem, we can empower youth to take pride in their communities and contribute to the safety of their neighborhoods.

Having spent the past six years engaging at-risk youth in their communities via teaching them and their families chess, creating unity in the community with mentors from the police department, the sheriff’s office, and local university mentors I can tell you this is the way to go.

It doesn’t have to be chess. Here in Norfolk, Virginia we are starting a free Lego club at the local Maker Space where people are donating old Lego sets and volunteers are going to help kids from troubled families in the inner city build themselves into the broader community via technology and toys.

The hope is that building together will build community. If the problem is that teens are randomly attacking strangers, then we need to introduce them to their neighbors and make them friends.  

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