Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

lol. The quirky humor is not what is wrong with that terrible movie. Next?

Blade 3
That's RR's fault, we've seen it with his flops after this.

Anyway, I really don't see how you guys think this is gonna be aimed at kids and then thoughtlessly mentioning Disney as a defense. Parents are already mad about the use of "a-holes"

This movie will have humor and it'll closely match the 2008 GOTG comic more so than the IM movies to the IM comics.
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People act like they too tough to laugh. Humor isn't the problem, it's the type of humor and where they place it.
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We're questioning Marvel's humor now? I found iron man 1 to be hilarious without even trying
Nobody said make a completely serious movie, but the humor shouldn't turn movies into action comedies. I'll say it again, don't know how the movie will be but that GG trailer was OD corny. If that's what we have to expect :smh:
I thought the trailer gave the perfect tone to the film. I hope you guys weren't expecting an oscar worthy performance from a CGI raccoon
Yeah I'm still lost on what ppl were expecting. Nobody said this was gonna be Star Wars or Star Trek. You'd have to know this would lean more towards Firefly/Serenity.
Yeah I'm still lost on what ppl were expecting. Nobody said this was gonna be Star Wars or Star Trek. You'd have to know this would lean more towards Firefly/Serenity.

IDK what most people were thinking. I was thinking it would be more like Annihilation conquest which was more serious. In fact that trailer was indeed an OD of forced humor like the middle finger sequence that was played out in 3rd grade.

But in general I am fine with the humor in the rest of the avengers flicks. Just I don't see how others think this has humor to match the comics. The comics had humor but felt more serious than this trailer. Even Vol.2 and what has been published so far in vol. 3
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Yeah I'm still lost on what ppl were expecting. Nobody said this was gonna be Star Wars or Star Trek. You'd have to know this would lean more towards Firefly/Serenity.

IDK what most people were thinking. I was thinking it would be more like Annihilation conquest which was more serious. In fact that trailer was indeed an OD of forced humor like the middle finger sequence that was played out in 3rd grade.

But in general I am fine with the humor in the rest of the avengers flicks. Just I don't see how others think this has humor to match the comics. The comics had humor but felt more serious than this trailer. Even Vol.2 and what has been published so far in vol. 3
If you read the entire GoTG run you'd know better. It gets serious when it needs to be serious but there's always jokes and sarcasm, some corny, some funnier than others.
I expected not to see that dumb*** jack in the box middle finger joke
:lol: That's what bothers you?

Then you don't know Peter Quill and the GoTG

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Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that to plenty of people, the jokes fell flat and corny?

No one is saying make a damn Oscar worthy film or expecting a performance of that caliber, what a damn reach. :lol:

IM1 is still the best but IM2 and IM3 are two of the worst. RDJs execution almost always hits the mark in his films, even in IM2 & IM3, which I find him to be one of the few shining moments from those two.

What they showed in the GotG trailer wasn't that funny to me. Again I will re-iterate, not funny to me. It did feel corny and forced and the walkman/headset scene was almost excruciating because it seems like it is trying to be funny but you really don't know why at all. It could work in the film when you know more about Quill but in the trailer, it wasn't even slightly funny.

I liked the intro to each character, I was fine with the Jack in the Box finger but the rest of the humor didn't work for me. The best part if the collage scenes towards the end. Despite that, I am excited for the film and I know it will entertain, these guys are obscure enough that I don't think I will be disappointed if they butcher a character like they did with the Mandarin.

Now it's perfectly fine if you feel differently but I think others negative feedback makes perfect sense.
There's a difference between I didn't expect jokes and I didn't like the jokes. Seems to me so far the ppl that had no expectations for this movie and generally knew nothing about GoTG liked or loved the trailer jokes and all, jokes weren't even something specific that they had to point out. Then there's everybody else who didn't like it and seem to mainly be complaining about the jokes over and over.

If it isn't funny to you I don't see why you'd have to keep saying it again and again and describing why and what you didn't like over and over.
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I did read the whole thing. I didnt say there was no humor. This trailer is overboard from the comics. I'm with RFX on this one
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I did read the whole thing. I didnt say there was no humor. This trailer is overboard from the comics.
Seems right on point to me given in the comics you had Gamora and Drax being smartasses in a joking manner and when you look at their history that's pretty out of character. You read the whole thing, then I'd have to ask if you remember it cuz this trailer matched the comic pretty closely.

That whole team is filled with ppl that are being funny in some way except for Warlock, Phyla, and Moondragon (Groot doesn't count since even when he's serious he says his catchphrase at funny moments as well). The rest all range from light humor to being/trying to be hilarious.
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If it isn't funny to you I don't see why you'd have to keep saying it again and again and describing why and what you didn't like over and over.

This is NT, it's a forum of redundancy. Come on now, that's nothing new. :lol: Same thing will be said and argued over and over and over again.

And honestly, as I've said before, I expected subtle comedy like RDJ in IM films, not a mor ein your face off the wall jokes they had int he trailer. I understand the film not feeling exactly like that for 2 hours but Marvel knows what they wanted to convey and they succeeded, it just didn't go well with everyone.
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Im talking about the actual jokes/comedic portion, not the sarcasm. Find me a panel that was as corny as "I'm star lord, legendary outlaw..... star lord *disapointed face*" or the jack in the box finger and I will shut up. The comics were more serious than that.

The comics were on Iron Man 1s level for the most part with a few out there bits here and there. Like Drax kicking cosmos for one.
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Im talking about the actual jokes/comedic portion, not the sarcasm. Find me a panel that was as corny as "I'm star lord, legendary outlaw..... star lord *disapointed face*" or the jack in the box finger and I will shut up. The comics were more serious than that.

The comics were on Iron Man 1s level for the most part with a few out there bits here and there. Like Drax kicking cosmos for one.
He does that at the end of issue 2 of the recent volume of GOTG when some aliens attack him and the team on Earth.

I'm not gonna gonna look through all my issues but I'm pretty sure it's Rocket that flips somebody off in the comics.
Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that to plenty of people, the jokes fell flat and corny?

No one is saying make a damn Oscar worthy film or expecting a performance of that caliber, what a damn reach. :lol:

IM1 is still the best but IM2 and IM3 are two of the worst. RDJs execution almost always hits the mark in his films, even in IM2 & IM3, which I find him to be one of the few shining moments from those two.

What they showed in the GotG trailer wasn't that funny to me. Again I will re-iterate, not funny to me. It did feel corny and forced and the walkman/headset scene was almost excruciating because it seems like it is trying to be funny but you really don't know why at all. It could work in the film when you know more about Quill but in the trailer, it wasn't even slightly funny.

I liked the intro to each character, I was fine with the Jack in the Box finger but the rest of the humor didn't work for me. The best part if the collage scenes towards the end. Despite that, I am excited for the film and I know it will entertain, these guys are obscure enough that I don't think I will be disappointed if they butcher a character like they did with the Mandarin.

Now it's perfectly fine if you feel differently but I think others negative feedback makes perfect sense.

Bingo. Is that so hard to understand?
He does that at the end of issue 2 of the recent volume of GOTG when some aliens attack him and the team on Earth.

I'm not gonna gonna look through all my issues but I'm pretty sure it's Rocket that flips somebody off in the comics.

I download my comics after I get the physical copy so...

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Their response was we know. It did not seem like a forced joke at all. This is just standard comic book dialogue.

Flicking people off is not forced humor either. It's how some people react.

I think me and you have a different definition of what a joke is because I am not seeing how the film is as serious as the comics
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Their response was irrelevant. He does the same old do you know who I am shtick with actually more titles than the movie version.

Plus like I said there's corny jokes like that littered throughout the 2008 version mainly for characters it's out of character for.
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And they are almost always serious. At least more serious than the film

There is a lot of sarcasm and wise-cracking in these comics but that doesnt take away from the seriousness of this book. There are plenty of serious people who use sarcasm in order not to go insane from people's stupidity and ridculousness. Not saying this book has batman level seriousness either. The comic relief portions are tasteful and well executed, unlike what we saw in that trailer.

Anyway we can agree to disagree. More people would agree with you anyway from other talks I have been having. I didnt even know people thought of the Guardians as a poorly written version SNL type comedy until this trailer popped up (not saying you, just a lot of people).
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I already gave you all the other examples where from this trailer (since the movie isn't even out yet) how the 2008 series and the current series is filled with jokes which the trailer basically matches.

I'll say it again though I question how much you remember if you actually did read the entire run.

But yeah agree to disagree cuz I'm not about to sift through all these issues to match every joke in this trailer you guys don't like.
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Bro, we get it, "it was in the comic", but the trailer sucked to some of us and looked like an sifi comedy
The REAL question here is did the trailer DISSUADE anyone from seeing the film? No? Oh ok...
Bro, we get it, "it was in the comic", but the trailer sucked to some of us and looked like an sifi comedy
What I'm trying to say is if you didn't like it that much to keep complaining over and over, you might as well not watch the movie. For many of yall this team is an unknown. I mention the comic simply to say if you don't like this and they're basically using source material, you should probably just fall back and get interested in something else.
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