Guy Jumps Into Bear Pit vol. HELL NA!

Originally Posted by Phil Le0tard0

Originally Posted by King Will

How are yall callin dude stupid, dumb, etc. and it says he was mentally handicapped?

i kid i kid
Originally Posted by StylishStef89

Originally Posted by cgutta

was i the only one who thought his arm flew off, but realized it was people throwing homeboy was getting mauled, must have been an unbearable situation
Pun intended?

i dont feel sorry for him... he probably felt threatened that someone jumped in his cage.. his fault..
Bears look funny when they stand up. Like someone in a costume. I would just hug it and see how it responds.
Pretty messed up for both, but I mean dude obviously had serious mental problems if he would go down there. How you leave a dude that unattended? The bear didnothing wrong in this situation it acted on instinct. It didn't choose to be in that zoo. Now if the bear just got tranquilized than cool. He shouldn'thave to die cause who ever was taking care of dude did a poor job.
Originally Posted by JUNIOR STRIKES


glad the bear didn't have to die b/c some fool jumped in. Prolly did it for money or suttin then he gon get better like

Mauled dude: "U got that money from the bet? Told u I'd jump in"
"Friend": Geez dude, I was expectin u to get killed so I wouldn't have to pay u. I don't have 500.000 to give u
Mauled due:
I don't know what's worst the guy who jumped in because he was mentally handicapped, or half of the people posting he was an idiot because theycouldn't read.
Damn that's crazy...

I'm not sure what the bear was trying to do. It was a grizzly though, so if it was trying to kill him it could have done it in an instant...
Originally Posted by hhatsub

I don't know what's worst the guy who jumped in because he was mentally handicapped, or half of the people posting he was an idiot because they couldn't read.
Choice C) : Your terrible word choice.
Dude's lucky he jumped into the Bear pit and not the Bear hockey rink.
If it was the latter, who knows how he'd fair.
I work at a zoo and this happened a couple years ago...some mentally challenged person jumped in the bear exhibit but a moat seperates the exhibit andwalkway...all of our new exhibits are pretty much impossible to get into...
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