Guy Kills Tiger Shark To Save Friend

Originally Posted by iM COOL C

That shark is BUNS.

Anyway, this sounds like straight fables.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Definitely fake...

yes, sharks are resilient but they are also very strong and smart... and we're supposed to believe that this shark just stuck around for 2 hours getting stabbed and harpooned? and not one of these 4 dudes (2 of them holding cameras) got bitten? are you kidding me?

Im no shark expert or anything, but common sense and hours of watching discovery/national geographic channels lead me to believe that this shark would have either made a quick lunch out of these dudes or dipped out after being attacked
I agree ...I think they saw the shark and killed it probably tried to getaway but couldn't
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME


Fighting a shark for 2 whole hours? With a damn snorkel and no tank?

What, did they take 3 minute breaks in between rounds or something? With someone taking pictures as it was all going down? RIGHT

Shark was tagged up with spears in his back already all incapacitated then dude posed up with the shark looking valiant like Johnny Quest.


Ture story, It was on NBC this morning.

That doesnt mean anything. Fake/Fabricated stories have been reported before.

Hey guys, where's the knife? Look closely. That's just his fist. And I don't think I'd be perfectly calm while tangling with such a beast asthis guy is in the first picture. Like SIRIUS said, I think they killed the shark and dude posed and took pics. And how did he "rescue" his friendthen fight the shark alone? Why didn't his friend help out when he saw him FIGHTING A SHARK?! Or did his friend go and pick up a camera
? This being on NBC means nothing to me.
you guys need to re-read the story. he put a spear through the sharks gills. im going to guess that weakened the thing. it even says the shark would have diedon its own but they wanted to speed the process up so it wouldnt suffer.
AirForce1King wrote:
Mangudai954 wrote:
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME


Fighting a shark for 2 whole hours? With a damn snorkel and no tank?

What, did they take 3 minute breaks in between rounds or something? With someone taking pictures as it was all going down? RIGHT

Shark was tagged up with spears in his back already all incapacitated then dude posed up with the shark looking valiant like Johnny Quest.


Ture story, It was on NBC this morning.

That doesnt mean anything. Fake/Fabricated stories have been reported before.


Hey guys, where's the knife? Look closely. That's just his fist. And I don't think I'd be perfectly calm while tangling with such a beast as this guy is in the first picture. Like SIRIUS said, I think they killed the shark and dude posed and took pics. And how did he "rescue" his friend then fight the shark alone? Why didn't his friend help out when he saw him FIGHTING A SHARK?! Or did his friend go and pick up a camera
? This being on NBC means nothing to me.

How can you tell he's calm when he has a scuba mask on?

Orchestrated or not, The dude KILLED A SHARK. Jeez, not everything is a conspiracy guys. With all the actual news that is happening this week you think NBCwould waste time on a fake story?
So his friend is about to be attacked, he swoops in to help, and his friend decides to pull out a camera to take pics?
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Mr Clasen spent nearly two hours wrestling with the giant 12ft shark, spearing it seven times and even attempting to drown the beast before eventually finishing it off with a long blade knife.

Someone give this man a blowjob.
I also find out funny how some of you guys talk like experts just based off the discovery channel and national geographic.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Did he really need to kill it? I mean I'm sure the shark would've left after the initial attack...

Naw, dude woulda came back with his crew and do a drive by on those divers.
Damn, they put that shark thru some home alone type stuff

Story is way too good to be completely true tho,

At the end of the day, they wanted a new trophy
Damn, they put that shark thru some home alone type stuff

Story is way too good to be completely true tho,

At the end of the day, they wanted a new trophy
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Mr Clasen spent nearly two hours wrestling with the giant 12ft shark, spearing it seven times and even attempting to drown the beast before eventually finishing it off with a long blade knife.

Someone give this man a blowjob.
oh snapz

this ninja faught a shark for 2 hours?

Dude lucky the blood didn't attract other sharks. Or else he would be in some shark stomach right now.
thats crazy!
friend most have owned him money or something!
but story seems kinda
now thats havin ur boys back!!!
thats gangster i think tigers &hammerheads r the most aggresive sharks too:. thats a cool story to tell "member that time i killed that shark that was gonna attack you" hahaha:.
You guys didn't think that shark could've got stabbed, swam away and came back, I'm sure they weren't wrestling the shark for 2 hours.

Also, the pics could've been taken AFTER the shark was killed. Sharks also give up after they have been defeated. I believe the story.
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