Guys: Why do you "Spit Game"?

Jul 17, 2003
Honest question. I have no game what so ever. I have never approached a girl ever in my life. I have never came at a girl with a pick up line ever in my life. When I'm at a party I'm never in the mix, never really partying but just kinda off to the side, observing, talking, laughing smoking and sipping. Often times I don't even say a word to any females. When I do talk to a girl I have never played any games, I have never thought of whats the right thing to text back and I have never tried to act a certain way to make a female like me. When talking to a girl all I do is talk about my life and her life. All I do is live my life and BE MYSELF. Be natural.

Now that you guys know how I am, you may not believe the rest of my post. I have smashed dozens and dozens of females with little to no effort. All kinds. Pretty, butter face, black, white, hisp, goodie goodie, skkanks, young, older etc. Sure I've been rejected, sure I've been blown off, sure some of these girls took a lot longer than others. I watch dudes running game get rejected all the time at parties and after they leave the females come to me when I'm just minding my own business. Same at the clubs. Same when I'm with a group of friends at the mall or anywhere where there's women. While all the other guys are busy being the stereotypical "dogs" that women view all of us as, I'm just chillin quiet doin me and the females just holla at me.

My tip to you guys: Be yourself and the girls will come to you. Girls don't like being holler'd at, they don't like dudes asking for their numbers and they don't like game and pick up lines. It's like when ball players don't want to sign autographs because they are sick of it people ask them all day everyday. But they sign for the little kids because they know they are true fans. I've given this advice to other guys before and it has worked for them. I pull girls and I don't even try. They pull me. No this is not a bragging post. No there are no lies here. No one here on NT knows me and I do not care if you guys from the internet that I will never see or know believe me or not.

I know I can't be the only one who's like this. Some of ya'll should try it. Just have a great personality and be presentable like you are meeting her parents. It works for me.
Honest question. I have no game what so ever. I have never approached a girl ever in my life. I have never came at a girl with a pick up line ever in my life. When I'm at a party I'm never in the mix, never really partying but just kinda off to the side, observing, talking, laughing smoking and sipping. Often times I don't even say a word to any females. When I do talk to a girl I have never played any games, I have never thought of whats the right thing to text back and I have never tried to act a certain way to make a female like me. When talking to a girl all I do is talk about my life and her life. All I do is live my life and BE MYSELF. Be natural.

This IS your game. Dont try and exclude yourself like you're special Mr. Humblebraggington.

Here... I'll rep you for your accomplishments.

Cause, baby, I can't talk it....
Is that join date correct? Came in expecting a newbie :lol:
You must be SUPER GOOD LOOKING (no frank ocean) to never initiate and still put up those numbers because there are some girls who are to shy/scared/idealistic to approach a guy first
Honest question. I have no game what so ever. I have never approached a girl ever in my life. I have never came at a girl with a pick up line ever in my life. When I'm at a party I'm never in the mix, never really partying but just kinda off to the side, observing, talking, laughing smoking and sipping. Often times I don't even say a word to any females. When I do talk to a girl I have never played any games, I have never thought of whats the right thing to text back and I have never tried to act a certain way to make a female like me. When talking to a girl all I do is talk about my life and her life. All I do is live my life and BE MYSELF. Be natural.
Now that you guys know how I am, you may not believe the rest of my post. I have smashed dozens and dozens of females with little to no effort. All kinds. Pretty, butter face, black, white, hisp, goodie goodie, skkanks, young, older etc. Sure I've been rejected, sure I've been blown off, sure some of these girls took a lot longer than others. I watch dudes running game get rejected all the time at parties and after they leave the females come to me when I'm just minding my own business. Same at the clubs. Same when I'm with a group of friends at the mall or anywhere where there's women. While all the other guys are busy being the stereotypical "dogs" that women view all of us as, I'm just chillin quiet doin me and the females just holla at me.
My tip to you guys: Be yourself and the girls will come to you. Girls don't like being holler'd at, they don't like dudes asking for their numbers and they don't like game and pick up lines. It's like when ball players don't want to sign autographs because they are sick of it people ask them all day everyday. But they sign for the little kids because they know they are true fans. I've given this advice to other guys before and it has worked for them. I pull girls and I don't even try. They pull me. No this is not a bragging post. No there are no lies here. No one here on NT knows me and I do not care if you guys from the internet that I will never see or know believe me or not.
I know I can't be the only one who's like this. Some of ya'll should try it. Just have a great personality and be presentable like you are meeting her parents. It works for me.

I hate you. :smh:
OPs post comes off as a humblebrag, but I do agree with some of his points.

First off, a lot of you dudes out there have to realize that there is no exact science to dating or "spitting game." Only thing that you can do is be yourself. You have to do what feels right to YOU. If you get a number and feel like calling her the next day, do it. But...but...but...what about the 4 day grace period of "no calling/texting" that you should adhere to? To be honest, why abide by a set of "rules" set forth by movies, internet personalities, books, etc? what feels right to you. Dating/approaching women is nothing but trial and error. You're going to have hits and misses, but if you stay true to yourself, you really can't go wrong.
How can you get rejected if you never make the initial approach fam?....sense, this makes none.
I have a homeboy who would pull chicks like that, and yes that was his GAME.. Playing the nonchalant, I don't GAF guy in a party or atmosphere filled with dudes trying too hard, especially if you're a decent looking presentable guy. You give chicks that whole "mysterious" allure..

I've never had game my whole life, I'm not even much of a charmer, but I can make women laugh, and unintentionally I've become a great flirt from practicing on older women. I have no approach, though.
After I lost quite a bit of weight and I guess "grew" into my looks, every, party, club, bar, I go to, chicks choosing with minimum effort on my part. Telling me I'm beautiful, sexy and all that shh.. Threw me for a loop at first, but it's better than the hating *** broads I encountered throughout growing up.
The key to having game is not trying. The less you appear to be trying, the more girls are attracted to you.
You don't want to look desperate, I know from past experience trust me.

You just have to look in demand (even if you aren't), and girls will flock. They want what they can't have, and what is in demand.
If you aren't either of those, then you better get your Denzel on and put on one hell of an acting job.

You can try to "be yourself" like some people would say, but that will only get you so far with a majority of birds out there. There are a few diamonds in the rough out there that will like you for who you are, but the general population wants a guy with a confident demeanor who plays hard to get.
Game should be natural. If you trying then you a lame. There's no such thing as "game" if you a cool dude because thats your natural vibe. Ya'll dudes talking like its a on/off switch. :smh:
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