GXFR - Griselda by Fashion Rebels | Official Thread

I’m trying to not be that guy but flygod came out years ago...it might come off selfish but a lot of us got it when it was initially on iTunes. It was taken down because of the samples but it ended back on iTunes later. There are torrents, sites that had it up, etc as well. If you didn’t have it it’s great that it’s back up and you don’t have to bootleg it. Cool.

The Isaac pelayo prints are cool.
The bonus tracks on conways rerelease are cool. The fact that some ppl are getting a free shirt because of how long their orders are taking to ship is cool.

But where in the **** is hwh8..???
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There’s some stuff I just go ahead and bought the physical or buy and burn it to a cd just for reasons like that :lol: there’s a Che Noir/Elcamino song where the beat just got changed out of nowhere. The beat isn’t wack, but it’s not nearly as good as the original.
Now if he would just sign al divino and estee nack I feel like it would be complete.

Anyway this is so dope. I wanted this to happen for years. To answer his question I’m trying to see what dgsn2 sounds like with everybody on it. I need to hear Benny and Mach go back and forth on the same track and on the same verse..
I’m def trying to hear fahim and wsg on the same track and def trying to hear Mach and boldy on the same tracks too...
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