GXFR - Griselda by Fashion Rebels | Official Thread

Any other Westside Gunn / Griselda song like "DR BIRDS"? First time listening to them today. Love that song.
outside of scrolling through this thread, check out my boom bap thread for their music and artists that rock with them and make similar music...
SydneyMarie SydneyMarie
tracks similar to dr birds? I felt like what made dr birds so dope was that it was different... like similar in the fact that its boom bap/weirdo off key dusty loop...but I don't think they have anything exactly like it.

but other songs where the production is equally flames and minimalistic...plus you get a lil wittiness/stretched vocals from wsg

1. perfect plex (i put this on the list for the production part. but play this one in the car. not on the computer. trust me)
2. nitro (in the car; trust me. also this is one of those songs where Conway takes wsg's flow for a line or two and stretches his words out. I love that ****)
3. sensational sherri (fiend hit the pipe one time, did the dougieeeeeeeeeee)
4. I dunno why but I feel like rip bobby should be on here.
5. eastside (specifically wsg's part)
6. rex ryan
7. gondek is def a good one
8. gods don't bleed (the beat alone. ride through with the windows down on this one unless your city is on lockdown)
9. Niagara café (same. really should be at the top of the list)
10. Scotties (but watch the Griselda vid on the making of this before and then listen to it. its dope to see benny spit for Conway and others as he's coming up with his verse)
Project called Lulu, songs named Calvin and They Got Sonny

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