H.S. kid goes rally car happy wit his friends in his new impreza, loses control, all die sans driver

just a learner's permit and he hot doggin it...smh i dunno but there's no way i can live with da burden of guilt that i killed all my best buds cuz i was

being careless.....
I didn't catch it anywhere in the article but was it in fact a WRX/STi or just a base 2.5? Either way I hope the driver enjoys whatever heavy punishment he gets in addition to living with the guilt of 4 bodies on him.
I didn't catch it anywhere in the article but was it in fact a WRX/STi or just a base 2.5? Either way I hope the driver enjoys whatever heavy punishment he gets in addition to living with the guilt of 4 bodies on him.

the scoop on the hood and type wheels gives it away...

base models i.e non turbo'd dont come with either

than again i also drive one so yea :rolleyes
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I wonder if those X's are still in good condition >D

Teenagers are terrible drivers even a 1988 sentra is a weapon of death. I'm glad my parents had sense and never let me get a fast car as my first car.
Its not necessarily the parent's fault for getting the WRX. You can't fault them for that. Wouldn't you wanna give the best for your child? The issue is more so raising the child to be responsible and to make sure that they are a capable driver before buying the car. He had a learners permit. He shouldn't have been driving. Maybe even not letting the child out at 3:40AM with the car. In highschool If you're out at 3:40AM with a WRX you ain't doing **** positive or safe.

R.I.P to the parties involved though.
I feel like everyone has that moment in a car, when they do something dumb and know for the next time. It is sad that those kids will never know that feeling.

It does show that there is a reason for traffic rules, and there is no reason he should have been driving that late on a permit. I know when I first got my license and was driving I was super careful. I have also done some things that were dumb and cost me...that I did learn from.
I didn't catch it anywhere in the article but was it in fact a WRX/STi or just a base 2.5? Either way I hope the driver enjoys whatever heavy punishment he gets in addition to living with the guilt of 4 bodies on him.

Rims and hood scoop in the pics shows it's an STI.

Its not necessarily the parent's fault for getting the WRX. You can't fault them for that. Wouldn't you wanna give the best for your child? The issue is more so raising the child to be responsible and to make sure that they are a capable driver before buying the car. He had a learners permit. He shouldn't have been driving. Maybe even not letting the child out at 3:40AM with the car. In highschool If you're out at 3:40AM with a WRX you ain't doing **** positive or safe.
R.I.P to the parties involved though.

It is though, yeah it's cool if the parents have money to buy the kid a nice car but you don't buy a 300 horsepower car for someone just learning how to drive. Especially to a young teenager.
Skimmed the article so apologies if its in there but did it say what happened to the driver? Like injury wise?

Beer survived and was being treated at a Long Island hospital.

“He’s going to be okay,” said a neighbor. “He knows that his friends died.”

Like is he fine?
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Tragic, RIP to the young victims.

Wish more kids knew driving wild and fast isn't cool. Driving safe: Accident-free and ticket-free is cool.
aww damn that's my hood.

looks like all guyanese and trini kids from the hill. Sad. I remember a couple years ago i think four guyanese teenagers died near jfk when their car went into the barrier.

Kids wanna live that rude boy life too soon.

Yep... parents probably did real estate or owned some type of business.

I also remember those other kids that died in the Charger that they got for graduation on that turn right after the entrance to JFK Expressway from the Van Wyck.

You guys think this is crazy there was a kid around that area that his parents bought him a R35 GTR to bribe him to do good in school and go to college :smh: he started messing up and they took it away though, but someone I know that's from around that area said he got it back :smh:

One of my cousins from Long Island, actually around the same area that this accident happened not to far by Exit 21 I think, his parents got him a brand new 3 series when he was like 15-17 back in the day and his head was so big because of his ego with the car... but he's a straight up weed head druggie that finally held a job for almost a year now after like over a decade :smh: he's so spoiled and his parents still give him money even though he's working to support his drug habits and gets mad they see he isn't going anywhere in life. They be mad envious of me because I'm doing good and have a banging chick, making good money and going places and I came up in a really rough environment and I'm the exact opposite of him and he grew up and a really nice quiet suburb.
Any photos/video of the curve, or google maps, etc? Interested to see what they were going at at 3:40AM

Your cars direction would be following the yellow transit line in Google Maps (straight), so you can see how it can be the dangerous turn.

That location has an unreal amount of accidents, but the bulk of them are late night/early morning with people carrying far too much speed on an empty road, majority of those being fatal. That turn isn't particularly hard too navigate should you be moving at a "normal" speed, but a few kids lately have decided to blast through there in damp conditions and end up in big time wreckage, if they're lucky. A few have plowed into the overpass.
i used to have friends back in high school that were really into cars and the used to always want to go out driving. this is why i wouldn't ride with them.

word reckless friends

want to race on the highway

tallgate people doing 100 mph .:x

then you ask em ..you get into accidents before?...they reply " yeah 2 already :smokin "

im like aight bruh' see u at the crossroads
 In highschool If you're out at 3:40AM with a WRX you ain't doing **** positive or safe.
He probably didn't want to take the risk of getting pulled over. Early morning is a lot less traffic so he thought it wouldn't be too bad. 
Lesson: Nice car =/= nice driver.

Gits get a nice car and think they're Ayrton Senna. :smh:

RIP. So sad that dudes so young had to die.

Not saying they deserved it but you gotta take that to the track man. Driving like that is extremely stupid
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