Had a Sleep Paralysis for The First Time the Other Night



I swear at first I thought a demon was in me.

Chaging my sleeping habits asap.
BRUH! I swear.. Ive had that a good amount of times and that !*#! trips me out still right before i go to sleep.

I bless myself almost all the time now before i go to bed...

having a night mare. Then you try to wake up.. But your body is like holding you down and you cant move your head or arms and !*#! . Cant open your eyes.. that !*#! trips me out because you do feel like a demon is inside you...

I be mad nervous but all i do is try to relax cause i know something is happening.. think of GOOD and just breathe and i was cool..

But that !*#! is scary... 
Idk why i even started sleeping like this

But that !*#! is thee most comfortable position to sleep in ever.. well atleast it KOs me quickly but this causes Sleep paraylsis... so i had to change it up
Originally Posted by FOG

Happened to me once a few years back, and it was one of the scariest moments that ever happened to me. Woke up in the middle of the night, [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]sitting upright on my bed[/color] and couldn't breathe or move any part of my body. After about literally the longest 15 seconds of my life, I let out a small yell and it was over. Some scary @+#% right there man 

And it probably made it that much effed up because I didn't know what the *#+# just went on at the time


My dude...I dont think thats normal for sleep paralysis.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Skateboard

I don't think I've ever had sleep paralysis, but have any of you felt like you were about to fall out of bed but never did?

Yeah I had a few of those...

How about getting into a fight but NEVER ever feeling like you're hitting hard enough? Or running never feeling like your moving fast enough?

Not trying to clown you, but do you run slow in real life? I think its one of those things where your mind projects what you natirally feel. Like I cant see a dude like Deion having dreams and not being able to outrun stuff. He knows hes fast so he is probably fast in his dreams. Serious question tho
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Been happening at least 5 times a year since I was about 14.

 @ feeling like you're being raped by a ghost.
getting raped by a ghost

I've never experienced this sleep paralysis and hope I never do.
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Skateboard

I don't think I've ever had sleep paralysis, but have any of you felt like you were about to fall out of bed but never did?blockquote>

Yeah I had a few of those...

How about getting into a fight but NEVER ever feeling like you're hitting hard enough? Or running never feeling like your moving fast enough?

Not trying to clown you, but do you run slow in real life? I think its one of those things where your mind projects what you natirally feel. Like I cant see a dude like Deion having dreams and not being able to outrun stuff. He knows hes fast so he is probably fast in his dreams. Serious question tho
You serious dude? But anyway nawww I'm a fast/quick dude! So I'm sure that's not the issue.
one of the worst feelings ever. i feel for those who are truly paralyzed 
Had one yesterday afternoon. I noticed that I usually get them when I don't get enough sleep the night before and decide to take a nap mid afternoon. I don't even sleep on my back or anything, NEVER do unless I'm injured or something. They don't bother me anymore, I just know it's going to pass. I was kind of laughing in my head when it happened because I was like "Here it goes again," laying helplessly drooling uncontrollably.
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by Chao

I feel your pain. Happened to me for the first time like 3 months ago. It's freaky, man.

When I woke up I felt extremely nervous because I couldn't move my body, and I had the strong sense that some presence was in the room, right next to my bed. It was this black shadowy thing. Apparently those intense feelings that something is in the room with you is common because your brain is still halfway in dreamland, and when you panic your mind creates images like that.

Some things I looked up that you might consider:

- Changing your sleeping pattern a lot can contribute to having it happen...in my case I forced myself to go to bed way earlier than I had been for the past month or so because I had something to do the next morning. You're much more likely to halfway wake-up in the middle of the night when you do it.

- Sleeping on your back was found to be the overwhelmingly most common position for sufferers of sleep paralysis. I still sleep that way, but I'm mindful to go to bed on a certain schedule.

- Don't lie in bed all wound up in anxiety or worry about deadlines you need to meet, or whatever else is stressing you out. If you toss and turn for a long time while doing this and finally drift off to sleep, it can make it more likely to occur.

On an interesting sidenote, OP, ever have this happen to you?


That crap happens to me every other night when I first get ready to go to bed, lol.

haven't had a Hypnic Jerk for a while, but can someone list the differences between Lucid Dreams and Sleep Paralysis? 
can't really tell if the dreams i've had were lucid or i was in a state of Sleep paralysis.

Lucid dreaming is generally defined as being able to recognize that you're in a dream, and then controlling the dream to do whatever you want. I've heard the difficulty of doing so varies from person to person, and a big part of it is remaining calm. In almost every instance where I've personally realized I was in a dream, I woke up immediately. Go figure. 

Sleep paralysis is when you awaken from deep sleep, but not completely, like the body should. You're trapped in the position you awoke in, basically, until you wake up the rest of the way. A lot of people (including myself) just want it to be over with, but some people use their unique state of consciousness as a chance for vivid lucid dreaming. A big part of the reason that people have such horrible hallucinations or deep senses of panic while semi-awake is that it's very much a new and uncomfortable position to be in. I was pretty terrified.

Here's a summary of what my paralysis was like:

- I "woke up" in my own room, very aware that I was in the bed in my own house, but was literally frozen to that spot. 

- I immediately knew something weird was up because my breathing was shallow, plus I was becoming more aware I couldn't move my arms and legs.

- I "felt" like something was in the room with me after I started to panic, and when I tried to turn my eyes to look slightly behind me on the side of my bed, my mind had conjured up a tall dark shadow thing right there alongside everything that was actually physically present. 

This stuff only took place for about 15-20 seconds, but it sucks. I've heard of people getting stuck like that for several minutes to an hour, can you imagine?
had it happen once..

thought i saw a ghost by the door and then it kicked in..tried screamin 'mom' for help but nothing happened...smh..
Originally Posted by Smedroc

I get it so regular i don't even sweat no more 

First time though
......... no sleep was had for the remainder of that night!

basically. my sleep habits are all @$%$+! up.
first few times i had it i would trip.
now it happens so often i just keep calm and let it ride out..
and hypnic jerks happen waaay too much
Originally Posted by Smedroc

I get it so regular i don't even sweat no more 

First time though
......... no sleep was had for the remainder of that night!

but astral projections are something else....
a dude had a hypnic jerk in class once while he was dozing off and flinched so hard he fell off the chair... the teacher just

that joint happens to me when i start to fall asleep in class or @ work. I just try my best to stay awake to save myself embarrassment cause it WILL happen.

I remember I had sleep paralysis while sleeping on my stomach. another time I literally almost died because I slept on my back and choked on my saliva while catching sleep paralysis. my body caught itself just on the nick of time. since then I only sleep on my stomach.

I truly do believe that there is a little more to this entire thing aside from scientific explanations ...
I have been straight disbelieving dudes in these type of threads but this happened to me last night for the first time ever and THIS **** HAS ME SHOOK! I've been stressing a lot lately with school and my GF breakup so I've been sleeping terrible lately.

Well last night I was sleeping on my back and I fell asleep watching T.V. I woke up about an hour later because the T.V. was at a loud part in the movie. At first I was just watching the movie, but then I decided I'll just roll on my side and go to sleep for reals. My eyes were open, I was fully aware of what was going on around me. I was not in sleep mode or even tired mode, or so I thought.....

I reached down to pick up the tv remote and I hit the power button. My tv doesnt turn off so I figured maybe I grabbed the blue ray remote instead. I look down to see where it was and I see my FREAKING ARM STILL LAYING ON MY BED! I never picked up any remote and my arm looked like somebody elses arm. I couldnt feel it at all! I tried to move it and nothing worked. I was seriously panicking because I could not move my entire body, I couldn't scream, all I could do way lay there wide awake and frozen. I started pushing with all my might to try and get up but couldn't budge. Finally I told myself that I was just in some sort of half sleep half coma thing or something and eventually my body relaxed and I was slowly able to get out of it.

When I finally got up, I had to take a cold shower because I was seriously frightened. I hope that never happens to me the rest of my life and my thoughts and prayers go out to anybody who's had this effect them in a negative way or people that say this has happened during surgeries and stuff. The mind is a scary thing ya'll!
I've had Sleep Paralysis since my teenage years.  Some times it just comes and goes fast and I can snap out of it easy and other times I have  crazy vivid dreams about demons or the devil coming after me.
  Sometimes I think I'm awake and I can see my entire room  and then a door will close out of the corner of my eye and it will trip me out.  Sometimes it will feel like I'm floating to the ceiling and I can see everything  as if I'm awake but as soon as I grab the ceiling fan I'll wake up.    One time when I moved out to Vegas to live with one of my homeboys I had this happen.  I thought I woke up and I couldn't move and I saw my homeboy in the corner of the room.  He had a evil look on his face and it was weird because his head was touching the ceiling but I couldn't tell if he was standing on something.   I started to try and yell for him to come wake me up.   I thought he had heard me because he started to walk towards me and as soon as he touched my shoulder I woke up.  Crazy thing is he was no where to be found and the room was pitch dark.   I was shook and I stayed up for the rest of the night.   I told him about it that morning and then he told me he thought his house was haunted
   Crazy thing is the sooner I start to pray or try to call out to God or Jesus the faster it goes away for me.   If I don't it will last longer and sometimes it won't go away until I start praying.  lol Crazy I know especially for the atheist who will read this.  
To me its not a big deal :lol:. Yeah it happens and it never negatively affected me so I know I'm just gonna end up waking up from all this the next time.
It's happened to me since I was about 6 haven't happened in a few months. Your body goes into sleep mode and instead of your mind going into sleep mode, it's awake, and it takes a moment for the signals to reach your body to move.

@calibeebee just relax next time getting nervous will cause your heart to pace, and shortness in breath. If your body is in paralysis mode keep composure and wait a min before attempting to move it again.
It's happened to me since I was about 6 haven't happened in a few months. Your body goes into sleep mode and instead of your mind going into sleep mode, it's awake, and it takes a moment for the signals to reach your body to move.

@calibeebee just relax next time getting nervous will cause your heart to pace, and shortness in breath. If your body is in paralysis mode keep composure and wait a min before attempting to move it again.

Thought I was the only one.. I swear you can find any subject on NT..

When I tell my girl about she looks at me crazy. Your right tho stay calm and ride it out
I've had sleep paralysis a couple times now. The other day, I had the craziest dream that a group of my friends picked me to try and communicate to one of my friends dead sister... I was just playing around and said I'd do it, then all of a sudden I'm in front of some house that had boarded windows and doors. I start chiseling away at the door, and once it opens I see my friend's sister. She's glowing with a wide smile, and starts telling me to tell her brother she is okay, and to not worry. After that, I woke up freezing, and it was 3:06 A.M. 
 I didn't fall back asleep. 
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