Had a Sleep Paralysis for The First Time the Other Night

They say Bruce Lee suffered from the same thing in the months before his death. In the movie "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" it represented by that demon chasing him around in his sleep.
Welcome to the club. If it keeps happening you'll eventually get used to it and be able to keep calm through it until it completely stops.


I swear at first I thought a demon was in me.

Chaging my sleeping habits asap.
Happened to me when I was in LA few years ago. I honestly believed that I had a demon in me and I was trying to yell, but I couldn't.  Then last year in my Physiological psychology class I learned it was nothing but sleep paralysis. Phew! 
I used to have it last year. Doesnt feel good at all. Its like your awake but you cant move. You try to scream and move but you cant. Luckly I dont get them anymore
never had one but a lot of ppl claim that sleep paralysis is a euphemism for getting attacked by a demonic entity. Maybe u recently did something to get it attached to you? Did you play any Ouija boards lately? 
Wow I was trying to explain this to my Mom not too long ago but she couldn't really understand what I was trying to convey. So this actually has a name and happens to other people?! I seriously thought I was the only one, that's a relief. This has been happening to me ever since I was a child. About 3-4 weeks ago this "sleep paralysis" happened to me FOUR times in a row! The exact second I closed my eyes I couldn't open them OR move at all. I was scared as %^&*!! I eventually had to turn the TV on and watch for about a hour to clear my mind.
I would get these constantly in the past but i haven't recently.
These would scare me as a child.
when it happens and you realize its going on, try to focus on good things and feelings. with practice you'll start projecting and altering your own dreams.

lucid dreaming >
Only happens to me when I take naps. It's always coming out of a scary or disturbing lucid dream as well, and I'm usually curled up in an unnatural sleeping position (for me anyway).
Originally Posted by Skateboard

I don't think I've ever had sleep paralysis, but have any of you felt like you were about to fall out of bed but never did?

Yeah I had a few of those...

How about getting into a fight but NEVER ever feeling like you're hitting hard enough? Or running never feeling like your moving fast enough?
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

when it happens and you realize its going on, try to focus on good things and feelings. with practice you'll start projecting and altering your own dreams.

lucid dreaming >

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

when it happens and you realize its going on, try to focus on good things and feelings. with practice you'll start projecting and altering your own dreams.

lucid dreaming >
I love moments of sleep paralysis because I try to take the opportunity to control dreams. I don't believe in ghosts or demons, so I've never freaked out when it happened.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Skateboard

I don't think I've ever had sleep paralysis, but have any of you felt like you were about to fall out of bed but never did?

Yeah I had a few of those...

How about getting into a fight but NEVER ever feeling like you're hitting hard enough? Or running never feeling like your moving fast enough?

This is common? I swear it pisses me off subconsciously but i never rage about it in my dreams. 

Speaking of lucid dreaming, I have done it successfully twice, but both times it was pretty short.

Try as hard as all humanly possible to spin in your dreams, spinning causes dream time to extend. 

WORKS AMAZING MIND WAS BLOWN. My dreams lasted mad longer. 
I sleep on my back without a pillow and it never happened to me.. I also refuse to believe that your brain projects a demon hovering over you and/or whispering in your ear.. Thats not your brain my friend.. Evil stuff like that and worse happens alot.
This is probably the third time I've seen this thread, but I usually gloss over them since I think sleep paralysis is baloney.
I just read up about it and I think I have something similar to it.
I think I have sleep
Spoiler [+]
don'twannaget outtabedysis
It has happend to me multiple times before ... The last time it happened I swear I realized it, and was just sitting there trying to move ... It was scary like all of the other times, but this time I actually knew I was in it so I tried to enjoy it
Had it 2 nights in a row like 3 weeks ago.

Eyes were open, could not move. Saw these weird random spinning green circles on my wall (sorta like the twilight zone) until I came to and they slowly went away. My legs felt like they were on fire and it was cool in my room, had the window open and I was on top of the blanket. Felt like something was trying to pull me through my bed. Not off of it, but through the mattresses to the floor. Same thing both nights. Weirdest %+%! ever. Coulda swore I was about to be abducted.

I usually have Sleep paralysis multiple times a month, but that's the 1st time it ever happened like that. I was sober and hadn't watched or read anything before bed.
I've never had this but since I was about 17, I'm now 30, I have had terrible nightmares on a regular basis where I am unable to wake myself up for an extended period of time. By the time I am able to wake up its usually by jolting upright in bed screaming or hyperventilating. People have told me that even swing my arms and whatnot during the nightmares. They have gotten less frequent over the years but still happens a couple times a month. Scary stuff.
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