Hairless Chimpanzee - Freaky!

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

damn without hair you can see why they will and can kill your !%#...
Foreel, I remember my anthropology teacher telling me how a Chimp ripped a guy's arm out of his socket when she was in Africa a few yearsback. They have more fast-twitch muscle fibers than humans which makes the 4-7 times stronger than us.
weird #%$* always happens in india... do they got some crazy drinking water or something?
This is a mockery. How dare they have this primative
Ape resemble us. I say distroy them all. We must be the
Only ones
There was one just like this that lived in the St. Louis zoo named Cinder that died. It developed Alopecia Universalis.

Charlie Villanueva has this condition as well
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