Half Brother and Sisters ???? WWYD

my Pops was or should i say is a Rollin' Stone. So i have abt 12 half brothers/sisters. For the first time in my life a last year, we all managed to get ALL OF US together except one. It's crazy.

I'm the oldest of all my Pops kids, so i have a relationship w/ most of them.

There's me and and who i consider my REAL brother (same moms and pops) then its the rest of them. That's just how i look at it. I Love them all & they don't get treated any different.

We all grew up in the same city, and barely even saw one another, Now that we are all older, we try to keep in touch.

Funny thing, i had to meet some of my younger siblings though myspace and facebook back in the day, it's weird getting them "Hey is such and such your daddy?" messages. Followed by i'm your little brother!!!
I have a half brother & a half sister but I've only seen them once or twice. my half brother is or was in gang & got shot a few times & my father would tell me my half brother was dead but he wasn't.
Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

How do you treat them ?
In my case i have meet one of my half brothers once and that was maybe 15 years ago . They are all from my father who left us since i was about 5, so i never lived with any of them nor have i ever contacted them. Last year i was contacted by a woman claiming to be a child of my father and this week my full blood brother was contacted by a man claiming to be his son also . In total when i asked my mom she says that i have 3 half bro and 1 sis possibly . My father only claims to have 2 other children besides me and my brother. I don't speak to my father very often or would i just ask him. What i am asking is would you want to try to build any type of relationship with your half bro or sister that you have never had contact with ? They are my father children and he has never really had contact with them, so it kinda weird to me
i have a half sister and shes much older than me, but she was there when i grew up so i have a small connection to her, i absolutely love her daughter (my niece) tho and i was there to help raise her so i mean it depends on what you want to do, if i grew up without a sibling tho i wouldnt want them to pop out of nowhere, its like we grew up without each other so i dont miss you and we dont need to start acting like family
i got a half bro and sis. lived with them for a few years but after that my mom pushed mea dn my full sister away from that side of the family and they moved across the country. havent talked to them since. it hurts
My half brother passed away a year before I was born, so I never got to meet him. He was a real smart dude though, was trying to be a doctor. I definitely would've liked a chance to build a relationship with him, I'm always told we have very similar personalities.
i have 2 half sisters and had a half brother. I never remember seeing my half brother but one of the sisters was big on trying to build a relationship with me and my brother but i think her forcing it kinda pushed me away or i was probably selfish and didnt care to have a relationship. She is 43 and my dad was married before but they are cool so we talk and chill sometimes so give it a try at least and take it from there
Originally Posted by Definition Of Dopeness

Funny thing, i had to meet some of my younger siblings though myspace and facebook back in the day, it's weird getting them "Hey is such and such your daddy?" messages. Followed by i'm your little brother!!!

i got a message like this 2 years ago...i thought she was gonna tell me she was messing w/my bf at the time...she almost got him killed

turns out she thought we had the same father but we didnt

seems like everyone's dad was getting it in
i don't care about halves.

if you didn't grow up with me, then i can't even consider you immediate family.

we supposed to be cool cause we share some DNA?
Im kinda in the same spot I got a half sister my father had after he left us..She has tried plenty of time to get to know me but Im not havin it. I know none of its her fault but still the person I know and the person she knows is totally differant so Id rather not have anything to do with either of them
@ what society has come to step dads, step moms step brother, half cousing its crap
i grew up with my mom dad and all my brothers and sisters. I will not accept nothing less.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

@ what society has come to step dads, step moms step brother, half cousing its crap
i grew up with my mom dad and all my brothers and sisters. I will not accept nothing less.

   though i (barely) get what your what your saying, that's a pretty #%#!!#% statement.

Anyway, I found out i had a half sister when i was 12; my dad got her mother pregnant before he went got shipped to vietnam. We actually live about 30 minutes away from each other, and probably see each other every other month. She's pretty busy, i have a full time job and family, so we don't get up that often.

Since we didn't grow up together, and don't see each other that often, we're not as close as me and my "full" sister and i still refer to her as my half sister.
i met my half sister when i was 10

she was madd cool from new york 5 years older than me

we got along great but she hated my pops guess her moms put madd crap in her head

and was jealous we was "spoiled" i guess

at last day of her trip she spazzed out on pops and said "your whole family is boring" (typical new yorker in florida comment)

she didnt come back around for another 5 years, she was here for memorial weekend trying to sweet talk my pops to pay her some cash to spend on the beach

funny thing is when she showed up asking for cash she didnt even say hi to me or my lil brother ...like straight up forgot we existed didnt even walk into our rooms before leaving to say bye (slime)

one thing i missed bout having a "half" sister is all the fine homegirls she brought back to the crib...sheesh
I have 7 half brothers and 1 half sister. I was raised around all of them so the "half" notion is non existent in my case.
I'm in the same boat as a few of you guys. I have both a half brother, and a half sister. We all grew up together though so I never looked at it like a half situation.
My brother died when I was about 7, he was in and out of jail fairly often though so I didn't speak to him much aside from occasional calls. There was still a bond between all of us. As far as I'm concerned family is family. I don't see how some of you can be so indifferent towards them.
I have 2 half sisters. We didnt grow up in the same house and they are 10+ years younger than me, but to me they are my baby sisters. i dont refer to them as my half sisters. I also have a step brother and step sister, we grew up together. They are just my brother and my sister. The way we all grew up, half and step are not necessary. they are my brother and my sisters.

I guess it depends, as my situation is completely different from OP's though.
I have 3 half bros/sis I'm cool with 2 but refuse to deal with the other in any type of way since you only a month apart .......
i have two half sisters. theyre younger and i make no effort to see/talk to them. Its messed up but it is what it is.
I have a half brother.  See him when i see the rest of my family which is about 3 times a year for holidays.  He is 8 years younger then me so the age gap is just awkward.  We never really talk when we see each other.  When people ask how many siblings i have i usually just say 1 my sister because we grew up together in the same household.  
just by reading the title, I thought that this was going to say something along the lines of " say you have a really hot half brother/sister....would you smash?"
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