Half Of America Makes Less Than $27,520 A Year And 15 Other Signs The Middle Class Is Dying

does Obama deserve some of the blame?

  • yeah, he promised us a CHANGE and nothing changed

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  • no, Obama is a great president and he's helping America move forward

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Your grandparents paid for your entire education?
Actually my grandfather paid being that my grandmother only made like 20k, but you know, they have combined accounts so it is from them both, and I won't dare say otherwise to her. 

But yea my mom had me young so she let my grandparents by my guardians so I could get on their benefits (retired gov't GS-15 for 32 years & now double dips with his pension and is a gov't contractor). I never even knew this until I went to get my license and needed a guardian and my grandmother pulled out the official documentation proving she was in fact my guardian, lol. 

The bad thing was that we didn't think for me to hop back on my mom's benefits since she was a teacher by the time I was about to graduate. I could have filed for scholarships and financial aid since she would have been a single mother with 2 children on a teacher's salary. Since I was still on my grandparent's house/benefits, I qualified for 0 assistance, so every semester he would write me a check for room & board. I would either go by the admissions office and drop the check off or he would take the check by there himself.

It wasn't until I was at my 2nd internship and hearing the other interns talking about how much they will owe when they finish up and how much they will have to pay before I really realized how lucky I was.

You guys are dead on with those profit colleges. ITT Teach, ECPI, etc.....Kids go and don't finish or can't get a job afterwards and are stuck with insane loans. I would recommend someone going to a community college other those schools anytime.
Very relevant.

Hell just in this thread alone you can see how that distinction between middle class/ lower class can create dysfunction between the people. The Rich are smart, they know if Americans were ever able to band together they would probably be done. so instead give one man a smaller elevated status and create disdain btwn the two, make them seem like they have a huge difference in lifestyle, 7 while their busy bickering and arguing amongst each other the rich are cutting deals to control both to their liking.

Everything from Race, Religion, Social Rank, Sexuality are all maintained and promoted the same & the one constant in it all is that the people on top keep complete control.
Great observation and nicely said. It's been that way since the Roman Empire, perhaps even before. some will even argue that the Roman Empire is still alive and well. It's just known by another name.
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