Half Of America Makes Less Than $27,520 A Year And 15 Other Signs The Middle Class Is Dying

does Obama deserve some of the blame?

  • yeah, he promised us a CHANGE and nothing changed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no, Obama is a great president and he's helping America move forward

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Lol, so you want to add and subtract government jobs at the same time? Cut and spend?

Trim fat does not necessarily mean cut government jobs. Yes I would like to cut military spending so yes in that sector there will be job cuts but when I say trim fat im talking about excess spending by departments for no reason

never gonna happen. they gonna keep spending and request larger amounts on their budgets for XYZ.
Close some loopholes would be good. I believe the bush era tax cuts are still in effect too.
Are we going to act like Unions werent more prevalent in these no regulation times? Government regulations werent lax on the financial industry that caused the last financial crisis? Who are really effected by all these regulations? Clearly not the people making the most money.

They were very powerful. More so than they are now. Which is how they kept government regulations to a minimum. The financial crisis wasn't due to poor oversight. It was caused by people with ****** credit taking out mortgages that they could not afford.
You provide 0 usable facts or sensible solutions. You speak as if you're an expert in government, history and economics, but you throw generalities out there like they're supposed to be Aha! Moments. No **** a higher tax rate on the wealthy would help, and these things are in play albeit slowly. What you can't answer is the how, trapping yourself in this useless cycle of arguments citing others work. Here's my stop.
They were very powerful. More so than they are now. Which is how they kept government regulations to a minimum. The financial crisis wasn't due to poor oversight. It was caused by people with ****** credit taking out mortgages that they could not afford.

Really? Wasn't due to poor oversight? Give me a break, fraud at the highest levels.
They were very powerful. More so than they are now. Which is how they kept government regulations to a minimum. The financial crisis wasn't due to poor oversight. It was caused by people with ****** credit taking out mortgages that they could not afford.

You cant just take a mortgage. The whole subprime mortage crisis was constructed, lenders knew what they were doing by offering subprime mortgages. They rated bad mortages with higher ratings when they sold off the mortgages. It was completely poor oversight.

Does this not describe poor oversight?

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You provide 0 usable facts or sensible solutions. You speak as if you're an expert in government, history and economics, but you throw generalities out there like they're supposed to be Aha! Moments. No **** a higher tax rate on the wealthy would help, and these things are in play albeit slowly. What you can't answer is the how, trapping yourself in this useless cycle of arguments citing others work. Here's my stop.

Cutting military spending isnt a sensible solution? What how do you want me to explain? How the middle class is worse off now than in the 50s? Raise in everything else but wages. Poor government regulation that lead into bad situations i.e. the last financial crisis. Spending on wars that benefit large corporations like government contractors. Ask me any question please. Let me enlighten you since you arent getting it
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I'm fully enlightened, those are all readily available information, most in here are aware and understand those things. What you don't get is you're not saying anything new or of any benefit.
I'm fully enlightened, those are all readily available information, most in here are aware and understand those things. What you don't get is you're not saying anything new or of any benefit.

Most are aware? In this very thread we have a person who represents a high amount of the posts in this thread saying the financial crisis wasnt due to poor oversight. I am sorry but no I do not believe that most people understand these things. Most people have no idea what is going on and why its happening.
The government during the 90s thought that all Americans should be able to own a home, so they relaxed lending standards. So all of a sudden all these people with poor credit, no collateral, and minimal income were suddenly able to "own" homes. People were buying million dollar homes but made less than 100k a year. Housing prices soared life was good. But then people starting losing their jobs and were not able to pay off the mortgages they never should have gotten. But things were still good. But then individuals in the mortgage industry noticed the trend of foreclosures, enter the credit default swap, they bet monet that these mortgages would eventually foreclose. Which they did. So in actuality there are three entities to blame, the government for trying to give away houses to broke people, the American people for living above their means, and a bunch of Wall Street math geeks that noticed a trend first and cashed out.

Honestly, I don't fault anyone for making a buck off the greed and blatant stupidity of others.
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You cant just take a mortgage. The whole subprime mortage crisis was constructed, lenders knew what they were doing by offering subprime mortgages. They rated bad mortages with higher ratings when they sold off the mortgages. It was completely poor oversight.

Does this not describe poor oversight?


Yes due to the government wanting to give more Americans their own homes.
Yall want higher wages?

Find a real war for America to get involved in.

This country's most prosperous times have followed after wars.
Yall want higher wages?

Find a real war for America to get involved in.

This country's most prosperous times have followed after wars.

And when taxes were high as hell for the upper class + businesses right? Everything started to fall into the ***** like when Reaganomics and that trickle-down bs
Yall want higher wages?

Find a real war for America to get involved in.

This country's most prosperous times have followed after wars.

The contractors get the money, taxpayers get the bills. America has been at war for over 10years.
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:x at the thought of working full time and only making 27.5k or less a year
Sad but it is true for a lot of America. My grandmother is a kindergarten teacher assistant for 29 years and makes like 22k year. When she retires, they only pay like $15 a day of leave she has, so she is better off just using the leave for personal days. After 30 years nearly to only make that is just ridiculous. My mother was also a teach and is now a principal, and the amount of time she gives to the school and thankless job and annoying parents isn't worth the pay bump from a teacher to me.

My wife was looking at her financial aid loans and noticed that in order to file deferment for economic reasons, a family of 3 cannot EXCEDE 24k BEFORE taxes......so either a single parent with a couple kids or a husband and wife with a child, went to school, got degrees and still can't clear 24k together? Highly doubt it, but the they bust you open in the monthly payments because they don't factor in any other bills except your pre tax income.

A lot of these convos and stats just make me realize how lucky/blessed I have been. I was lucky enough to have my college education paid for by my grandparents, bought a house at 23, and I have a well paying IT position and was just promoted to a senior IT position at just a few months shy of 28...even though I fuss about wanting more money still :lol:
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Your grandparents paid for your entire education?

Luckily I started at a JC. Saved a lot of money. Actually earned from the school. When I transfer though, I'm gon have to take out loans. Which are part of the problem. People majoring in fields that aren't in demand and folks who major in anything just to get a degree, end up struggling to find good work to pay off loans.
Great conversations and very interesting and well thought perspectives. Do you guys predict things will get better in our lifetime? or nothing but worse?
Sad to say there will be no middle ground, you'll be either rich or poor soon. What people are missing is the bigger picture. Minimum wages being increased? Big business will say ok, let's get automation and computers ramped up to replace you. Look at what Panera is doing, getting rid of cashiers, installing terminals to take orders.

La li lu le lo
Gonna marry a chick who has her **** together as much as I do and flourish as a family unit. Travel the world together until my early-mid 30s then maybe have a kid or two when I can afford to give them they life I want to give them.

I honestly feel one of America's biggest problems is that poor people and unmarried people seem to be having the most children. I do not live in the greatest neighborhood and I'm shocked at all these little kids running around everywhere. Like 5 in a household similar to mine and my house isn't nice or big by any means. I would like to see statistics on household income/children ratio. I bet it'd be the opposite of what you think. People out here having kids they can't afford, in dysfunctional families, reaping child support and not using on the kid. Then the kids aren't raised right, grow up and don't have any education, jobs, or skills. Angry at the world. Messed up.

I'm not saying we adopt China's one-child policy but I feel like something needs to be done. Any one else find this concerning?
You know what i find amusing going through this thread is that people are complaining of the poor being complacent and not wanting to "Fight" to better their situations, yet those same people in the very next sentence, will agree that government & big business is using a system that clearly doesn't benefit the public & countering with the excuse of "We know the government is corrupt but you have to work around it". Showing that they are completely complacent and lack the ability to try and change a government that is clearly unbalanced.

How can you sit there in the face of injustice which clearly effects you & those around you and say oh well the government is messed up, as if the people don't have the power to make changes in the government, but of course that would take into account viewing different aspects, monitoring the majority, and critical thinking which as i witness everyday is becoming less and less promoted.
Sad to say there will be no middle ground, you'll be either rich or poor soon. What people are missing is the bigger picture. Minimum wages being increased? Big business will say ok, let's get automation and computers ramped up to replace you. Look at what Panera is doing, getting rid of cashiers, installing terminals to take orders.

La li lu le lo

Automation will hopefully force people to learn new skills. This of course is if our education system can handle teaching people new skills. Instead of people being cashiers we can have people design cashier systems, if we get rid of these jobs that only teach a function and not concepts we can strengthen our economy because people will adapt better to changing job trends IMO.
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