Halo 4 Thread| The Pit Returns Aug.20

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Playing for the campaign.

Reach had an amazing story.

Yeah that's one thing I'll give Reach I think it had the best story of all the Halo games released.
Originally Posted by xxpizzo23

just give me Halo2 and ill be happy

Yeah I'm guessing the same thing they did with the remake of Halo 1 with the remake from 343 studios is going to be the same thing they do with Halo 2... well at least I hope they do.

I never got a chance to play Halo 2 nor 1 on mulitiplayer on Xbox Live only the campaign, but from what others say... Halo 2's multiplayer made FPS multiplayer what it is today.

I've still yet to pick up the remake of Halo 1... I'm just waiting for it to go on sale or something and then I'll pick it up.

I'm guess 343 studios will do the remake of Halo 2 once 4 releases this year... Halo 2 released November 9, 2004 so hopefully Halo 4 can hold fans over until Halo 2 is re-released.
Not sure whether it was real or fake but its worth showing anyway
They're basically saying that this game is going to be completely different, with some traditional / original things present that have been altered to keep the original fans happy and content.

Not sure how I feel about this, but I'm pissed that they changed the way that Slayer is going to run. Halo from 1-forever should always have a Slayer gametype that is a 1-50 kill counter.

If MLG will run good w/ the new BR, and everything is concentrated correctly, this could be a good game. Doubt it will ever top Halo 2 or Halo 3 though.

P.S. I really hope that they keep the campaign simple.. I don't want to be the gunner of a pelican the whole mission.. I want to be Master Chief and jump out to destroy some covenant / flood. #thegoodoldays
I have no hope for the multiplayer part of Halo 4 after playing Reach

only excited for Campaign

was a hardcore halo 1 to 3 player from 2001-2008. Reach !$!#%% it up besides campaign
DMR confirmed in this podcast http://halo.xbox.com/Cont...ast/343Sparkast_011.mp3. So the BR and DMR will be in this game. Who do they think will actually use the DMR when the BR is there?
[h1]May Cover Revealed: Halo 4[/h1]
http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/04/05/may-cover-revealed-halo-4.aspx#comments/www.gameinformer.com/Themes/GameInformer/images/comment-count-bg.png);">http://www.gameinformer.c...s/comment-count-bg.png); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; padding-top: 1px; padding-right: 4px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-style: normal; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">21http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/04/05/may-cover-revealed-halo-4.aspx#comments/www.gameinformer.com/Themes/GameInformer/images/comment-count-bg.png);">http://www.gameinformer.c...s/comment-count-bg.png); background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: initial; padding-top: 1px; padding-right: 4px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-style: normal; background-position: -32px 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">1


We've seen a surprising amount of speculation this month about our May cover, with all sorts of different games being suggested. At long last, we can pull back the curtain on our world-exclusive look at Halo 4.

This 14-page cover story is stuffed full of details on the new game, including information on where the story is going, hands-on impressions of multiplayer, and intel on the surprising new approach governing every aspect of Halo's multiplayer experience. 

343 Industries also shared a wealth of in-game screenshots and concept art revealing new locations within the Halo universe. Take a look at the May cover image below. 

Now, get a glimpse of the new look for Halo's longtime character, Cortana, revealed on our back cover for the first time.

In addition to exclusive info on Halo 4,the May issue comes packed with six pages of new insight into the long awaited Guild Wars 2 MMO. Also keep an eye out for previews of Borderlands 2, Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, SimCity, The Last Story, and more. 
Details surrounding the multiplayer aspect of Microsoft Studios and 343 Industries upcoming Halo 4 title has been leaked online due to being extracted from the May issue of Game Informer Magazine. Read the content below if you don’t mind spoilers – otherwise close your eyes and click a few buttons.

Via Console Monster

Spartan Points

Spartan Points is the new currency system in Halo 4. They will buy things such as armor, armor abilities, Spartan Ops missions (see below), and some

Spartan Ops

This was probably my most favorite addition I saw. From how it was described, think for Spartan Ops like Spec Ops from Modern Warfare but with a storyline. They will span out over several months, encouraging players to return to the game. Game Informer said that Spartan Ops will be comparable in scope and size to the in single-player storyline.

Why Reds Fight Blues

I think most of us probably guessed this, but reds fight blues and blues fight reds for training purposes. They fight in something called the UNSC Infinity. The UNSC Infinity is a 3km long ship sent into deep space on a mission. It contains a virtual reality sector that creates the multiplayer experience.


So not only is sprint in the game, but it is a�standard armor ability. You do not need to pick it up, it will always be available. You do not need to buy it with your Spartan Points, you will always have it equipped no matter what. So essentially, you can have two armor abilities.

Forerunner Vision

Ever wanted to be super man? Now you can! See through walls with your x-ray vision! I can’t say I hate this armor ability, I haven’t used it yet. I’m hoping it comes with its weaknesses and it discourages camping. Sorry guys, but camping in Halo 4 will not be a legitimate tactic.

Returning Armor Abilities

The hologram, jetpack, and active camo will make a return in Halo 4. It didn’t elaborate on the abilities, but you can probably assume they’ll be about the same.

Elites Not Returning to Multiplayer

Not much detail was given as to why elites will not see multiplayer combat, it was stated in a picture caption. The caption reads, “Competitive multiplayer focues on the Spartan IVs. Elites will not be playable.


Now the article itself did not talk about grenades, but I noticed in the picture the Spartan had 4 grenade options. I assume the plasma grenade will return as seen from an explosion in the picture and the frag grenade will most definitely return as seen by the Halo 4 first look video.


Once again, no explanation why aside from a picture caption. The caption read, “Halo 4′s campaign is still playable with four players online (in reference to Sparan Ops, ensuring players that Spartan Ops will not replace the campaign coop experience). 343 Industries has no plans to include a dedicated Firefight mode. I’m torn on this, I don’t normally play firefight, but I feel like it is a standard necessary feature in the game after Halo 3: ODST introduced it.


Regicide is a variation of free for all. I think it’s similar to VIP. Regicide, as stated by the article, “sets the leading scorer as the king. Every opponent that the king kills raises his bounty; other players have to kill the king to claim the reward.
aw man this #%+* is getting too crazy, im hoping they have a seperate playlist for those who liked halo without the armor abilities
November 6th release date confirmed. There was a podcast today, heres the cliffs which aren't really cliffs of what was said
-Projectile Tracking System

Halo April Sparkcast
-Brad Welsch, lead multiplayer designer
-Kevin Franklin, lead competitive multiplayer designer

"Random Weapon Drops"
Tradition power weapons magically appeared ~90 seconds
-Ground up new spawning system
-Context of Infinity, accessible to new and classic players
-Initial weapon drops at start of match, control openings, team game strategy
-Timers set for when they pop in, communicate to player, no need for stopwatch
-Each map/mode specific weapons and drops for different maps
-Weapons will make sense, sniper for bigger maps
-Random seems to lean towards different weapons themselves, not different times/areas
-Can see which weapons have dropped where, takes away knowledge advantage
-Information not distracting, subtle UI elements
-Drops from space into the map
-Drop ins can kill you
-Weapon indicators disappear, you'll know a player has them

-Control timing
-Lots of debate about 4v4 or 5v5 experience
-Can customize loadout during play
-In premier slayer experience
-Can customize spawn system
-"Premier experience" particular play accounts on particular maps
-Ultimate experience in every mode
-Maps can support any gametype, but each map is tailored to a certain gametype

-Turn off instant spawns
-Will support unlocking of weapons and unlocking AAs for tournaments
-"Career" mode in the game for grinding, no Warrant Officer 3 (l0l)
-Choice, concept, give players choices, what loadouts are for
-Empowering individual play styles
-"Preferences" favorite weapons, starting weapon discussion
-Once you put in the work and effort to unlock that BR, then you can use it
-Base weapons balanced for no "god tier" weapons
-All about how you play, sneaky, distance, etc
-Why have the BR and DMR? Different purpose, subtle differences, mechanical
-Each have their own distinct role
-BR better for jumping and fanning up, DMR for lateral movement
-DMR set RoF, DMR fires at a slower rate, balanced against BR
-BR has recoil, 3 bullet more upwards, distance between bullets will spread out
-BR not as effective at longer ranges, BR will lose to DMR 
-Outer range of encounter space, DMR built to win
-Closer, BR will win
-AR also a beast, each gun has effective range
-Not every weapon can go in loadouts

AAs balanced
-Learned lessons for Reach
-How they're implemented in 4
-Similar, but different
-Changed because everyone has sprint
-Sprint by far most popular AA in Reach
-More interesting combinations
-Can't use sprint to flee combat
-Levels designed for faster mobility
-Sprint meter
-Slow down mechanic if getting shot, can't run up and double melee
-Can't run away as fast
-Base movement isn't slow, jumping higher, running/walking faster in H4 than Reach
-Looked at Halo 1 for specific weapons
-Looked at Halo 3 for movement benchmarks

Forerunner Vision
-Visor mode from ODST, situational awareness
-More like Sonar, won't go forever, specific distance, delay on knowledge
-Players within range of vision can hear you using it
-Counter each other, some can be used to counter (Rock, Paper, Scissors)
-More tradeoffs and the way they interact with each other
-Armor Lock didn't make the cut, ruined the flow and balance
-Every armor ability from Reach has been altered and changed in some way

-Assault Carbine, renamed
-Love using the gun
-Sound is terrifying
-Style has been in the game before
-Shield mangle, not head mangler
-Feels like a finisher, not a depleter

Can unlock items for competitive in Spartan Ops
-Take your character from PvP games is meaningful going into Spartan Ops
-Building a character you feel attached to
-Planning, being strategic in Spartan Ops

Small number of players given the chance to play the game

 From Conan last night

[h3] UPDATED: New Halo 4 Weapon Revealed on the Cover of OXM[/h3]

Boom! I can only assume this is the Assault Carbine we've heard mentioned a number of times by various 343i folks. Looks to be a mix of UNSC and Forerunner in aesthetics, with the stark angles of Forerunner architecture with the ridges and small detail seen in many UNSC weapons. Sweet! 
What does it mean by "Story wraps around multiplayer experience"? Is the campaign gonna be about Spartans fighting other Spartans? No Covenant? I'm kinda lost
Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

What does it mean by "Story wraps around multiplayer experience"? Is the campaign gonna be about Spartans fighting other Spartans? No Covenant? I'm kinda lost
- The multiplayer "story" is Red and Blue Spartans are fighting in a training simulator on a UNSC ship (that's it). And the co-op promotion of the game will feature the Spartan you customize in multi, not Master Chief. So everything you do in multiplayer (call Infinity in the game) will have a reason begin it. Unlike in previous games there nothing outside of campaign had a solid motive behind it
-No Covenant in multi but there in the campaign 

-There is a second new enemy in the campaign
- Jackals are confirmed (no big suprise) and described as having a face that resembles "an evil crossbreed between a shark and an iguana"...expect loads of nasty teeth I guess?

- Returning Covies in general are described as "fitting a survival-horror game as well". Again: not a big suprise.

- The UNSC Infinity will show up during the Campaign (guess we all expected that)

- Matchmaking area of Infinity will be called "War Games"

- BR is being described as "single shot" and DMR as "burst"....which is more than likely a mistake....Should be the other way around of course

- Author states the multiplayer feels "f---ng amazing!", after saying he didn't really like Reach that much.

- "Perks" seem to be called "Modifications". Example given is that the author could carry (a few) more grenade(s).

- Plasma Rifle has been replaced with what he personally calls the "Covenant Assault Rifle" which spews "a storm of blue balls", and is described as "incredibly awesome".
Which sounds like the Plasma Repeater in a better form of sorts to me.

- He states the classic "chanting monks" tune WILL in fact be back, after rumours on these forums being concerned it wouldn't return.

















Originally Posted by AceMaster193

The graphics have always sucked for these games.


The last couple sure, especially ODST, but you must not have been around for H1 and H2 lol
[h1]The Halo Bulletin: 4.25.12[/h1]By Bs Angel25. April 2012 22:00
You got your Halo in my news.

For those of you who like a little Halo 4 in your news, April was the month for you. You learned the identity of our mystery composer (Neil Davidge!) and got a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the Halo 4 soundtrack. You learned the launch date for Halo 4 (November 6!) and listened to the leader of Red Team sing a little ditty about why you should forget about remembering, and focus on not forgetting. You also learned who’s lending their voices to the game (Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter!) in a hilarious late-night talk show segment that featured guest appearances by a certain Nordic dragon slayer and her bartender (Team Friki!). 

Starting off that flurry of news earlier this month was Game Informer’s 14-page Halo 4 cover story. Their in-depth article—which touched on Campaign, Multiplayer, and a few of the things in between—answered numerous questions, and also introduced some new ones. Part of today’s Bulletin will focus on the latter. Before we get to that, though, let’s discuss the embarrassingly unadorned state of your Xbox 360 Dashboard….

Halo 4 Concept Art Premium Theme

The other night, while watching your every move from the comfort of the tree conveniently located adjacent to and slightly above your drapeless window, I couldn’t help but notice your Dashboard was more than a little bare. Lucky for you, a brand new theme is now available on Xbox LIVE. Featuring concept artwork from Halo 4, the following images are ready to customize your console experience.


Since Halo 4 has not yet been released, you need to visit the Xbox 360 version of Halo Waypoint, go to the Store, and follow the instructions on the relevant article to purchase this item. Another option, if you don’t have a spare 240 Microsoft Points jingling around in your virtual pocket, is tuning into the official Halo Waypoint Twitter account this Friday when we’ll be giving away codes for this frosty new Halo 4 theme.

Actually, after thinking about it, your virtual pockets don’t have to be empty to follow our recurring Friday festivities. A fondness for free stuff works equally well.

A Halo 4 Multiplayer-focused Extravaganza: The Text Version

Last week, a pile of boxes arrived on the studio’s doorstep. Nestled within the confines of the corrugated cardboard were copies of the May issue of Game Informer—the pages of which contain the inside scoop about Halo 4, its characters, and various gameplay modes. If you have yet to absorb its abundance of information, prepare for a sliver of enlightenment as we’re going to touch on just a few of the recently revealed multiplayer topics. 

• Weapon Drops

Traditionally, power weapons spawn at set locations on a map. After looking at what has worked in the past and what we wanted to change for the future, we decided to build a new weapon spawning system from the ground up for Halo 4. Our primary goal was to make the system accessible to both new and returning Halo players, and also to make it fit within the context of Infinity–a massive vessel that is the new home of Halo multiplayer. 

Initial weapon drops happen at the beginning of a match. After that, timers are set for when they drop in, and subtle UI elements communicate the time and destination of their impending arrival. Drops will be appropriate for each map; for instance, long-range weapon drops (i.e., sniper rifles) are likely to occur on large maps while close-range weapon drops (i.e., shotguns) are likely to occur on tight quarter maps. 

There are two important things to note about weapon drops: you’ll have the ability to customize ordnance in custom games, and not-at-all-random is a more accurate descriptor than random. 

• Player Spawn System

Evaluating the average number of living players on a map at a time, how long it takes to see an opponent, how quickly you can get back into action after dying, the length of time you’re dead versus the length of time you’re alive, and overall expected life spans were all things we considered when determining the player spawn system in Halo 4. Ultimately, we opted to give players freedom over this feature. 

So, in certain modes (not all), players can control the timing for when they spawn. That means that, when you die, you can choose to spawn immediately, take a short breather to select your loadout, or plan your next strategy based on how the game is going. Objective game types use specially-tuned spawn timers that are designed to suit game length, object respawn times, and scoring. 

Just like weapon drops, you’ll be able to tweak (or turn off) these settings in custom games. 

• Sprint

The decisions people make in matchmaking give us an invaluable amount of information about both the game and various gameplay elements. The information we gleaned from Reach allowed us to learn a lot of lessons from Armor Abilities. That and the balancing we’ve done within the sandbox led us to make the decision that everyone will have Sprint in Halo 4–meaning you will no longer have to choose between base mobility and an extra ability. 

The levels in Halo 4 are designed for this faster mobility. You’re continually driven right back into action, not away from it. You can try to use Sprint to flee combat, but you’re not likely to be successful because everyone else will have it, too, thus ensuring someone will be right on your tail, shooting your back while you attempt to escape, and probably causing your untimely demise. 

It’s also worth mentioning that just because everybody has Sprint, base movement is not slow. If you’re familiar with previous Halo games, we looked at the speed and mobility of Halo 3 as the inspiration for Halo 4. 

• Forerunner Vision

Forerunner vision, one of the Armor Abilities that will debut in Halo 4, is still being tweaked, so I’m going to keep the details light today. While it’s being described as letting you see through walls, it’s more accurate to refer to it as sonar, where it sweeps out from its origin point to detect surrounding objects. 

As with all Armor Abilities, it has tradeoffs: there is a delay before you get the knowledge of where other players are located, situational awareness is affected by the visual treatment of that mode (in its current iteration, it can best be described as shimmery), and other players within the range receive auditory cues when you activate it. So they will know when you’re peeking.

We’ll share more about this Armor Ability, and others, in the months leading up to launch. 

• Spartan Ops

One of the biggest changes we’ve made to multiplayer is making story an integral part of the experience. Our new Halo 4 cooperative mode, called Spartan Ops, is an ambitious example of that. If you’re a fan of Firefight, we anticipate you’ll enjoy this objective-based multiplayer mode. 

Along with introducing an ongoing CG series that will tell a story over the course of a season, Spartan Ops will also give you the opportunity to play weekly missions that relate to that fiction. This mode will provide an outlet once you complete the Campaign to further the story past the game’s end. 

Spartan Ops is part of the Halo 4 package, i.e., not paid DLC. 

Our vision for the Halo 4 multiplayer experience is to continue the tradition of giving you the tools to craft your own custom experience. A lot of these settings can be tweaked, and, right out of the box, you can put the disc in and have the experience you want in system link games, tournaments, etc. Giving players choices, and empowering them to make choices for how they want to play, is a priority for us. 

We’ll be rolling out more information and clarity in the upcoming weeks and months. So stay tuned! For now, though, it’s time to visit your current Halo experience, and that’s Halo: Reach.

May Matchmaking Playlist Update

It’s been said that April showers bring May flowers. Considering the Matchmaking Systems Team was so busy this month they didn't have time for daily body cleansing, they’d like to offer you a matchmaking playlist update in place of the more traditional botanical gift. The details of their aromatic bestowal are outlined below. 

• Firefight updated.

The Firefight Arcade playlist was changed to Firefight, and new Firefight Arcade game types were added (with the original Firefight Arcade game types remaining intact). The new game types have been suffixed with NEP, which stands for "New Enemy Progression." As indicated by the acronym, you will see a more diverse enemy offering in all three types of waves–initial, main, and boss. Making a triumphant return to the same playlist are Limited game types, in both their original form and with a new enemy progression. 

Firefight Doubles was also updated, adding new enemy progressions alongside the original Firefight Doubles game types. 

I believe there are only three things left to say. And that would be bip, bap, and bam! 

• New 4v4 maps added to Arena, Super Slayer, and Team Slayer.

We know you’ve been waiting for new 4v4 playspaces, and with the help of the Community Cartographers, we were able to scour multiple submissions and implement a handful of the highlights. The new community-created maps added to Arena, Super Slayer, and Team Slayer were Ellul, Imago, Temple, Midas, Unconquered, and Pulse. All six were added to Super Slayer and Team Slayer, while Imago and Pulse were added to Arena (as we found them to be a good fit for the symmetrical, competitive spaces found in that particular playlist). 

• Team Objective updated.

We’re always crunching numbers and looking at statistics to determine how we can improve your matchmaking experience. Reorganizing voting options is one of the results of that regular data mining. To ensure you get a diverse offering of map and game type selections, we updated the Team Objective voting options to have Capture the Flag in the first slot, Oddball or KOTH in the second slot, and one of the other available game types (Territories, Stockpile, Assault, etc.) in the third slot. 

In addition to the voting reorganization, we’ve also implemented a credit stimulus based on win-scaling to spur the economy in this playlist. Basically, that’s a fancy way of saying victorious teams will receive double the normal win bonus. So cap those flags and arm those bombs already. Objective holders, I may or may not be looking at you…. 

• Speedflag updated to lower carrier speed.

In Speedflag, we noticed a trend of defending teams unable to catch up with flag carriers. While I suggested military physical training exercises as the fix, we opted to instead lower the carrier speed. Consider your Spartan officially off the hook. For now, anyway. 

• ZB Slayer retired.

While the Zero Bloom Slayer playlist is being retired (gasp!), those game types are not disappearing from matchmaking (phew). Hop into the Super Slayer playlist to keep them in your regular rotation. Keep in mind the MLG playlist currently features Zero Bloom game types exclusively as well. 

• Super Slayer voting options updated.

Super Slayer voting options were updated to have DMRs in the first voting slot, standard Slayer in the second slot, and the remaining game types (including the aforementioned Zero Bloom variants) in the third slot. 

• User-created maps updated.

Updated versions of Select and Synapse were added to matchmaking, and updated Heavies variants Rasu, Delta Facility, Asphalt, and Cragmire were incorporated into the Big Team Battle playlist. 

Look for these changes to go live on, near, or around next Tuesday.

Custom Challenge of the Week

Normally, the Custom Challenge of the Week requires you to use a specific weapon or target a particular type of enemy. This week’s call to action is a little different, though. In order to receive your customary weekly credit bonus, the following conditions must be met:

Name - Skulltrocity
Challenge Type - Matchmaking Firefight
Goals - Headshots
Target - 1500
Time Limit - any time limit 

Completing the above challenge before next Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time will reward you with a 15,000 cR bonus on top of the normal payout. Please note you can only get the bonus once, and it will not be awarded upon turn-in but instead will magically appear in your virtual pocket during the latter part of next week. 

Make sure you enter the specifics exactly as they are listed above, and we apologize in advance to all the Grunts who will turn into rainbow-colored confetti because of this challenge. I would say hooray, but that would be mean. Wait, I am mean....



Super Jackpot Weekend

This weekend, for our Super Jackpot festivities, we’re focusing on the word “Super.
[h2]http://halocouncil.com/im...tiket_postbit_rank.png); background-attachment: scroll; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 0px; border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-top-color: rgb(233, 233, 233); border-right-color: rgb(233, 233, 233); border-left-color: rgb(233, 233, 233); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; background-position: 50% 50%; background-repeat: repeat repeat; ">Halo 4 Beta Footage Leaked [New Menu Picture Added]
On twitter "Skid Kid" released footage of the Halo 4 beta, from the looks of it, it seems real from screens of the maps we've gotten so far. The only issue with the video though is he's using a camera from the mid to later 80's. Check out the video below.



terrible screenshots here 









monsterfracas�posted this�menu�image below at�NeoGaf.

On twitter the guy that "got the beta" has been taking Q/A.�xJumPeR_JumPzZ�summed it up below:

Q: Are there any weapons/features/maps/etc in the build of the game you saw/played that we don't already know about?

A: there is a map you haven't seen much of. the map from conan, the map from the video, and the map that pics leaked of.

Q: So Wraparound/Warhouse/New map. This new map, in the leaked pics today. Can you describe it? People think it's a Valhalla remake.

A: Those aren't the names in the build. Those are placeholder names. I am seriously not a halo person so I can't answer.

Q: Eh, don't worry about it. I guess another question: Why bother "acquiring" Halo 4 footage if you're not a Halo fan?

A: I really enjoyed this. Plays more like COD with the customizable loadouts, etc than Halo. Also, SPRINT.

Q: ETA on the story behind the leak? Before E3, perhaps?

A: That sounds like a good time frame.

Q: is the BR 5shot in ur build?

A: no

Q: is there spectator mode and aim acceleration?

A: Not in this build. Not sure what that is, I'm not really a hardcore kinda guy. The DMR feels way more lethal than Reach.

Q: so are you telling me the BR was a 4shot in your build? i just *$@@ myself with excitement.

A: this is an area where I am not really an expert, I just played. I wasn't paying attention to details like that.

Q: ask him if the BR was 5shot in his build and how the DMR compared to the DMR from reach, and how it compares VS the BR

A: The DMR kicks the BR's %*@.

Q: is there a killcam or something? looks like this in that footage

A: Yes. First person killcam thing. Pretty *%#%!!! cool.

Q: was sprint unlimited or did it need a cool off period?

A: cool off but it is very long.

Q: any new weapons we havent seen?

A: i can't think of any.

Q: any new maps you got to see? Campaign?

A: one new map you haven't seen, no campaign.

Q: does your build have an expiration date or will you be able to make videos for us up until h4 releases lol

A: it expires.

Q: is the personal ordinance (weapon drops) controllable, ie you pick where the weapon drops? And are they killstreaks?

A: you do not pick where it drops, you get them for getting X number of kills. You do pick what weapon you want, out of 3

Q: Is armor customization in this build?

A: yes but very limited

Q: since you like modern warfare2/3 and compared it to them, do you enjoy h4 more than them?

A: Hard to say. Yes, but mainly because it is new and fresh and CoD is pretty much the same game I played back in CoD4.

Q: Are there any other kind of killstreaks, aside from weapon drops? And what armor abilities did you use?

A: No other killstreaks. Promethiean (I am not spelling this right) Vision and one other, let me check

Q: Are most the parts changeable like on Reach? Such as shoulder pads, knee pads, helmet, chest, and others?

A: yes

Q: Are there any other kind of killstreaks, aside from weapon drops? And what armor abilities did you use?

A: Vision only at the moment, I haven't unlocked the secondary abilities.

Q: Was there color customization? If so is each part able to be colored or are the colors chosen for the entire suit?

A: Color but only for the whole suit.

Q: How smooth does the game run, in terms of framerate?

A: Perfect. The game has weird beta stuff (like missing sounds at points) but it has no framerate issues.

Q: How does the overall audio sound? The BR, from what we've heard, sounds kind of weak.

A: The sound is weird. Not a fan, personally. The energy sword has a weird pulsing sound.

Q: There was a spartan carrying an energy shield in one of the pictures earlier today. Was that in the build you played?

A: yes

Q: Could you spawn with it or was it a pickup?

A: it's an ability.

Q: if you can remember back as far as h3, does h4 movement/shooting remind you more of h3 or h:reach?

A: kind of a hybrid.

Q: was the recoil on the BR very noticeable? Did it mess up you getting headshots very much?

A: no real serious recoil. i did not mess up much. the bullets go where you point, unlike reach.

Q: any vehicles?

A: just the usual stuff. no new ones

Q: Does the DMR have reticule bloom, and does it affect your accuracy?

A: no. no noticeable bloom. the DMR is dead on. easy to use.
A2:I absolutely suck at Halo and I was getting tons of kills with the DMR. Great, if not a little overpowered, gun. Beta.

Q: Can you give me more details on the shield? Can it be destroyed, how big is it, how effective is it, how long does it last?

A: I did not use it. It can be destroyed, it is reasonably big, very effective if you suck, I am not exactly sure.

Q: warthog?�
�How is the handling? It was bad in reach

A: Same as Halo 3.

Q: What gametypes have you played? Are there any you haven't tried yet?

A: CTF, Slayer, Regicide. I don't have a list of all modes so I don't know what I haven't played.

Q: Can you describe Promethean Vision? What does it show, and how effective is it?

A: It shows players through walls. It is very effective (if used properly) but does not last long.

Q: How long did it take to unlock certain weapons, ie the BR?

A: I could tell you but it definitely speed up for this build. I haven't seen any weapon skins, didn't know that was in.

Q: How strong are grenades/what types of grenades were present? You said you've played Reach, are they as powerful as those?

A: I am not an expert, but they seem the same as reach.

Q: elites playable in multiplayer?

A: not in this build at least.

Q: this thing�http://t.co/WF1alVnk

A: Hardlight shield.

Q: How strong are grenades/what types of grenades were present? You said you've played Reach, are they as powerful as those?

A: oh yeah, types. frag and plasma.

Q: Is bleedthrough in? And is meleeing as powerful as it's been in the last few games?

A: I have absolutely no bleedthrough is. Melee is very powerful. Two hits and you are done.

Q: Were you able to shoot someone a few times and then kill them with a melee? Or did it just pop their shield. Idk how to explain it

A: shoot a few times, kill with melee. | hit some who has not been shot twice with melee and they go down.
A2: melee pops your shield and the second hit kills

Q: Have you seen anyone exploit armor abilities, or done it yourself?

A: exploit? no. they seem pretty balanced. they all have flaws.

Q: but can you kill someone (melee) if shield hasn't popped?

A: no. that would be one hit. two hits are required if someone hasn't taken damage.

Q: Have you seen any of Spartan Ops? Or Forge?

A: No and No

Q: This is sort of weird question, but what is the default control scheme?

A: dpad: select gernade. lb: use armor ability. left trigger: throw nade.
back: scoreboard. right trigger: shoot. rb: melee. y: switch weapons. b: crouch. a: jump x: reload.

Q: Oh, and can you customize controls (button mapping) or the HUD?

A: you can swtich between preset configs. no hud *$@@

Q: What kind of weapons can you choose to spawn with, and what kind of weapons lie around the map?

A: pretty much every weapon is around the map. weapons to spawn with, after unlock: assault rifle (unlocked by default) br,

Q: What kind of weapons can you choose to spawn with, and what kind of weapons lie around the map?

A: storm rifle , dmr, coveant carbine, shotgun

Q: What is the storm rifle?

A: directed energy covanant rifle. sequel to the plasma rifle

Q: Does it have a scope? Single shot or automatic. Does it have ammo or does it overheat? Also, is the SMG coming back?

A: no scope, auto, overheats.
smg isn't in this build

Q: Oh wait, can you spawn with a shotgun?

A: after unlocking it, yes.

Q: Can you spawn with a sniper rifle?

A: No

Q: does it seem much harder to get multi kills (double/triple/overkill/etc.) due to the instant respawns and increased sprint?

A: no. easier.

Q: So, the DMR is two shot kill? How fast can you shoot with it?

A: two shot if you aim for the head. hard to say.
the multiplayer maps better be good, thats all im saying.

make the controls easy and great maps and you got a hit on your hands.

reach maps were terrible as hell
Day One purchase. I'll probably get the Limited Edition.

Playing Halo solo on legendary has become a bit of a tradition lol.
Looks garbage are they ever going to take any risks, make some new gameplay some new decisions?

stupid @!$*%!+ oh cod sells so we need to be like them and add killstreaks for weapons, changing the b button to crouch, you kidding. and that sprint %+%# needs to end. let halo be it's own game.

they honestly need a team dedicated solely for the weapons so we can get some innovation in that department too. i know halo 2 is held to an unattainable standard but everything has just been getting worse and worse.

another idea is they need to kill this playlist. we don't need the community split because we have 30 playlists for the game. they should figure it out and cut it down. for all the other silly games they should allow a search option for custom parties.

i'm the biggest halo stan and i just get more and more disappointed.
 looks ill 

Halo 4 Limited Edition

Available for preorder today, the Halo 4 Limited Edition maximizes your multiplayer experience and puts you in the boots of a Spartan-IV aboard the UNSC Infinity – the hub of your Halo multiplayer career. 

The Halo 4 Limited Edition will be available at the estimated retail price of $99.99 and includes: 

• War Games Map Pack Access

The competitive multiplayer modes of Halo 4 are known as War Games. The Limited Edition includes access to nine maps - three future competitive multiplayer map packs, each including three locations, available for download post-launch on Xbox LIVE. Yes, you read that correctly; you get nine maps in the form of future DLC with the purchase of the Halo 4 Limited Edition. Score!

• Specializations

Everyone will have access to select Specializations, but those that purchase the Halo 4 Limited Edition will receive the ability to unlock six Specializations early, available at launch on Xbox LIVE. You can use them, one at a time, to achieve higher ranks in your Spartan career. In addition to gaining access to new ranks, Specializations unlock new customization options. We’ll be releasing more information about Specializations at E3, so expect additional details about this particular feature then. 

• UNSC Infinity Briefing Packet

The UNSC Infinity Briefing Packet includes a Spartan armor customization schematic, information about UNSC weapons, an introduction to the massive ship UNSC Infinity, and insight into what it means to be one of humanity’s finest warriors: The Spartan-IVs. Story lovers will especially enjoy this in-fiction offering that provides a glimpse into the indoctrination of Spartans aboard the Infinity. 

• Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Special Edition

The Special Edition of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn is a 90-minute extended version of the live-action digital series which will take fans back to the terrifying beginning of the Human/Covenant war, when the Master Chief inspired a young cadet who would eventually become a leader aboard the UNSC’s greatest vessel ever: the UNSC Infinity. 

Digital content also includes in-fiction bonus content that expands the characters and stories of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, special featurette Bringing Gaming into Reality, and a behind the scenes look at the making of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn. 

• Bonus digital content through Xbox LIVE

The Limited Edition includes the following bonus digital content through Xbox LIVE: unique in-game Spartan-IV armor skin, unique in-game weapon skin for the Assault Rifle, an exclusive in-game emblem, Xbox LIVE Avatar prop, and Xbox LIVE Avatar Spartan IV armor set. 

Right about now you may be wondering, “If all those things come with the Limited Edition, what are they going to put in the Legendary Edition?â€
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