HARRY POTTER Film/TV Series Thread- RIP Maggie Smith/Prof McGonagall

that's why he grew it out :lol:

and damn, HBOs taking the rights? no more HP to watch on the weekends then

im still waiting for the 4k set to drop in price
I guess HBOs starting the acquisition of rights to a full 8 film marathon :lol:
Oh yeah, I finally watched the first Harry Potter movie from beginning to end and moved on to the sequel.

As for the Sorcer's Stone, man is this such a 2001 movie. From production to sfx/cgi, No clue who directed this or wrote it but the word stiff comes to mind. And I aint hating but it extends to this cast of children. It just felt so dated and the acting was too mechanical in way.

Wasn't digging the story or execution of it.

But I kept in mind I'm a grown man and did not indulge in this franchise as a child. So it must be solely be for kids and maybe book reader (I hope the books were better written).

Will say Chambers of Secrets already looks better and seems to have better acting.

Finished Chamber of Secrets and it was much better. Still a bit dated and stiff with some plot and acting but I dug the adventure and how it turned in to a mystery in the 3rd act. Finsished pretty strong by the climax. I'm actually interested in Voldermort now.

However, Dobby was beyond ******* annoying. Hope I don't see him again or if I do he dies.

Gotta say there's an incompetence about the adults that I find so laughable. Entire plots in 2 movies so far rely on Harry breaking rules in order to save the day :lol:

Watching Prisoner of Azkaban now.

I was just thinking why Harry gotta be stuck with this pathetic family of his :lol: What kind of relatives make you stay in the small crawlspace under the staircase? ******* child abuse :lol:
My boy Ron



Tell me by the 6th movie he ends up bagging her :nerd: Got Harry looking like a 3rd wheel simp for real :lol:

Anyway, the movie wss good as well. Just some good fun to throw on. I liked how the last one it was Harry and Ron teamed up for the 3rd act and here its Harry and Hermione despite pulling time travel out of nowhere :lol:

Oh Dobby ain’t going nowhere :lol:

Oh damn, the sparkly vampire kid is in this series too? :lol:
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it gets better and darker from there on out, acting gets so much better too

I think they made Dobby annoying because they were not trying to get you to like him at first because it was a swerve that it was all him sabotaging Harry and don't worry, he doesn't get a lot of screentime moving forward

and the time-turner, it's one of those things that you see clues and hints here and there throughout the film that shows that Hermione had it all along after repeat viewings

I also feel that time-travel was executed really well and why it's usually one of peoples favorites film in the series
Oh Zik is losing his HP virginity rn eh


For me most of the HP movies were ehh

It can't beat the experience of reading the books for me

There's just so much in the books that it's just hard to get the complete experience watching the films

Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets and the Deathly Hallows 1 and 2 come closest to the complete experience, just because Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of secrets were based on really small books and they broke Deathly Hallows into 2 films.

I did not dig the filmmaking style of the guy who made Prisoner Of Azkaban. Not enough close ups. I remember the camera always being too far away.

From then on the movies were based on really big books. The movies didn't stand a chance until they broke Deathly Hallows into 2
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Yeah the books were the best book experience I’ve ever had. They started when I was in junior high and carried the excitement all the way throguh college.

I still remember being at a party in college making out with some girl and checking my watch and letting her know I gotta dip and go to the bookstore since the new Potter book drops at midnight lol.
I remember I was on vacation in Cali tagging along with my friend's family.

We were in San Diego and we happened to pass by a Barnes and Noble on a road trip. I made them stop so I can pick up Deathly Hallows (it had released that day). I got to read Deathly Hallows in bits and pieces as we made our way through San Diego, to Arizona and then to Vegas and then back to Cali.

I remember reading the last 40 pages on the flight back to NY and balling my eyes out.

The movies never came close to that experience for me lol
you gotta read the books.

i don’t know if the experience will be different now that the movies are out and they give you all the visuals.

but reading the harry potter books as a kid was one of the best things i ever did. they really allow your imagination to go crazy painting the pictures in your head
I think it will still help to read the book and it will at least expand the wizarding world further for you.

There were a lot of things that didn't make the film obviously and I think reading them just extends the enjoyment.
Yo Goblet of Fire was dope. I'm seeing a trend of these movies nailing it with the 3rd act and climax.

I do notice some cliches that I dont mind; why is every teacher of the defense of dark arts the damn plot device twist? :lol: Turban dude/follower of Voldermort, knockoff Ewan McGregor being a fraud, werewolf teacher, and Dr. Who Purple Man posing as another guy :lol:

Not to be cruel and it may be because of the writing (and that it got better for the character) but the guy who plays Dumbledore is way better than the guy who played Dumbledore for the first 2 movies.

Also I'm seeing some clear twisted things for baked in to the storytelling like its a part of the culture. I think its an English thing? Why are the teachers so abusive in this magic world? :lol: Have minor protection laws not translated over. I ain't talking about turning some kid in to a ferret but the amount of times I've seen a teacher strike a student.

Also I don't even like animals but damn they be killing any animal to give an example or threatening to kill them cuz its the law. Killing dogs, unicorns, snakes, spiders and other insects. I'm surprised PETA don't got beef with J.K.

it gets better and darker from there on out, acting gets so much better too

I think they made Dobby annoying because they were not trying to get you to like him at first because it was a swerve that it was all him sabotaging Harry and don't worry, he doesn't get a lot of screentime moving forward
Bruh, I still hated him after that. He made it clear he was ******* with Harrynfor his own good and that he'd be safer but it continued to piss me off.

and the time-turner, it's one of those things that you see clues and hints here and there throughout the film that shows that Hermione had it all along after repeat viewings
I caught on with the clues; the pebble being thrown and howling and w/e else but still the way Dumbledore brought it up and then boom she just starts travelling through time :lol:

I also feel that time-travel was executed really well and why it's usually one of peoples favorites film in the series
That's the thing. I liked it. Filled up any possible plot holes nicely amd was executed it well I just bring it up cuz even though its all magic it came out of nowhere for me :lol: but it was done well enough that I didn't mind.
Oh Zik is losing his HP virginity rn eh

For this new year, I may even finally watch all of the Lord of the Rings movies :lol:

Hermoine through the years though...
:lol: :pimp: One thing I noticed right away in GoF is the model caliber girls from that one school, and how all the teenage girls at Hogwarts had advanced.
I do notice some cliches that I dont mind; why is every teacher of the defense of dark arts the damn plot device twist? :lol: Turban dude/follower of Voldermort, knockoff Ewan McGregor being a fraud, werewolf teacher, and Dr. Who Purple Man posing as another guy

there is actually something into this that they never quite get into the film but the position is actually cursed or jinxed by Voldemort because he applied for the job and didn't get it and ever since no teacher lasted more than a term in the position until he died and the curse was lifted

it is crazy but this whole world has layers and if you have questions, chances are there are answers/reason out there

as for the teahcer being mean, it's actually an outside of the US thing, in here you can't hard a single strand of hair to children without getting in trouble, not so much the case outside the country

and the new Dumbledores so much better and believable, the first one they hired portrayed this dude who is slow and doesn't have any physical presence

it is sad to say because they had to replace the first actor due to his death but it was for the better I thought
I always pictured Dumbledore as gentle and quirky, and I had always felt the first actor embodied that better for me

Not to mention given that the character is supposed to be gay (according to JK Rowling), first actor just makes better sense

The second actor was a bit too aggressive and not as whimsical to me
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