HARRY POTTER Film/TV Series Thread- RIP Maggie Smith/Prof McGonagall

I already finished it and yeah Voldermort was wrong.

Thing is before the end where Harry explained it what Voldermort said sounded like a brand new wand rule he came up with. I wasn't sure if it was just a rule for that wand or all wands.

Voldermort basically said Snape killed Dumbledore so he had to kill Snape so the wand would truly be his.

Later on Harry makes it clear that Draco disarmed Dumbledore, then later Harry disarmed Draco so the wand belonged to him.

I'm just saying that initial deduction Voldermort came to came out of nowhere. Cuz overall earlier in the movie or part 1, Hermione let Harry use her wand, Ron gave Harry a snatchers' wand, etc. Seemed anybody could use anyone's wand.
One thing that really annoyed me though is that Harry wasted two of the Deathly Hallows, he left the resurrection stone in the forest and then broke the wand, I would have liked it if he became the true master of death by keeping all three and dude just becomes OP. That's what I would have done.

It was also pretty awesome that Harry was actually a descendant of the Peverell Bros (owners of the deathly hallows).
Yeah, that's what I wanted and thought would happen.

After that story was told, I also thought that was Voldermort's goal. Not so much the invisible cloak but at least the wand and resurrection stone. Ah well.

And thanks that Voldermort appearance explanation makes more sense.

Oh yeah, another issue I had were with the Malfoys in general. I accepted after being a spoiled bully as a child that Draco just grew up to be a lame bully but where were rhe consequences for his father? They literally just ditched Voldermort when Harry revealed he was alive. Both or one should've died in front of Draco or something. Dope *** war goes on and they all leave. Next time we see Draco its in the time skip and he has a hot wife :smh:

Oh yeah Neville Longbottom :pimp:
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Voldmorts theory was right, he just wasn't aware that Draco disarmed Dumbledore before hand, he thought Snape killed him while still the wands owner.

And yeah anyone can use anyones wand, it could just be limiting or feel different, like Dracos last encounter with Harry when he was looking for the diadem, Draco wanted his wand back because while using his moms he states that "it just didn't feel right, like it didn't understand him".

There were definitely lots of things they can't cover in the film and it was already split into two. When the death eaters saw that Harry wasn't dead, many abandoned Voldmort because the the most powerful dark wizard of all time just got owned by a kid who he tried to kill twice and the kid didn't even really do anything. Not to mention that plenty of his followers were just there because they feared him not exactly loyalty or belief of purebloods, so it was just easy to run away like they did the first time Voldemort died. Some probably also ran away because Voldemort goes on a killing spree at times. Malfoys left because Dracos mom just wants his sons survival (she helped Harry in the forest by saying he was dead once she found out Draco was alive) and his dad is just a coward. Dude was probably also scared sh*tless at what Voldemort might do to him because he has somewhat become Voldemorts whipping boy.

IIRC the book is different, apparition isn't possible on Hogwarts so many of the Death Eaters got cornered in the great hall as they are overpowered. I think the Malfoys also stayed but just did not fight.

One thing they missed out on the book that would have been cool was the battle between Voldemort and Mcgonagall, Slughorn and Shacklebolt in the great hall. Could have showed how strong Voldemort truly was, he managed to overpower them after Lestrange was killed because he kind of went berserk mode. During this whole time, most death eaters were defeated and many just watched in awe because Voldemort was just striking everyone within reach.

Another thing they missed out is how Longbottom was actually somewhat paralleled Harry, he was mistaken as the prophecy child and why his parents were tortured. He was the second chosen one. While Harry was the one true chosen one, their place could have been switched. He has an interesting story as well that they couldn't really cover in the film.
Yea Voldemort would've been right. He just was unaware that Draco had disarmed Dumbledore prior to Snape killing Dumbledore. He was confused why the wand wasn't giving him op powers. He felt strong with th elder wand but not any stronger than he normally was with his Phoenix core wand. So he figured it wasn't enough for Snape to give him the wand, he had to kill him to completely transfer possession.
After that story was told, I also thought that was Voldermort's goal. Not so much the invisible cloak but at least the wand and resurrection stone.

I think Voldemort would have gone after the Deathly Hallows had he known where they were or believed the myth then. Not explained in the film but the ring that poisoned Dumbledore was a Horcrux. He found the ring and found out it was the resurrection stone and wore to try and use it but then the curse kicked in. Voldemort wore that ring during his years in Hogwarts without knowledge what the stone was.

Dumbledore pretty much owned all three at one point though. He gave the cloak to Harry along with the stone inside the snitch and he had the elder wand. I really hope they cover his obsession and search for it in the Fantastic Beast sequel. He and Grindelwald were obsessed with power and wanted them which I believe and that's what caused Dumbledores sisters death.
Yeah, guess the books would've explained more on that.

That's the one thing that nagged at me. Should've made the ressurection stone and sorcerer's stone the same thing. I mean one resurrects and the other can make you immortal.

It being destroyed off screen in the first movie just made me think that's not true and it'll show up again.

Oh yeah, one more thing. What were they trying to say or imply about Harry's mom and Snape near the end? Was it simply that he still loved her or that he was hitting that? It went unspoken with that discussion with him and Dumbledore. Then his words before he dies, then Harry's convo with Dumbledore when he "died". Then whole thing with the light and doe/deer spirit. I was lost on that.

I did find it curious that they initially talked highly of Harry's dad but after a few movies and Harry seeing Snape's memories basically being like Malfoy or like Harry's fat cousin bullying they just switched over to focus on Harry's mother.
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I think the Philosophers Stone and Resurrection Stone had to be different for stories sake because one was already owned by Voldemort for a long time and he made it a horcrux without knowing what it was exactly.

While the Philosophers Stone was just a source of magic.

Plus Resurrection Stone doesn't really resurrect people, it just allows them to see those that died and that's why in the original story, the brother went crazy and killed himself because Death tricked him to thinking he was going to be able to bring people back from the dead.
Snape never stopped loving Harry's mom.

Don't remember how it happened in the film but in the book Dumbledore was explaining to Snape that Harry must die to kill the last horcrux.

Snape got upset because he had been tasked with secretly protecting Harry the whole time. To paraphrase Snape, 'So the whole time I was protecting Potter, it was so that Voldemort can kill him at the right moment?'

Then Dumbledore says 'My oh my. Have you come to care for the boy after all?'

Then Snape replies with 'Pssh. I don't care about Harry at all' and he reveals to Voldemort his patronus which was a doe to show that everything he has done as a double agent was for Lilly. But this is where my memory fails me. Not sure how the doe is connected to Lilly.

Zik you picked up on a lot of things. A lot of what you have trouble with is just due to the fact that the film crammed as much as they could and it's like an assembly line. Before the viewer is able to settle on one thing the movie has to move on to something else whereas in the book everything comes along much more slowly so you can understand or appreciate the significance of everything.

In the book they spend quite a few pages on Harry visiting Snape's memories and in the film they had to rush through Snape's memories in a few minutes.

Up until James Potter met Lilly, James was just not a good guy. Then James met Lilly and she was a good influence on him. The reason why Snape was so mean to Harry was because Harry looked like the spitting image of James and he was reminded of all the bullying James did to him. He thought of Harry being James's kid more than as Lilly's kid. I think if Harry had ended up being a daughter instead who looked like Lilly Snape would've treated him nicely at Hogwarts, like a surrogate dad
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Oh yeah, one more thing. What were they trying to say or imply about Harry's mom and Snape near the end? Was it simply that he still loved her or that he was hitting that? It went unspoken with that discussion with him and Dumbledore. Then his words before he dies, then Harry's convo with Dumbledore when he "died". Then whole thing with the light and doe/deer spirit. I was lost on that.

I did find it curious that they initially talked highly of Harry's dad but after a few movies and Harry seeing Snape's memories basically being like Malfoy or like Harry's fat cousin bullying they just switched over to focus on Harry's mother.

Snape just loved Lily til the end, I don't think they really got busy because Lily met James pretty young and eventually got together. The patronus being a doe meant he he loved Lily so much that he had the same one. Patronus is created by happy thoughts and it can change based on who you love because that might be what you are thinking of when you create the patronus. It was also a revealed that it was him who delivered the Sword of Gryfindor to Harry in the forest. He pretty much sacrificed everything for Lily and eventually Harry, even being hated for it. Thought some here would argue on that and just call him a scumbag :lol:

yah they definitely made a somewhat turn on James and showed he wasn't perfect in someone else perspective. He was a bully and a **** just like later on you also found out Dumbledore was a **** for pretty much feeding Harry to Voldemort because he was also a Horcrux. I don't think he knew Harry would survive that attack, he probably thought Harry and Voldemort would died there and then.

But again many would call Snape a scumbag too, he was going to the dark side and eventually became a Death Eater for Voldemort. And iirc he was the one who reported that Harry was the chosen child and I think he hoped James would get killed along with the kid and Lily would be left to himself so dude wasn't exactly perfect.

Plenty happened there that was in the books. Like Pettigrew actually got some redemption in the books, he had a chance to kill Harry in the battle of Hogwarts iirc and he hesitated because of the life-debt and the hadn that Voldemort gave him killed jim for betraying Voldemort.
Snape never stopped loving Harry's mom.

Don't remember how it happened in the film but in the book Dumbledore was explaining to Snape that Harry must die to kill the last horcrux.

Snape got upset because he had been tasked with secretly protecting Harry the whole time. To paraphrase Snape, 'So the whole time I was protecting Potter, it was so that Voldemort can kill him at the right moment?'

Then Dumbledore says 'My oh my. Have you come to care for the boy after all?'

Then Snape replies with 'Pssh. I don't care about Harry at all' and he reveals to Voldemort his patronus which was a doe to show that everything he has done as a double agent was for Lilly. But this is where my memory fails me. Not sure how the doe is connected to Lilly.

Zik you picked up on a lot of things. A lot of what you have trouble with is just due to the fact that the film crammed as much as they could and it's like an assembly line. Before the viewer is able to settle on one thing the movie has to move on to something else whereas in the book everything comes along much more slowly so you can understand or appreciate the significance of everything.

In the book they spend quite a few pages on Harry visiting Snape's memories and in the film they had to rush through Snape's memories in a few minutes.
Yeah, most my questions seemed to just be based on how much they could fit in the movie or what they sped through.

Not big issues though.
Snape just loved Lily til the end, I don't think they really got busy because Lily met James pretty young and eventually got together. The patronus being a doe meant he he loved Lily so much that he had the same one. Patronus is created by happy thoughts and it can change based on who you love because that might be what you are thinking of when you create the patronus. It was also a revealed that it was him who delivered the Sword of Gryfindor to Harry in the forest. He pretty much sacrificed everything for Lily and eventually Harry, even being hated for it. Thought some here would argue on that and just call him a scumbag :lol:

yah they definitely made a somewhat turn on James and showed he wasn't perfect in someone else perspective. He was a bully and a **** just like later on you also found out Dumbledore was a **** for pretty much feeding Harry to Voldemort because he was also a Horcrux. I don't think he knew Harry would survive that attack, he probably thought Harry and Voldemort would died there and then.

But again many would call Snape a scumbag too, he was going to the dark side and eventually became a Death Eater for Voldemort. And iirc he was the one who reported that Harry was the chosen child and I think he hoped James would get killed along with the kid and Lily would be left to himself so dude wasn't exactly perfect.

Plenty happened there that was in the books. Like Pettigrew actually got some redemption in the books, he had a chance to kill Harry in the battle of Hogwarts iirc and he hesitated because of the life-debt and the hadn that Voldemort gave him killed jim for betraying Voldemort.
See now I'd agree with what Harry said in the end/time skip about Snape being the bravest man he knew.

Yeah he became a Deatheater but switched sides when she was in danger and basically was a double agent the entire time. He took the accusations, and even killed Dumbledore all due to love. Of course its revealed he did it for love given Harry had to die and did not know he'd live but at that point you can also say he did it/let it happen cuz it was the right thing to do.

He couldve heel turned when learning he did all this for Harry's mom and had to let Harry die to stop Voldermort I'm the end..
The discussion makes me wish the books were still fresh in my mind. A lot of little details escape me and it's only the big things I remember.

The thing about the HP movies is that their scripts are adapted by screenwriters trying to cram so many things from the source material.

What's exciting about Fantastic Beasts is that there's no adaptation. The author is writing the scripts herself. We are going to get in these films exactly what JK Rowling intends for us to see. Nothing more nothing less.
yah there are plenty of layers you could peel through the films and the books and JK Rowling keeps adding more details on the official website Pottermore too

I can't wait til the play gets to the US but tickets will probably be like Hamilton level

looks like you enjoyed the series overall Zik, curious how you'd feel about Fantastic Beast, let us know when you catch it
I watched the play in London. It was dope man. A bit tiring because I crammed both parts into one day. Would've done part 1 one day and part 2 another day if I could've done it all over again.

The acting was incredible. Especially the guy who played Scorpius. He really stood out and was a hit with the audience.
I always thought it was crazy how Dumbledore's plan worked out for the most part

Dude knew everything

Set everything up as good as he coud before he died
yah there are plenty of layers you could peel through the films and the books and JK Rowling keeps adding more details on the official website Pottermore too

I can't wait til the play gets to the US but tickets will probably be like Hamilton level

looks like you enjoyed the series overall Zik, curious how you'd feel about Fantastic Beast, let us know when you catch it
Yes. I enjoyed the series a great deal. Overall it got better as it went on and had a satisfying conclusion. It was real good breath of fresh air given the letdowns I've watched recently (the past year).

Any issues or complaints I had were small things that seem to be due to adapting so much of the book to film.

Actually I saw Fantastic Beasts when it came out :lol: I figured I get on the ground floor of JK's next movie series since the HP series just passed me by :lol:

I thought I had already posted my review in here but I posted it in the movie thread. Gave it a 5.9/8.

Redmayne was good. I liked Waterson's character. Farrel was good and I liked the twist with him and the red herring of the girl when it was actually Miller's character. I look forward to the sequel.
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Looking back the 2000s were a blur for me growing up.

I think I was just way more in to rap/music, comics, manga, and females.

I was aware of the HP books and the growing popularity of the movies but just didnt hop on that wave just like I didn't hop on a lot of other waves.

Guess I'm glad it worked out that way. I get enough disappointment with piss poor comic book movies.
Honestly surprised you enjoyed the films. I actually loved the first two. Had that innocence. They progressed very nicely.

Dumbledore v Voldemort was still very awesome. I love fight scenes with no background music. Gives it that serious vibe.

The way Dumbledore came out.
Also when he used the Phoenix to get away :wow: :wow:
Love the books, love the films. I keep the Freeform extended versions on my DVR permanently and watch them as a marathon every couple of months. Currently on Deathly Hallows 1 instead of watching the WC games, lol.

Wish that HBO had the extended versions, or that they would finally release them as a blu ray set. Those Ultimate Ed versions are way too pricey now.
I think if you didn't read the books it's possible to really like the movies.

But I think most ppl who read the books would agree, the books >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>movies
Well, books are almost always better than the movies made from them - it's impossible to fit 400-500 pages into 2hrs. The major exception being the Lord of the Rings. The books are soooo boring, but Jackson made the movies great, especially the extended editions. On the flip side, he turned The Hobbit into three movies and they weren't nearly as good as LOTR.

HP movies are still really good, though.
If you read the books then saw the movies you would have a ton of complaints :lol:

:lol: Prisoner of Azkaban comes to mind for me, it's my favorite for sure and the one that busted the series wide open
The way they butchered that book:smh::lol:
See there are some things I did wonder about movie to movie as far as pacing and reveals.

Like I felt Sirius could've been fleshed out more in PoA. Then the reveal felt semi-rushed but I shrugged and went with it.
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