Has anyone ever purchased a research essay/term paper?

Jan 7, 2004

Not that I'm gonna do it but.....I'm running out of time. And please spare me the "get off niketalk" lectures
Don't do it. My homie's friend got caught for plagiarizing when he turned in some essay that he got off some website.

I guess you can go ahead and go buy one but at least change or reword some paragraphs
I've never purchased a paper but I've considered writing them for people for money..I can write a fictional story in 25 minutes and it'll be 6-8pages, correct grammar/punctuation and proper format..I've yet to get anything below a B+ on a fictional essay and professors always tell me that itappears that I put in alot of work for the paper even tho I've never broken 45 minutes..No ducktales
No. If I got expelled for that my parents would probably kick me out of the house and never speak to me again.
I used to write papers formy high school like 6-7 years ago. everyone either got A's/B's. i think i did like 15 or so papers for $25 each everysemester lol some dude snitched me out coz he got a C after he decided to add his 'creativity' to it. that dummy got me caught.

my parents came to the deans office and i got suspended for a week, mind you this is a private college prep HS. i aint saying im a genius or anything but ifyou gotta talent, use it...i did some college term papers, but that was just for females and the criteria is tougher then (english majors)
Originally Posted by Sha77er S7ar I

I used to write papers formy high school like 6-7 years ago.

Word. I did do this in eighth grade and a few times in high school for friends that went to a private school. I went on a scale though. If they got an A,I'd charge $50. A B was $25 and s C was free. All A's and B's, you already know.
I wouldn't risk it. My dad told me some professors go hard and use some computer program which matches up language and words with all the published piecesof writing to find traces of copying.
Originally Posted by Prez T

damn this late ? you're in college right ? Cali schools FTL

%$*% does that mean? Yeah, I'm sure all the kids are SO studious on the East Coast.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

I wouldn't risk it. My dad told me some professors go hard and use some computer program which matches up language and words with all the published pieces of writing to find traces of copying.

I can confirm this... an English professor told me they have that thing too. They'll run it though the program to catch those.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Prez T

damn this late ? you're in college right ? Cali schools FTL

%$*% does that mean? Yeah, I'm sure all the kids are SO studious on the East Coast.

Dude does go to Wash U. In STL... speaks for itself. and prez your coloris too close to my color of the month.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

I wouldn't risk it. My dad told me some professors go hard and use some computer program which matches up language and words with all the published pieces of writing to find traces of copying.

This knowledge is appreciated, but I'm pretty sure he's talking about paying someone to write it which would make him totally dodge getting caughtby this program your referring to.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Prez T

damn this late ? you're in college right ? Cali schools FTL

%$*% does that mean? Yeah, I'm sure all the kids are SO studious on the East Coast.

cool OUT my dude . all i meant is that the UCs and Stanford are in school until June when therest of the country is done by mid May
I'm writing someone's paper right now as a matter of fact
I should be collecting my $100 tomorrow morning though so its
Originally Posted by Prez T

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Prez T

damn this late ? you're in college right ? Cali schools FTL

%$*% does that mean? Yeah, I'm sure all the kids are SO studious on the East Coast.

cool OUT my dude . all i meant is that the UCs and Stanford are in school until June when the rest of the country is done by mid May

Sorry, g. Long day the the "office" (AKA, I still have school foranother three weeks).
Originally Posted by Sha77er S7ar I

I used to write papers formy high school like 6-7 years ago. everyone either got A's/B's. i think i did like 15 or so papers for $25 each every semester lol some dude snitched me out coz he got a C after he decided to add his 'creativity' to it. that dummy got me caught.

my parents came to the deans office and i got suspended for a week, mind you this is a private college prep HS. i aint saying im a genius or anything but if you gotta talent, use it...i did some college term papers, but that was just for females and the criteria is tougher then (english majors)

aw HELL no.

i woulda whooped that @*%%*'s @$+ for pulling off something like that...
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I've never purchased a paper but I've considered writing them for people for money..I can write a fictional story in 25 minutes and it'll be 6-8 pages, correct grammar/punctuation and proper format..I've yet to get anything below a B+ on a fictional essay and professors always tell me that it appears that I put in alot of work for the paper even tho I've never broken 45 minutes..No ducktales

if this is not you my apologies
but is this the same dude talking about he pipes for an hour to two hours on average...

dont do it. i've learned to write a little it helps. im a procrastinator but say like 4 days before its over. i'll say im going to do two pages beforethe night ends. go to bed that night might end up with 3 and it all kinda flows.

i wouldn't trust it. you can try it see how it works. and double check by googling portions of your essay and see if it comes up
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