Has anyone seen the new Game video "Shake"?

May 16, 2003
Thought I'd post about it as he pays tribute to Jordan. And we all know how big of a Jordan head Game is. I just wish I could see what he had in all those Jordan boxes
yuh the video is pretty hot. I think he went and just bought a bunch on newly released jordans, i saw motorsports too.
didnt he wear some fakes in a mixtape cover? It think it was a oly. + bordeaux mix
Hate to tell u guys but her %#% on the cover is photo shopped. If see her in playboy her %#% non existent.
Originally Posted by chazc

Hate to tell u guys but her %#% on the cover is photo shopped. If see her in playboy her %#% non existent.
Damn, but id still give her the buisness. id give my V. reds to get in Mrs. Dash.

Damn Stacey....... her behind did like like that in the bud light commerical......... she looked like she wasnt eating.
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