Having your last name start with T - Z unappreciation

Originally Posted by r33p04s

can last name starting in "S" get in on this unappreciation too....I feel your pain
Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

"Z" so I've always had that problem. The only good part was when we had to line up in alphabetical order so I never had any problems...straight to the back of the line.

That's what im saying haha, i start with a Y so i always knew to be int he back or last row if it was alphabetical for seats. And at the end FTW in mycollege, most of the teachers close their attendance book after they went through the names once (after that most mark you late) I have a few extra minutes tospare to get to class on time
My last name starts with an 'R', so it helped when we had to present in alphabetical order. I'd always get a feel of what to do and what not to do.
My last name starts with an S i like it because of when teachers do presentations by alphabetical order
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Originally Posted by stoneyjax

when i was in elementary school ... we were the ones who had to wait almost a whole year to be the line leader or door holder cause it went in alphabetical order

i remember i had one job were the paychecks were actually mailed to the store... mines was always at the bottom of the pile
You ain't lyin bro, bein the line leader/ sittin in the front of the class/ door holder/ flag holder/ helper was like bein in the upper echelon of society in those days
like bein a doctor or lawyer drivin a $300,000 car.

I'll never forget in 9th grade i forgot to study for a recitation and my last name starts with 'M' so i was like 'i'm good, i'll have a few minutes to look it over, regardless if she starts at the beginning or end of the roll', then she has the nerve to say "well i'm not going to start at the beginning of the roll because that's not fair to the people whose last names start with 'A' and I'm not going to start at the end because that's not fair to the people who are at the end so we'll start in the middle, so let's see" then she proceeds to call me first
your post had me dying hahahha
Tang. I remember in elementary school we had to do physical fitness tests with the order starting from last names. They could only do 3 at a time whileeverybody else watched and the people who finished got to play on the playground about 50 feet away. So while I could hear most of my classmates laughing andsee them playing, I was waiting to do a sprint test for like 30 minutes.
mine is T
always at the back of the freakin line always getting calledlast for everything
well look on the bright side...if your last name starts with A- whatever you also get picked first...for stuff you might not necessarily want to do. but yeathose times are rare.

with that said i'm a Y...sucks.
Mine is A. Its not that great. When I was little I used to get picked first for everything. Seeing others succeed after they see your fails ftl
I hear you on that....My last name starts with a V. and I was last in line...last for roll call....last for the damn tax return!!! I just hated it, but nowi've learned to live with it.....
Aaron. best last name.
haha na just playin'
It's Torres so yeah: "Get'cho A to the back ah' the line, lil' homie"
Psssh, appreciated...especially when homework was due and the teacher would

Never get to check on you cuz your name was dead last...
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