**HBO Hard Knocks...Cincinnati Bengals....Tonight 8/12 @10pm**


they did roy so %*%$#%% wrong
funniest episode this year and one of the funniest hard knocks ive seen. ref with the child please; DC won't talk to Rey; kelly rowland appearance straightcomedy.

Real talk, why does Andre Smith's agent look like he's 25? I bet Crabtree's agent is young too. Trying to make that first big splash so they getfuture clients
Originally Posted by bijald0331

funniest episode this year and one of the funniest hard knocks ive seen. ref with the child please; DC won't talk to Rey; kelly rowland appearance straight comedy.

Real talk, why does Andre Smith's agent look like he's 25? I bet Crabtree's agent is young too. Trying to make that first big splash so they get future clients
Alvin Keels....I think dude is only 30. His story is incredible...he has NO law background, and learned the ropes of the business when he was incollege just doing promotions.

*just found the article on him...it's worth the read...

The year was 1999. The place was Hampton University and the event was a celebrity basketball game for charity. Everyone has seen charity events with a long list of celebrities scheduled to appear, but this one was different. At this one, they were actually all there. Allen Iverson, the biggest name in basketball, was there. Joe Smith and Jerry Stackhouse were there, along with several other well-known Tar Heels. The fans got way more than they expected. The biggest surprise of all was that the entire game was put together by a 20-year-old college student. The game marked the first time that an unknown kid from Chesapeake, VA named Alvin Keels would deliver more than expected for his clients. However, it certainly would not be the last.

It's been almost ten years since that charity basketball game and the NFL agent and CEO of Global Management, Alvin Keels, still remembers it like it was yesterday "I still look at that game as one of my proudest accomplishments." That's a pretty high honor from a man who has negotiated some of the biggest contracts in NFL history. "After that game, I kind of just fell into being an agent and the rest is history." And history it is.
It's 9am on the fifth rainy day in a row in Portsmouth, Virginia, but by the smile and the energy Keels has, one would think it was 3pm in Hawaii. As he pulls away from his 6,500 square ft waterfront home in his luxury SUV, with one phone in hand, a blackberry in the cup holder, and a third phone charging, Keels runs down the list of duties for the remainder of the day. He has been up since 7 and has already seen the kids off to school, read and replied to over a dozen emails, and spent an hour on the phone...and this is all before he even gets to his office. "As an agent, you're always working. My phone is always on I haven't had a vacation since I got into this business." Keels's commitment to his job, along with his persistence, has made him one of the hottest up and coming agents in the industry.

rest of article
yeah I really don't like how that dude with his pants pulled up too high cuts people. He could at least bring him into an office and be professional.
the bengals wont be any good til the Browns just stick to ownership and stop involving themselves in personel decisions.
Can somebody plz send me a pm with the link to where I can see all the episodes that have aired already...Gotta see my fellow dade county boy, be a clown onthis show
IS there anyway I can find ep. 3 online. I'm back at school and I don't have HBO but I don't want to be assed out.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

the bengals wont be any good til the Browns just stick to ownership and stop involving themselves in personel decisions.
This. I didn't know that the owner went to those meetings telling the coaches who is going to get cut and all that stuff or maybe I'mjust out of the loop but mike brown seemed like he wants TOO much control when he should leave a lot of it up to the coaches.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Who was the dude in the Rascal scooter rolling away from the practice field?

Show is getting me pissed after seeing Cedric Benson and Morgan Trent on the show. Bums.
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