HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

.  Great surprise cameo.
Not caught up with the books so I won't be returning to this thread until much later.
-I've decided to read each book after the season has aired. So I kinda understand some of the liberties the've taken in season 1 & 2

But... That's how you end a season. Nicely puts things in perspective for next season and advanced the slower storylines just enough to feel mostly satisfying ( Jon snow and dany)

I'm really intrigued about how arya and jaquen will reunite in the future and it's cool how they are slowly introducing more and more supernatural elements to the show. Damn who knows, by season 5 we may have Jon snow with a whitewalker/zombie army, dany with a dragon army, arya with an army of shapeshifters, and bran psychically controlling wolf armies.... All while smoke babies are creepin all over the place. This %!%@ is wild
Question: What happened in Winterfell?

Did the Iron Islanders fight their way out or did they give up Theon and just go home... I don't get why they would have torched the city if they had just given him up to leave...
Thought it was pretty good.  A lot of storylines set up for next season. I like Arya and Dany's storylines the best, definitely the most interesting to me. Also interested to see what happens with Tyrion and Sansa now that a lot has changed in King's Landing.

Btw what happened to The Hound? I thought he was leaving with Sansa and then she was back in King's Landing. Did I miss something?
who was that at the end? the king north of the wall? or leader of these white walkers?

or those 2 separate people?

if anyone has watched the wire, is this season 2 like that where we'll look back and see how much this season set up the future seasons?

i havent read the books btw.

thought it was a good season, season 1 felt better and season 2 was a bit overwhelming with all these different storylines going on at once...wish we had more episodes to flesh things out.
so Jon really is a traitor
and Dany doesn't get her heads up?

still tho... great season finale!

i would have really liked to have seen the polar bear.
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

^ the supernatural stuff is dampening my enthusiasm for this show. Decent finale though. Sansa is a complete goon.
All that stuff is an integral part of the story.  Look at the storylines for Jon, Dani, Arya, Stannis, and Bran.  I like dragons, magic, monsters, and all that kind of stuff.  I can see how people would want a straightforward show without all that stuff.
Damn DAMN DAMN! I need more.

RIP Xaro, Richest Man in Qarth who Worked His Way Up Out of Poverty, and Dany's fine $@! handmaiden.
Originally Posted by presequel

who was that at the end? the king north of the wall? or leader of these white walkers?

or those 2 separate people?

if anyone has watched the wire, is this season 2 like that where we'll look back and see how much this season set up the future seasons?

i havent read the books btw.

thought it was a good season, season 1 felt better and season 2 was a bit overwhelming with all these different storylines going on at once...wish we had more episodes to flesh things out.

Without going into specifics, yes.
Originally Posted by presequel

who was that at the end? the king north of the wall? or leader of these white walkers?

or those 2 separate people?

thought it was a good season, season 1 felt better and season 2 was a bit overwhelming with all these different storylines going on at once...wish we had more episodes to flesh things out.
The one on the dead horse was an Other or White Walker.  I was expecting them to look different.  Sort of like camouflaged or invisible.  Ygritte was taking Jon to meet Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall so we haven't seen him yet.
If you thought the show was overwhelming, the book is crazy with the introduction of dozens of characters and long breaks in people's storylines.  
After watching the finale, I decided to do some reading into Arya and somehow I accidently read about the Red Wedding and it has me like 
. Probably the biggest shock I've had reading or watching a story I've gotten into to in quite some time and I've decided to read the books during the summer.
I've also decided that I don't care about spoilers anymore and I don't mind hearing about what happens in the future.


Spoiler [+]
So what happened to House Stark after that? I hear that Catelyn was revived and joined the Brotherhood without Banners and started avenging her family 
. Still 
 @ Robbs death 
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

^ the supernatural stuff is dampening my enthusiasm for this show. Decent finale though. Sansa is a complete goon.
This show is based on supernatural stuff, though.
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

^ the supernatural stuff is dampening my enthusiasm for this show. Decent finale though. Sansa is a complete goon.

If that's the case you might as well stop watching now, because those aren't going away anytime soon.
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