HBO's "GIRLS" Vol. "That Was Way Harsh, Tai"...

Who is trying to make you feel guilty? Does Hannah open the show and break the fourth wall talking directly to the camera about it? I don't recall characters on the show making grand speeches about how we need to appreciate Hannah's body. Maybe she's doing it because she likes the attention either negative or positive... and it's something she knows people will talk about. Maybe it's a big F U to the audience and saying "I don't care if you like my body or not".. maybe it's just is. Which is the view I take... A character who is naked a lot and has a lot of sex. If she was in shape, I'd feel the same thing.

But the point is, that's something we as the viewers are bringing to it. I don't think the show itself is actively trying to make you feel guilty about it.. so that's not a criticism I have.
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Who is trying to make you feel guilty? Does Hannah open the show and break the fourth wall talking directly to the camera about it? I don't recall characters on the show making grand speeches about how we need to appreciate Hannah's body. Maybe she's doing it because she likes the attention either negative or positive... and it's something she knows people will talk about. Maybe it's a big F U to the audience and saying "I don't care if you like my body or not".. maybe it's just is. Which is the view I take... A character who is naked a lot and has a lot of sex. If she was in shape, I'd feel the same thing.

But the point is, that's something we as the viewers are bringing to it. I don't think the show itself is actively trying to make you feel guilty about it.. so that's not a criticism I have.
Bro none of those are good reasons and it's taking away from what could otherwise be a pretty good show. Whatever her reason, she's doing herself a disservice. And I don't believe it's something we as the viewers are bringing to it. Even if she was hot, if she were naked every episode at multiple random points throughout the show it would still take away from it. It's become way too contrived and she's obviously trying to make some point of it. What exactly that is is up for debate. It's just my perspective that if we're headed down a "fat-shaming" my body is beautiful path, I'm not trying to hear it.

I think in one of the bonus clips where they're discussing the show she mentioned that she was uncomfortable with asking other cast members to get naked. If she's overcompensating for's still ******ed.
Whatever her reason, she's doing herself a disservice.
This is what it comes down to. No one would have said anything if it was just once or twice. But she's clearly making a point to do it over and over, and it's reflecting negatively on her. Period.

I'm not going to speculate on what her reasoning may be, but it is unseemly.
Tonight's episode delivered

Really liked the Ray and Adam pairing.. Seeing them play off each other worked

It's one thing not to have Allison Williams get naked, but stop making it so obvious. Have her wake up in her underwear instead if awkwardly wrapping the blanket around herself.

And the scene with Hannah and Marnie both lying about how great their lives are was done well. I'm actually interested in what's going to happen.

Also, I could listen to Ray and Adam talk for an entire episode.. Adam's carnival metaphor and Ray's frustration with Staten Island were both great
Tonight's episode delivered

Really liked the Ray and Adam pairing.. Seeing them play off each other worked

It's one thing not to have Allison Williams get naked, but stop making it so obvious. Have her wake up in her underwear instead if awkwardly wrapping the blanket around herself.

And the scene with Hannah and Marnie both lying about how great their lives are was done well. I'm actually interested in what's going to happen.

Also, I could listen to Ray and Adam talk for an entire episode.. Adam's carnival metaphor and Ray's frustration with Staten Island were both great

all of episode of the series...could definitely use some more Ray/Adam in the future...i'm a writer so the scene where she's writing and then starts texting and then starts browsing the internet got me...

and Su Jin could get it...

also, just saw that Lena Durham didn't even write or direct this episode...maybe that's why it was so good...
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Yeah Ray and Adam need more scenes together.

Marnie is still really pathetic, probably my least favorite character
Can anyone else in here relate to what Ray is going through? I feel like I can.
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It's one thing not to have Allison Williams get naked, but stop making it so obvious. Have her wake up in her underwear instead if awkwardly wrapping the blanket around herself.

The irony.

Can anyone else in here relate to what Ray is going through? I feel like I can.

Dude is a bum a lot of people don't have their **** together but he isn't even pretending to try. He and Adam could have been roommates. Talking about Hannah like a female "I didn't see it between you too" :smh: :lol:
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Tonight's episode delivered

Really liked the Ray and Adam pairing.. Seeing them play off each other worked
hell yeah it was nice to see some MEN talking about things some us could relate to for once.

and marnie's ex needs to cut that kramer thing he's got going on.
This was really a refreshing episode. Adam and Ray are hilarious and would love to see them interact a little more.
very good episode, it was too real and refreshing. 

the carnival metaphor was on point.

there are so many girls in real life that are like Marnie. Always get what they want, and then when they don't its like a nuclear bomb was dropped on them.
I'm in agreement with everyone about the episode 6. This was definitely the best of the season thus far. Ray and Adam were perfect together. Ray's story is very intriguing to me.
Great great bounceback episode. Very dynamic and fresh. Adam x Ray was jokes lol. And Booth Jonathan too. They have to keep exploring all these great characters.
Perfect episode. Loved the phone call scene. Almost as good as Hannah and Jessa in the bathtub.
That girl really gave Ray a mouthful of criticism he must feel really low.

Better episode than the previous one.
This episode delivered. Ole girl from Staten Island was ratchet as hell :lol:

"You have no morals because you were born on a ******g trash heap" had me :rofl:

Sucks to see my guy Ray struggle like this :smh:

Am I the only one that wanted to punch the Booth dude in his ****?
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