HBO's "GIRLS" Vol. "That Was Way Harsh, Tai"...

She has ALWAYS been a scumbag yall were just too busy focusing on her being naked.

Shosh, Marnie, Jessa are all various types/levels of immature scumbags and it's great :lol:

Hannah is a legend though.

She went Sharon stone Basic instinct on the principal to get out of trouble and topped Ray off in the coffee truck to prove she wasn't selfish :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Yup lol. Hannah is a legend in a bad way. 

Watch Adam get stuck with his sisters baby. Got a feeling she nor her bf are coming back smh
Adam gave Jessa that ether :smokin

Hope those two workout because they're meant for each other.

Can't stand Hannah. Never could deal with her entitled ********.

Lisa Bonet :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
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Hope those two workout because they're meant for each other.

Outside of regular dating nothing to serious they really aren't :lol:

She's definitely gonna bounce on Adam when they don't come back for the kid.

Even though he's paying for her tuition...that's what simps get though
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Can't stand this *** Hannah. She really ran around the bathroom like a child to avoid confrontation.

I was kinda hoping dude that picked her up was gonna kidnap her :lol:

Ray should've kicked her off the truck b :smh:
She tried to break up with him before but he didn't respect the curve....Hannah's parents wouldn't take her anywhere for more than a week. Why the **** would he attempt to for 3 months ???

Regardless he should have dumped her a long time ago.

Ray really paid 50k for that coffee truck...he let the hipsters run him off the block :smh:

Adam & Ray used to be co-MVP's now they're bums out here :smh:
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I have really liked this season's progression thus far, my favorite character has been ray, I honestly don't feel they delve into his character enough on the show. He obviously loves Marnie, but at least for now, understands that they cannot be together. Also, so glad that Hannah is alone again, I couldn't see her to continue to play that dude like that. His simptatude was actually giving me a headache. 
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Does anyone else watch Lena's commentary after each episode? I really enjoy them.
Couldn't tell you why I continue to let Hannah piss me off, as if I never watched the show before :smh:
Omg i have not watched this season at all lol

have to catch up
Adam just needs to keep focusing on his career. Ray needs to finally wife Marns like he wants to. Shosh needs to go back to Japan and flourish. Marns should keep doing the music thing. Hannah should fly to an abandoned island never to be heard from again m
Marnie will crush Ray's soul like the rest. He's the one who needs to focus on his business since its not doing well

Shosh doesn't like Japan anymore :lol: She was crying because of it in that restaurant with her former co worker
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Adam and Jessa went bat **** crazy 

I liked the overall theme of the finale, it was a pretty good one which lasted 1 hour
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Easily one of the better seasons. The fact that Hannah heard them .... her trying to be mature about the situation and decides to give them a gift basket :lol: Still petty :smokin

Turned a Elijah into a simp...looks like he got his swag back toward the end though. He would be the GOAT if he smashed Hannah's mom. Elijah and Desi get the most action on the show.

Somehow Desi is the softest savage ever...came on the show cheating on his GF ends the season getting topped off while his wife outside the door and current girl is away because her dad died

Fran :x Marnie bout to Ray into a house wife :smh:
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I really thought this was the best written season on the show. Especially the last two. That line about Hannah loving both of them so much she didn't know who to warn was among the best of the series. Some thoughts headed into next season....

Josh is really turning into the most mature female on the show, they should carry that into next season....

Ray and Marnie will continue to get closer, which I like because my guy Ray been waiting for her like a gentleman 

Hannah needs to be single for a while, her character is better for it, and so is the show.
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I like the writing, this season, they're becoming "women". Next season will also be the series' last.

I remember people used to get upset about the lack of black characters on the show. They lost a lot of viewers of color after one of the writers said something racist about Precious on Twitter.

But in reality, I'm black and think they're cool but in real life no one really hangs out with types. They get annoying REALLY quick.They're awkward and live in their own world.  They live in your neighborhood, next door, you bump into them at the laundry mat, the park, train stops, the local stores, dive bars and pubs. You may even sleep with them, but after that there's really nothing you have in common with them. Look at the few men on the show, they can't stand them.

That's the beauty of the show though, it's an honest look at the average white twentysomething's experience in New York City. They're entitled yet completely clueless their own oblivion and how it affects and often offends the people around them.
Allison Williams and Jemina Kirke will have careers after the show ends though, was in the same crowd as them at a festival one time. They seemed cool, Allison was going H.A.M to Jay-Z bar for bar.

Adam Driver actually used live in my neighborhood, and I ran into Alex Karpovsky one time in Greenpoint. 

People are hate watching because of the fame monster Lena has become, Zosia Mamet as well. I personally think she's actually an misandrist.

Overall, I get enjoyment out of seeing Hannah get what she deserves for curving Adam, that's my dude. I like his relationship with Jessa and hope it grows.

I feel sorry for Marnie. I know so many Marnies in real life 
, and Jessas

Unfortunately I live in a neighborhood full of Shoshannas and I wish they just leave!
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I know this is a common complaint of the show, but do I really have to watch Hannah naked EVERY episode, we get it. She is comfortable with her body and that's great. Keep it moving.

Also, Desi is most def my most hated character. Dude is so emotional and lame it's repulsive. Wish they could replace that dude with a chill minority character. 
I know this is a common complaint of the show, but do I really have to watch Hannah naked EVERY episode, we get it. She is comfortable with her body and that's great. Keep it moving.

Also, Desi is most def my most hated character. Dude is so emotional and lame it's repulsive. Wish they could replace that dude with a chill minority character. 
...Anti Body-Shaming wave, **** is huge here in NY.

Nah, Desi is the average guy these Marnie types date, and marry. Either him or Booth Jonathan. 
Hang out one week in Williamsburg at a local bar, the whole time you'll be like, "him?":


They're oblivious to their almost inherent avoidance of people of color, even fool around with homosexual whites before they'd touch a black guy 

But it's why they're train wrecks. She even says it's part of her "culture" in episode one of this season, "White Christian woman", she wanted a "Ralph Lauren" wedding.

...they'll never exclusively date a black or dark person of color.
And trust me, if you happen to crack the code a few times, 9/10 you'd wish you didn't, because they're all lost in life, clingy, and annoying.
Your arguments will be projections about her being uncomfortable in her skin and secretly jealous that you aren't. 

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