HBO'S "Insecure" [ Created by Issa Rae ► Season III: 2020 ]

idk if Aparna was a full on L though. He had a right to be suspicious. Ol girl stayed cavorting with the ex and couldnt even say what she liked about him to keep smashing him.

I'll tell you what she liked.

that big ol deck.

Laughing at all his jokes and ****. Dude wasnt even close to funny.

But i bet that 9 x 7 was hilarious

Cut her loose Goose.

That is a good point. IMHO, I viewed it as an L because of how it went down. She was texting her homegirls and laughing then he came off as mad insecure when he brought it up. Had he just brought it up and told her he didn't like it then my perception would be different. For him to be wrong about the accusation, look Insecure, have her storm out the whip in traffic AND he missed the previews? Thassa L to me
Word, no doubt any self respecting dude would've been just as heated as Lawrence - Aparna was definitely wylin. But the way he handled it - he came off as a little *****. That's just something you learn with experience and time to develop that emotional intelligence.

Also I agree I see Lawrence and Issa getting back together in due time. I would not have been satisfied with a happily ever after ending right now, but it was kinda weird how they both just confessed their love for each other still existing and the next words after that Lawrence was just like "alright... well Ima go" . Lol
Show is so MFkin real man, having been with my wife for almost 20 years, before we got married 7 years ago we had 3 breakups, I've gone through almost the same steps as Lawrence, in those breakups, I had my Tasha type rebound who I led on so bad just to make myself feel like I was a catch, I had my Aparna shorty that I felt like I was falling for and it all went to **** because she knew I was still thinking of my now wife, I remember having a very similar conversation with my wife like the one Lawrence and Issa had, feelings laid out, crying and basically coming to terms in a good way, that **** was not closure, at least I don't think it is, that was forgiveness....things will take their natural course and in due time they'll end up together...least that's my opinion.

Molly is an idiot.


I think pulling the trigger to make things actually happen is the woman's choice.

But a dude on the sidelines can do things to make her pull that trigger. He could back off on the special treatment, get himself in shape, upgrade the clothes and haircut, get some bread in his pocket, upgrade his personality. She'd have no choice but see him different. Doesn't guarantee he gets the nod but if she don't doubtless a next girl will.

But him doing all of that she still has to take the chance on him and I wouldn't suggest any dude change themselves to what they think a chick wants because at some point their true selves will come out.

Basically be around a female when she's in a confused emotional state, aint **** going on in her love life that's stable or has potential, and she is more insecure than usual.

More like be what a woman needs and HOPEFULLY she'll notice it and give you a chance

Also it goes against what dudes want to happen. Which is Lawrence being a player.


It's gonna happen and this thread will be pissed

I'm pissed at the thought of it. Let's not speak it into existence.

They finished off telling each other they still in love, Lawrence just not ready quite yet, but he's now forgiven her, he lost Aparna I expect Lawrence next season to make the moves to get back with Issa at which point she will probably play a little cat and mouse game to drag out the show but in the end what she has with Daniel can't compete with what she had built with Lawrence....history like that doesn't just go away.

I do feel bad for Daniel, he's a good dude and deserves much better, dude is gonna get burnt worst than Tasha.

It is very possible to love and ex and still move on. I really enjoyed their closure conversation and I believe it's over and they'll move on.

I can't feel too bad for Daniel cause he seems like he's still hangin' onto the thought that he can be sweet to Issa then she'll commit to him. He tryna be the male Tasha. Only thing on his side is he and Issa have history.

idk if Aparna was a full on L though. He had a right to be suspicious.

You right, Aparna wasn't 100% an L. She played a part in their "break-up". She could have acknowledge that working and gigglin' with your ex while in the same room with the guy you're dating is some real bird ish. But nah, she had to be the victim. How she reacted to Lawrence saying he hates liars, let me know he didn't need to be with her for much longer any way. She woulda asked me to pull over I woulda just unlocked the doors
I'm gonna have to biggest stoneface if Issa and Lawrence end back together. Not every story has to have that happily ever after ending.
Yea im def not pulling over for her.

It's clear Lawerence and Issa will get back together at this point. LA is small and they will run across each other again.
idk if Aparna was a full on L though. He had a right to be suspicious. Ol girl stayed cavorting with the ex and couldnt even say what she liked about him to keep smashing him.

I'll tell you what she liked.

that big ol deck.

Laughing at all his jokes and ****. Dude wasnt even close to funny.

But i bet that 9 x 7 was hilarious

Cut her loose Goose.
He already knew Indian Alicia had let dude smash before they even got close. Then she went and told People that her and Lawrence was smashing. Seem like f'n co-workers is just something she do and she not ashamed by it.
I mean, she did say that she only smashed ol dude cause she was drunk and he was......there.
Y'all girl actually a thot and Lawrence dodged a bullet?
I mean, she did say that she only smashed ol dude cause she was drunk and he was......there.
Y'all girl actually a thot and Lawrence dodged a bullet?
hmmm, upon further review that does sound like something molly would say.

Think lawrence may have inadvertently caught a W.
Jasmine played him. She KNEW something like that would piss him off. Also as we discussed earlier with respect to Lil Rel - humor is the gateway to yambs. She doesn't even know why she let him hit in the first place and they're all cozy in the office laughing their asses off? Then when he called her out in the manner that he did he was exposed as Insecure, he got no yambs that night and was late to/missed his movie. I can't really call that a W. The problem is you need to get ahead of things like this in a relationship but he let it fester and it turned into an L. Nothing wrong with that but I'm just calling a spade a spade.
Can't give him the win because he didn't further that relationship with that free spirited thotty?
I mean, she did say that she only smashed ol dude cause she was drunk and he was......there.
Y'all girl actually a thot and Lawrence dodged a bullet?

hmmm, upon further review that does sound like something molly would say.

Think lawrence may have inadvertently caught a W.

L-Dawg is magical. Stay turning W's into L's but found a way to turn a hidden L into a

So when Tasha calls him an f-boy and it leads to their breakup, it's an L but when Jasmine does essentially same thing it's considered a W?
Another thing I'm seeing in here is how liberal the world "relationship" is used

Lawrence wasn't in a relationship with either Tasha or Aparna. He was smoking their boots. I'd concede that he was dating Aparna but it's only been 30 some odd days
Can't give him the win because he didn't further that relationship with that free spirited thotty?

She was the one that decided not to further it, not him. Had he just addressed this much earlier and made the decision to dead the relationship then this would be a different story and I could call it a W in good faith but not with how it ended.

He not wrong for calling it out. I'd drop any fairly new chick still giggling with someone who smashed, not worth the wondering.

100% agree. I've been in that situation before and it's no fun. Low and behold when we broke up she went back to smashing one of the previous dudes.
Lawrence ultimately takes the L by dealing with a co-worker in the first place. That's always a no-no. Especially in a city like LA where beautiful women are in abundance. Dealing with the co-worker, AND catching feels? Double no-no.
Lawrence was never actually with Tasha.

Did Aperna call him a f-boy, or did she just oppose to him trying to get clarification on her closeness with a dude she smashed a few times before because of his location being near her?

Tasha's "relationship" with Lawrence failed because he failed to be completely honest (was honest about smashin' Issa but lied about leaving the family reunion) and because Tasha didn't fully accept that they weren't exclusive and was trying to lead him into a relationship in a roundabout way.

He and Aperna ain't work out cause Lawrence got defensive all late and in the midst of him trying not to look like a fool Aperna tucked and rolled out of their "relationship"
She was the one that decided not to further it, not him. Had he just addressed this much earlier and made the decision to dead the relationship then this would be a different story and I could call it a W in good faith but not with how it ended.

I tried. I really did.
But we all knew Lawrence don't really like winning. I do feel that next season we'll see him in a more stable relationship THAT'S NOT WITH ISSA.
Lawrence was never actually with Tasha.

Did Aperna call him a f-boy, or did she just oppose to him trying to get clarification on her closeness with a dude she smashed a few times before because of his location being near her?

Tasha's "relationship" with Lawrence failed because he failed to be completely honest (was honest about smashin' Issa but lied about leaving the family reunion) and because Tasha didn't fully accept that they weren't exclusive and was trying to lead him into a relationship in a roundabout way.

He and Aperna ain't work out cause Lawrence got defensive all late and in the midst of him trying not to look like a fool Aperna tucked and rolled out of their "relationship"

I tried. I really did.
But we all knew Lawrence don't really like winning. I do feel that next season we'll see him in a more stable relationship THAT'S NOT WITH ISSA.

I think you and I are generally in agreement about the series of events and how he botched both whatever he had going with both girls in the end by making bonehead, short-sighted decisions. It's kind of funny but you see a theme of him making poor decisions and by the time he acts to rectify them or explain is emotions, it's too late.

Think about it, if he would have played his card rights he could have had a rotation of Tasha, Jasmine and the thotty yambs from the grocery store. But now all he has left is his feels for Issa.
Another thing I'm seeing in here is how liberal the world "relationship" is used

Lawrence wasn't in a relationship with either Tasha or Aparna. He was smoking their boots. I'd concede that he was dating Aparna but it's only been 30 some odd days
Exactly...that's the kicking it stage. Nothing more nothing less.
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