HBO's Silicon Valley - First Episode Up on YouTube

Monica trying to explain Peter's death made me cryyyyyyy!!!! :rofl: :rofl:

"Sooo then what happened to Peter!!?!"

".....Well he hadn't ran for a long time, if not ever, sooooo... He just.... That was it"

:lol: :rofl: :lol: :lol: :rofl:
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:rofl: at the Tres Commas bottle causing the big eff up

His omission to deleting the files at a much faster rate than the other company floored me. haha

That statement didn't help at all. 
I found out just yesterday that Urlich (T.J. Miller) has a podcast with Cash Levy called Cashing in with TJ Miller

When that douche bag knocked on the door I knew it was trouble. Two hours left to compress those files, I would have left his *** out there :smh:
Good things must be coming their way, because they have way too many set backs resulting from dumb ****.

At least we know Gilfoyle's security system can't be breached.

Tres Comas. :lol:

As usual, Monica. :smokin

When Jian-Yang blew her spot about smoking :lol:
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Binged watched Season 1 and now two episodes away from being caught up with Season 2. This is a really good show lol.

Erlich was annoying AF at first, but his humor came around. His banter with Jian Yang is HILARIOUS.

Gilfoyle and Ginesh is good too.

And Jared is basically the same character he was in The Office. Awkard and funny.
That guy...

Bin Laden..

He *****.....

*pauses, ignores Erlich, moves on....
I just got done describing this scene exactly to someone in my office.

Can't get enough of this show.

Monica needs to get in a bathing suit or something

Jin Yiang coming through with that snitch was gold

Jared's face everytime Russ says he ***** is priceless.

Gilfoyle: Hes not going to do ****, hes a coder.

Dinesh: By definition we are all *******.

Gilfoyle: He'll vent for half an hour and then he'll go larping and mogging and stroke his **** for a while.


"What if told you there is an app on the market..." - Jian Yang to everyone

A negative and a negative is a positive, stealing from a thief is ok, its the additive inverse property
Loved season 1 but was behind on season 2 but I finally caught up. My god this season is incredible...the writing is so good

I love how dude ignores erlich :rofl: :rofl:

Elrich getting desperate and lying about being Richards lover might have been the hardest I have laughed at a show in a long time.

Can someone eli5 the theory Gilfoyle was talking about. I sort of get it.
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