HBO's The Night Of

Judge Yellow Kang :lol: :lol:

Naz gonna end up as Ghost's next connect in season 4 of Power

Chandra [emoji]128166[/emoji][emoji]128166[/emoji][emoji]128166[/emoji][emoji]128166[/emoji]

Box, **** you first and could have saved me two months and if u did got damn job

Freddy sad af on the heavy bag, man [emoji]128517[/emoji]
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Excellent finale. 

Loved how the DA knew deep down she didn't want to convict after box gave her the goods.

Was hoping that Nas stayed with Stone in the end, replacing the cat and coming full circle, stone replacing Freddy as his keeper

Emmy in the works for Him for sure

Loved the scene with him and his pops after he was let out

Loved the scene showing the newbies getting the talk as he leaves

Loved how he called his moms out

The best ending would have been Naz by the bridge with Chandra at the end but can't have everything

Proved that even when you are innocent, you still need some luck

Excellent show
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Can someone explain to me why Chandra kissed Naz? Like how the hell does a upcoming big time lawyer like this dude who is potentially a murderer and kiss him when they barely had any emotional attachment or barely any dialogue that was not business related. I thought that was the biggest flaw in the whole series and they really forced that in to use later on in the series.
Can someone explain to me why Chandra kissed Naz? Like how the hell does a upcoming big time lawyer like this dude who is potentially a murderer and kiss him when they barely had any emotional attachment or barely any dialogue that was not business related. I thought that was the biggest flaw in the whole series and they really forced that in to use later on in the series.
She was vulnerable because she and her boyfriend just broke up.
She was vulnerable because she and her boyfriend just broke up.
lmao that was the ONLY thing i thought of but that does not give me enough justification to me. Her success of her career is on the line, he is just some college student 10 year younger than her, and she can be going after a ton of other guys. She in a prison cell for petes sake. 
Can someone explain to me why Chandra kissed Naz? Like how the hell does a upcoming big time lawyer like this dude who is potentially a murderer and kiss him when they barely had any emotional attachment or barely any dialogue that was not business related. I thought that was the biggest flaw in the whole series and they really forced that in to use later on in the series.
She was vulnerable because she and her boyfriend just broke up.

Was gonna say the same thing

And it never felt she was up and coming in that firm (at least they never portrayed it that way), she got used based off her ethnicity given the circumstances of that trial

She was vulernable in the office too
Mannnnn that finale, just like the pilot episode was some of the most intense TV ive ever seen in my life. On the edge of my seat during them final court scenes my goodness give John Turturro all the Emmy's.

Couple things i didn't like tho, like not finding out for sure who the killer was.... And just some pointless storyline bits. But the acting and filmography was so on point i dont even care, wow.

Wish my boy got to smash Chondra :frown:
Amazing show. I personally enjoyed the ending. Naz isn't technically free, he's still locked up mentally. The awkward dinner table scene shows how uncomfortable their family is with him being around. The relationship with his mother is completely shattered.
He probably won't go back to school, difficult for him to get a job and he's an addict now. First thing he did when he got out was eat some home. Cooked food and grabbed him some dope.

I enjoyed the scene of box walking out in the middle of the prosecutions closing speech.the way she looked at the jury, and handled the knife knowing max was innocent was amazing acting.

Chandra will be alright, her first case was the biggest case in NY and her client is a "free" man.

Stone is miserable, it's paralleled with his career. His life sucks and he knows it. No purpose lawyer with small defenses for people he knows are guilty. No family to speak with and socialize with. His normal interactions are with prostitutes. Naz helped him with his eczema.

Nazs life is miserable, Chandra's final scene was her storming out of the courtroom and her packing up her box at the office. Stones final scene was him alone at home reluctantly going to speak with his new client. Everyone got what they wanted, but they're still miserable.

Great show in my opinion I enjoyed every episode
final thoughts:

1. I still cant justify enough of why Chandra Kapoor kissed Naz. I know she came off of breakup but there was not enough emotional connecting or anything close to bring them close together

2. It took till the FINAL episode to get that video footage of the financial advisor? Are you serious? Where is Chandra scooping this up????

3. Box got up for Helens final words but he was there in the background ( I saw him), for Stones final words. How the hell did he get back in the court room lol
Mannnnn that finale, just like the pilot episode was some of the most intense TV ive ever seen in my life. On the edge of my seat during them final court scenes my goodness give John Turturro all the Emmy's.

Couple things i didn't like tho, like not finding out for sure who the killer was.... And just some pointless storyline bits. But the acting and filmography was so on point i dont even care, wow.

Wish my boy got to smash Chondra :frown:
We know who did it, especially with the DA being aggressive to pursue him rather than another trial with Naz

One thing that confused me was the vid of Chandra and Naz being passed around and ending up with Stone? Im assuming the vid Lord Jamar showed Freddie was that, seems random
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Good episode although it was a little too clean for me. The whole "oh we find the real killer at the 11th hour" part was super forced. It would have been better if he were convicted. I thought the parts that highlighted his violent past and the subsequent prison violence would culminate in proving that he did it. Another good ending would have been him getting the not guilty verdict but convicted in his connection to the prison murder or dope moving.
Its VERY realist that once the prosecution has the guy they want they put their blinders on even to the point where they might convict a person in a case where they know there's doubt. That's the only way to explain how grossly negligent they were in not even looking at the rest of her night on the CCTV cameras.
It wasn't a super happy ending though despite the conviction. Chandra's career is over (as it should be) and Nas' life is still screwed. He's still addicted to drugs, his parents are broke, he'll never get respect in his community and he's stuck with those crappy prison tattoos as well as permanently changed from his time at Riker's.
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The scary part is that the prosecutor still proceeded with the trial even after Box brought that evidence forward. Y'all are giving her credit for not proceeding with a re-trial but she wouldn't have said a dang thing if they convicted Nas. It's all about convictions in their world but I couldn't go to sleep as a prosecutor knowing that there's an even 1% chance the defendant is innocent. Makes you wonder how often this happens IRL. |I
What was the significance of the prosecutor walking out of court in sneakers? Did she always wear sneakers?
They still never mentioned there was no blood on his clothes [emoji]128514[/emoji]

So much for the deer head being crucial [emoji]128514[/emoji]
final thoughts:

1. I still cant justify enough of why Chandra Kapoor kissed Naz. I know she came off of breakup but there was not enough emotional connecting or anything close to bring them close together

2. It took till the FINAL episode to get that video footage of the financial advisor? Are you serious? Where is Chandra scooping this up????

3. Box got up for Helens final words but he was there in the background ( I saw him), for Stones final words. How the hell did he get back in the court room lol

4. There was no blood on the dudes clothes and they never mentioned that. Are you serious?
Brah whatever the motivation was for Chandra to kiss him, the writers used that to move the story forward with Stone.

I really think you're way too caught up on it.
What about my points from 2-4?

-The timeline of finding the financial adviser was fine. Box only got motivated to do more digging after get embarrassed on the stand which happen late in the season. And we all assumed that we would find out the killers identity in the last episode. I don't see why this is such a problem

-Helen and Stone gave their closing arguments on two different days. That is how Box got back in the courtroom. :lol:

-The blood was bad writing not bringing it up. I'll give you that.
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-The timeline of finding the financial adviser was fine. Box only got motivated to do more digging after get embarrassed on the stand which happen late in the season. And we all assumed that we would find out the killers identity in the last episode. I don't see why this is such a problem

-Helen and Stone gave their closing arguments on two different days. That is how Box got back in the courtroom.

-The blood was bad writing not bringing it up. I'll give you that.
I give you everything you said. But for point number 2, how did Chandra not find or even look into this evidence as she trying to find all these other different suspects. I mean I get how the writers did that and all but idk. 
-The timeline of finding the financial adviser was fine. Box only got motivated to do more digging after get embarrassed on the stand which happen late in the season. And we all assumed that we would find out the killers identity in the last episode. I don't see why this is such a problem

-Helen and Stone gave their closing arguments on two different days. That is how Box got back in the courtroom. :lol:

-The blood was bad writing not bringing it up. I'll give you that.
I give you everything you said. But for point number 2, how did Chandra not find or even look into this evidence as she trying to find all these other different suspects. I mean I get how the writers did that and all but idk. 

Chandra could not have done what Box did because Box used illegal methods to find the financial adviser.

All Chandra could have gotten was maybe the video. Which didn't even identity the dude
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She was vulnerable because she and her boyfriend just broke up.
lmao that was the ONLY thing i thought of but that does not give me enough justification to me. Her success of her career is on the line, he is just some college student 10 year younger than her, and she can be going after a ton of other guys. She in a prison cell for petes sake. 

A lot of shark jumping, man. You telling me a lawyer would smuggle drugs for her client. You telling me her making out with Naz wouldn't be a bigger issue? Her crying in court. Freddie having thr dvd delivered to Stone's apt lmfao.

And wtf happened when Stone was chasing Duane Reed a few episodes ago?

Y'all don't know lawyers that well huh? I know a guy who owned his own firm making great money! Committed perjury and fraud by forging community service documents for some dusty low rate hookers in exchange for some yamz. Now he is in prison. Just b/c you're a lawyer doesn't mean you're immune from doing dumb stull
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