HBO's The Night Of

Just going with the female lawyer defending the dude charged with a gruesome crime and she falls for him.

That's happened a few times in real life.

Don't matter if she's older or him being a college student. Attraction is attraction. She turned her mind off and was thinking with her box when she kissed him or the whole no bf and emotional need for some contact and physical affection.
I tip my cap to those of you defending the writing on this show. It was just bad.

I'll never be able to justify all the terrible decisions Chandra made. It all felt so over the top and played up for television. And it was obvious that the goal was to have Stone come in for closing statements. Same as the tone of witness questioning. That's not how people talk in court at all.

Bad writing all around. Only thing I took away from the finale is Turturro's closing statement, and even then it couldn't save the series for me.

I'll just rewatch the pilot and use my imagination for the rest.
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Just going with the female lawyer defending the dude charged with a gruesome crime and she falls for him.

That's happened a few times in real life.

Don't matter if she's older or him being a college student. Attraction is attraction. She turned her mind off and was thinking with her box when she kissed him or the whole no bf and emotional need for some contact and physical affection.

I just read about this case earlier this year:

A Daytona Beach criminal defense attorney who was also a former assistant public defender has been disbarred effective immediately, according to a statement from The Florida Bar.

Linda Dawn Hadad engaged in a pattern of misconduct that included illegal drug use and sexual relationships with clients, according to the Florida Bar. Hadad had inappropriate intimate relationships with inmates at the Volusia County jail while representing them, and engaged in inappropriate phone calls, which were routinely recorded by the jail, according to the Bar's statement.


Like you said, this does happen.

Anyways, I thought the show as a whole was excellent. Great finale last night as well. If anything, the show put some light on how flawed our criminal justice system is. This very justice system took a pretty good kid in Naz and turned him in to a full-blown junkie. All for what? A lazy investigation.

Weiss had all the evidence at her disposal, but STILL went though with her closing of which could have sent an innocent man to a life sentence. I mean, how would you go to sleep at night knowing you put a guy in jail who didn't deserve to be there? Making him out to be some kind of monster because he was selling adderall and took his father's car to go to a party? I guess better late than never, but they (Box/Weiss) destroyed Naz's family, their livelihood, and any dignity they may have had pre-trial. It's great that they're going to go after the actual culprit, but what's done is done...and if this was real life, there would probably be a good chance Naz would be locked up again.

I give the series a good 7.5/10.
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Only thing I took away from the finale is Turturro's closing statement, and even then it couldn't save the series for me.


I mean the show was solid i guess. I feel like there was a ton of filler that could have been replaced with better more interesting material.
Besides the first and last episodes i dont even remember any standout moments.

Turturo did a great job.

if sumone who hasnt seen it were to ask me "is it any good?"

My answer would be "yea its okay...check it out"
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I talked about the show with multiple people and nobody brought up any crazy theories with the deer head, stone being the killer, the cat etc. I usually get into that stuff, but i never ever saw it heading in that direction. I'm surprised so many people did.

Dearhead was probably just another metaphor like the veal Freddy got.

The writing was definitely spotty. I usually liked the concepts, but felt that the specific ls could have been handled better. Freddy and naz's relationship started very interesting and then just got wierd. I think it would make much more sense if Freddy was innocent of his crime and morphed into what we see. But i did not see evidence of that.

I think there is way more good than bad. Still love the talented oppresor, subtle beast line.

Also even though one could argue that the investigation was bad, IRL inagine if you found dna everywhere, semen, and a bloody knife with the girls dna in someone's pocket...
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This is crazy because it didn't pop into my head till now. What if it was that cat. Think about.....
The Chandra thing was dumb only cause it was such a risk. But she saw that he was innocent. Saw his mom turn her back on him. Saw what the system did to his life. Saw that he most likely faced similar discrimination due to his background. Considering he's someone she might have liked under different circumstances and the case had him on her mind 24-7, I could see her getting caught up. She was under way more stress than usual.

Finale was dope. Super intense. No complaints about this episode although I could see why people would be mad at the pace of the season.
I'm convinced if you liked this finale you just enjoy terrible television ... Too many problems to name just flat out trash writing
I'm convinced if you liked this finale you just enjoy terrible television ... Too many problems to name just flat out trash writing

Agreed. My co-workers loved the finale. More so for the light it shines on the system.

Me personally, I wanted everything to tie in together and a twist in the end. I also agree with people who say this is similar to the TD finale. These shows set it up and just seem to half *** the finale. HBO, what's up?

Oh and......

It was the cat
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I'm convinced if you liked this finale you just enjoy terrible television ... Too many problems to name just flat out trash writing
Power still on 

What? Explain what was wrong with it since the series is now over. You always argue "because"
Agreed. My co-workers loved the finale. More so for the light it shines on the system.

Me personally, I wanted everything to tie in together and a twist in the end. I also agree with people who say this is similar to the TD finale. These shows set it up and just seem to half *** the finale. HBO, what's up?

Oh and......

It was the cat
It was the cat
Look at the toll it took on all parties involved. That's the bigger plot within the series. Box, Chandra, Stone, Naz, Naz's family, Freddy, etc. Everyone was affected by Andreas murder. 

TD 2 should be deleted from HBO servers. 
Look at the toll it took on all parties involved. That's the bigger plot within the series. Box, Chandra, Stone, Naz, Naz's family, Freddy, etc. Everyone was affected by Andreas murder. 

TD 2 should be deleted from HBO servers. 

I agree, I'm just saying I wanted a shocking twist type finale for myself. I'm def not breaking any laws ever.

TD 2 is disrespectful.

RIP Stan!
Naz getting a 'SINBAD' tattoo, starting to use drugs and shaving his head right before trial
A lawyer kissing her client and a man accused of murdering a girl in a cell that clearly has cameras
Chandra smuggling drugs in that same cell she kissed him in
An inmate having enough knowledge of the case to manage to send the video of Chandra to Stone?
The Jury just throws their hands in the air after how long exactly?
Stone's feet having more screen time than the transition Naz made.
Stone ends an episode chasing Duane Reade, we never hear about it again, and son just shows up on the stand?
The overwritten hearse driver who decided to make himself more of a suspect by spouting off on how some women deserve to die.
Naz taking the stand and eventually saying he didn't know if he did it.

I could go on. There's so much here that is just here. So many wrong turns they made where I don't even know what they were trying for.

It was poorly written. The cinematography and acting were great, but we spend half of the show watching Stone deal with his feet and Chandra smuggling drugs in her snatch. I don't think the show knew what it even wanted to be.
Felt bad for Freddie at the end, boxing by himself. Not saying a thing to Naz.

Saved him and ruined him at the same time.
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I actually thought him finally admitting that he did not know if he did it was great. Felt like he finally admitted to himself that he will never truly know if he did it (unless financial advisor guy is brought to trial obviously). How could he possibly know? He was also high and not experienced with that situation.

I agree with alot of the other criticisms.
Power still on :rofl:

What? Explain what was wrong with it since the series is now over. You always argue "because"
You really need it spelled out ....hmm lets see the fact they never mentioned how nas wasn't covered in blood ... The fact that his lawyers never looked and Andreas call records .... Neither did the police until the very end , like box didn't believe he did it the whole and waited to the very end look at her call records what ? ...the finaical adv stayed in town know he committed a murder and was just tipped off by the police what ???? There's tons more you have to be playing dumb to not see the outrageous things that took place
You really think the best thing to do for yhe financial adviser would be to skip town? How would that be a good idea.

The fact that the case didn't get proper attention was a choice. It was supposed to be an open and shut case. He is just another number. And the system keeps chugging along. It wasn't really a detective story imo. I actually prefer if they didn't throw the adviser in at the last second but it is what it is.

Box saw enough evidence and retired. Then he had free time and was going nuts. I don't think box digs deeper ten years ago.
Chandra kissing Naz was a blessing in dis guy since whoever was watching the tapes probably stopped watching when he saw the kiss instead of continuing to watch and catching her pulling them pills out of her snatch
I agree with basically everyone :lol:. I liked the finale. It could have been a lot worse for me. But obviously i was left wanting.

The only thing that really bugged me was the lack of investigation until the last episode. Like really the defense team is basically doing the investigating. But if you look at it from the lens of "this is the system" i think the show works great. At the end of the day everything has changed and he has to move on with his life as another person goes through the same thing Naz did. The system is crazy and changed everyone's lives that were involved. Nothing will ever be the same and its crazy to see. Naz, Freddy, Stones, Shandra, Naz's parents and sibling all had drastic life altering changes.
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