Gamby cant be dead. Theres another 9 episodes.

I enjoyed the first season, not nearly as brilliant as eastbiund and down was, but still good.
The ending was literally the last thing I would have expected

I didn't expect that, but It definitely felt too good to be true. Knew something was up.

Let's hear the theories on who did it - Russell? Belinda hire a goon?
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Show too funny. Danny McBride his usual funny self, but Goggins definitely stole the show. And the scenes with Belinda ripped off gin and some others were classics too.
That ending WOOOOOOW

I was drunk when I watched it last night, I had to Google because I legit thought I was dreaming that ending
Was it belinda browns dude with the pnytail who shot gamby? Or russell consolidating power?
Yeah the ending was unexpected. So McBride's character is killed off or he's gonna survive that?
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I feel like they cant finish without mcbride. I think he survives somehow.

They filmed all 18 episodes at once and the show will be two nine episode seasons only.
:lol at the ending. Hell yeah he surviving that, no question.

I knew the principal was gonna get hers in.
Who shot gamby? This is the biggest mystery of its kind since whot shot j.r. on dallas. :lol
wonder if its that 'assistant' that did the school review when the new principal came in who shot mcbride 8o
Im thinking lee already scheming.
You could tell by the way he was putting it all on gamby that he is up to something.

Also strong possibility it was the original secretary's husband
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I'm thinking Lee did it too (you know he want the principal spot to himself ) , or Belinda sent the hit out on Gamby
Maybe it was a dream lol. Im guessing maybe the horse stable guy. It would be obvious to be related to Belinda so, have to go with something odd.
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