HDTV & Audio FAQ, Accessories and TV area setup Official Post Vol. That time again...

if i get a ps3(to use as my bluray player) will in upconvert reg. dvds to 1080p? or should i also get an upconverter?
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by iceman3699

Finally posting a pic of my setup after installing it a month back.
where's the left and right speaker?
its there (on the sides)..not in the pic
Originally Posted by DamokuNaSenshi

if i get a ps3(to use as my bluray player) will in upconvert reg. dvds to 1080p? or should i also get an upconverter?

it does upconverting.

this was added by an update that should be installed out of the box, by now.
need some help , i know nothin about home theater audio, but i know i'm not messin with htib anymore

where should i start...reciever?speakers? i'm on a budget so nothin real pricey and where would be the best place to shop for these things?

mr.monday night & mht214
Q. What is the difference between a "Standard" HDMI cable and a "High-Speed" HDMI cable?

Recently, HDMI Licensing, LLC announced that cables would be tested as Standard or High-Speed cables.

* Standard (or "category 1") cables have been tested to perform at speeds of 75Mhz, which is the equivalent of a 1080i signal.
* High Speed (or "category 2") cables have been tested to perform at speeds of 340Mhz, which is the highest bandwidth currently available over anHDMI cable and can successfully handle 1080p signals including those at increased color depths and/or increased refresh rates. High-Speed cables are also ableto accommodate higher resolution displays, such as WQXGA cinema monitors (resolution of 2560 x 1600).

Would I be able to really notice the difference between the two? Cause im debating which I should get.. But if I can barely notice the difference, Im gonna getwhatever comes across first...
does anyone know exactly what a coaxial cable input is? is it for the cable that you have connected to the outlet in the wall and connect it to the tv? becausethats the kind of cable i still use i dont even have a digital/cable box.

i really wanted the samsung 40" 630 series but the $1500 price tag is turning me off so i was thinking about the 530 series thats only $999. only problemis it doesnt have a coaxial cable input. can anyone help?
I need help

I noticed a bunch of you have the motorola hd box, I have the dvi - HDMI cable setup but I am not receiving any sound. I know that DVI doesn't transfersound so I have connected red and white RCA cables and am still getting nothing.

Can somebody point me in the right direction?
For the enthusiasts that know that there's always going to be a better tv in a few months that's better than the current best tv, how do you deal withthat?
Originally Posted by miss kidd0

For the enthusiasts that know that there's always going to be a better tv in a few months that's better than the current best tv, how do you deal with that?
you pray to god your current model tv breaks beyond repairs, so you can get a new model as a replacement . p.c Richards FTW
Sorry i havent been able to answer some of your questions guys, this past week was crazy for me. And the next 2 weeks before SuperBowl will be thesame. Im seeing alot of the same questions being asked over and over again, i recommend reviewing the last 5 pgs of the thread before asking. Always. Also ijust got a new toy from work! The Logitech Harmony 1100! That thing is sweeeeeet.
But if your not a fan of using to 2 hands then its not for you.

TO: Joshuatree2192

BUY that TV NOW!! for that price, that TV is great.

TO: rjones416

BBY has that TV for $1100 right now!! GO BUY IT!! They are also taking off $200 bucks off if you buy a GeekSquad service from them, so ask for a simpleTV&Video setup and get $100 off, OR get something worth while like a Calibration and end up paying only $50 for it. ANNNND all Samsung TV's at BBY havethat $200 NFL giftshop rebate.

AND as far as analog coaxial = the run of the mill thing that comes out of your wall and into your TV or cable box. AND i dont know who you've been talkingto, but all TV's have a coaxial input.

TO: young dunny

How much are you trying to spend? And is this a long term plan/committment or a short term goal?

**** ALSO:

Pioneer Elite > ________________ ( unless its a custom TV or a commercial type TV )
^^^ MHT, is there a big difference between Category 2 and the standard HDMI cables... Will I be able to notice a difference?
TO: ii FLaSh ii

How far are you sitting from the set? AND what are you hooking up(device)? What TV do you have ( size and make/model )?
I have a Mitsubishi HDTV (not sure what exact model, but it's 1080p) with dishNetwork HD programming. When i fool around with the HD settings, I seeoptions for 408i,720p, and 1080i. My settings are currently set to 720p. But on my TV, the input says "480i CABLE".

Why is it saying on my TV that the input is "480i CABLE" but on my cable box it says "720p"?

And i'm not exactly sure why i don't see an option for 1080p on my cable box..
TO: Jonahtheballer

What? Every Samsung TV comes with only 1yr parts and labor warranty.
Are you trying to say whether you should get a cheaper Samsung and invest in the extended warranty as opposed to buying a more expensive Samsung and not buyingthe extended warranty?

TO: USABasketball08

Dish Network hasnt started outputting in 1080p everywhere yet. You also might not have the updated box. What kind of cables are you using to hook up your TV toyour box?
hi, have had my samsung 46" 650 LCD for about a month now. i dont have cable tv and am just using bunny ears antenna to pick up local HD channels...

Well, i noticed tonight while watching NBC news HD, a white dot on my tv that moved each time the program would change.
is this a dead pixel ?
I changed the channel and the white dot went away.
however, i was watching another show and the white dot reappeared but this time on the other side and again would go off the picture based on the movement on the show (it was on a person's jacket and when the scene changed to a different person, the dot went away)?

Any thoughts as to what this white translucent dot is ???
What's everyone's take on ordering an expensive HDTV online?

BHPhoto (apparently a well-respected and reputable site) has the Sony 52" XBR6 for $2400 shipped. That's saving a grand compared to buying in-store.Let me know NT.
MHT214: i know all of them have the 1 yr one. But im saying should i just go find the cheapest one or should i spend a couple hunderd more with one that comewith 3-5 warrenty...
hope that makes alil since
TO: monday22

A dead pixel is a dead pixel, so you might just have dust in the panel or something. BUT if it is indeed a dead pixel then try to rub it out SOMETIMES thatworks. What you do is you apply pressure ( not to much of course) over the pixel and just rub in a clockwise motion for like 30 seconds.

TO: Jordan Freak 32

Never heard of them. But with so many online stores its impossible to know all of them. I would call them and ask them specific questions, especially aboutthier return policy.

TO: Jonahtheballer

Thats a tough call, and one you should justify. I would say yea, invest in the warranty, but there are plenty of people that are opposed to it, so to eachthier own.
MTH, is there a really that much of a difference between a Standard and High Speed cable(category 2)?
Originally Posted by USABasketball08

I have a Mitsubishi HDTV (not sure what exact model, but it's 1080p) with dishNetwork HD programming. When i fool around with the HD settings, I see options for 408i,720p, and 1080i. My settings are currently set to 720p. But on my TV, the input says "480i CABLE".

Why is it saying on my TV that the input is "480i CABLE" but on my cable box it says "720p"?

And i'm not exactly sure why i don't see an option for 1080p on my cable box..
because you cant get 1080p on that
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