Unappreciation Thread, Vol. Thanks Obama!


da problem with NT is they stuck in da liberal media spin cycle..i found da exit from that a HOT second ago...

You're a joke

An article about how they messed up the site, and you think it fits your "nobody wants to sign up" rhetoric.

i forget people dont like to "read" because that would involve people actually using that space between their ears.... what?
The video provided my damn point and U.N.E.N.O

The video is about difficulties with the rolling out the program. Not the "nobody gonna sign up for this, they don't want this, they just gonna pay the penalty
" rhetoric you having been trying to spew.
lol you seriously think healthy americans are RUSHING to pay premiums for something they feel they dont need? yeah...put down da kool-aid.
The video provided my damn point and U.N.E.N.O

The video is about difficulties with the rolling out the program. Not the "nobody gonna sign up for this, they don't want this, they just gonna pay the penalty
" rhetoric you having been trying to spew.
Video clearly says 7100+ people submitted applications but they were not processed because the people "behind the scenes" were not trained yet. 

I don't think dude even pressed play. 
lol you seriously think healthy americans are RUSHING to pay premiums for something they feel they dont need? yeah...put down da kool-aid.
Funny thing is, how the **** do you know you're "healthy" if you're not going to the doctor. 

****** healthy off the sniff test I guess. 

"My piss don't burn, I'm good" 
I don't how ninja keeps up the energy to argue with you guys. But props to him. You all are incorrigible. Jesus. Enjoy your baseless arguments and false claims.
The excuse that you're healthy and don't need it is the dumbest **** I've ever heard in my life. 

I don't know one person immune to injury and disease -- unless y'all ****** know real life XMen. 
I don't how ninja keeps up the energy to argue with you guys. But props to him. You all are incorrigible. Jesus. Enjoy your baseless arguments and false claims.
Dog, you're one to talk. 

Aren't you the dude screaming self made but live at home with mom? I could be mistaken but I could have sworn you're that dude.

The one that's motto is "**** everybody else, I got here on my own". 

C'mon fam, stop it. 
No sir that is not me. But you are right on the second part.

However, I don't see what that has to do with the topic at hand. You ACA supporters have been making false claims since this whole shutdown started. An then when someone proves you all wrong it gets ignored.

You for instance, I don't know why you are continuing to talk about healthy people going to the doctor, when 2 weeks ago I posted an article stating that healthy do not go to the doctor. The arguments in these threads are cyclical, no matter how many facts gets posted you bleeding heart liberals are going to brush it under the rug and continue to demagouge and make personal attacks instead of attacking the topic.
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No sir that is not me. But you are right on the second part.

However, I don't see what that has to do with the topic at hand. You ACA supporters have been making false claims since this whole shutdown started. An then when someone proves you all wrong it gets ignored.

You for instance, I don't know why you are continuing to talk about healthy people going to the doctor, when 2 weeks ago I posted an article stating that healthy do not go to the doctor. The arguments in these threads are cyclical, no matter how many facts gets posted you bleeding heart liberals are going to brush it under the rug and continue to demagouge and make personal attacks instead of attacking the topic.

So you're really gonna act like NT Conservatives don't do the same thing you state NT liberals do, huh? :lol: :lol:

Facts. From an anonymous source. In an article written by an obvious right winger. FACTS. Yeah....okay. :lol:
How does a person know they're "healthy" w/o going to the doctor?

Because you're not literally dying or don't have visible symptoms, you're healthy? 

Is that how it works?
Yes that's exactly how it is. In this country people go to the doctor when there is something noticeably wrong. Even if they have health insurance. Especially, young people like myself. It's an invincibility complex. And it is one of the reasons Obamacare is such a crapshoot because they are hoping that young people as well as healthy people sign up to subsidize old and sick people.
Yes that's exactly how it is. In this country people go to the doctor when there is something noticeably wrong. Even if they have health insurance. Especially, young people like myself. It's an invincibility complex. And it is one of the reasons Obamacare is such a crapshoot because they are hoping that young people as well as healthy people sign up to subsidize old and sick people.
The "healthy" people turn into the sick and old people. 

And that's one of the reasons that excuse seems silly to me. 

Like I said, no one is immune to injury or illness. So because you think or are healthy today, doesn't mean ****. 

A person could be running a 5k today and on their deathbed tomorrow needing that insurance. And it's not like the chances of one needing insurance is at lottery odds. 

That's how all these so called "healthy" people are acting. 
Last time I checked Forbes was a reputable news source. That is why I trust their information. Now had I posted an article written by John Doe for his blog then I might see where you're coming from. But it's not. It's from Forbes.
The "healthy" people turn into the sick and old people. 

And that's one of the reasons that excuse seems silly to me. 

Like I said, no one is immune to injury or illness. So because you think or are healthy today, doesn't mean ****. 

A person could be running a 5k today and on their deathbed tomorrow needing that insurance. And it's not like the chances of one needing insurance is at lottery odds. 

That's how all these so called "healthy" people are acting. 

My god man, can you stop arguing "what it should be" and just focus on what it is. Yes it makes no sense that young people and healthy people don't go to the Dr. Because even Doctors will tell you that you should have a check up every year. But the majority of this country does not, that is just the way it is. In this country old people and chronically sick people go to the doctor regularly because they're falling apart.
My god man, can you stop arguing "what it should be" and just focus on what it is. Yes it makes no sense that young people and healthy people don't go to the Dr. Because even Doctors will tell you that you should have a check up every year. But the majority of this country does not, that is just the way it is. In this country old people and chronically sick people go to the doctor regularly because they're falling apart.
What in the entire **** are you talking about man? 

You're sitting here basically saying long live ignorance lol. 

The way you think is beyond absurd dude.  
:lol: You know it's bad when you read a quote thinking it's someone mocking ninjahood, but it turns out it's actually ninjahood. And Rico I hope for your sake you don't express your views outside of the web, i'm sure people would cringe at your thought process.
Incorrigible. I can't deal with you guys anymore.
Because I think its a good idea to go to the doctor BEFORE getting sick --- you know, maintain your insides. 

and you feel that since it's the American way not to, let's just keep on being ignorant. 

Ok bro, ok. 
You know it's bad when you read a quote thinking it's someone mocking ninjahood, but it turns out it's actually ninjahood. And Rico I hope for your sake you don't express your views outside of the web, i'm sure people would cringe at your thought process.
Rico has to be that crazy employee people talk about around the workplace. 

He's THAT guy. 
Because I think its a good idea to go to the doctor BEFORE getting sick --- you know, maintain your insides. 

and you feel that since it's the American way not to, let's just keep on being ignorant. 

Ok bro, ok. 

You're arguing against a point that he didn't present.

He's not saying people shouldn't go to the doctor.
You're arguing against a point that he didn't present.

He's not saying people shouldn't go to the doctor.
He's trying to make (2) points. 

1. This bill is for old and sick people. 

2. Americans not going to the doctor doesn't need to be addressed. 

Those seem to be his main reasons against the ACA. 

Both are stupid, IMO. 
That's fine, but until now you were arguing with him as if he said that young or "healthy" people don't need to regularly visit the doctor.
That's fine, but until now you were arguing with him as if he said that young or "healthy" people don't need to regularly visit the doctor.
I was arguing that "healthy" people aren't healthy. So for him to say healthy people don't need insurance made no sense, being that these people don't even know if they're healthy or not. 

Because they don't go to the doctor to find out. 
Yes that's exactly how it is. In this country people go to the doctor when there is something noticeably wrong. Even if they have health insurance. Especially, young people like myself. It's an invincibility complex. And it is one of the reasons Obamacare is such a crapshoot because they are hoping that young people as well as healthy people sign up to subsidize old and sick people.

Young people meaning anyone age 27 and above? If under 26, they are essentially covered by their Parent's health coverage.

So yah I guess if someone is 27 or older, they may be reluctant to purchase health insurance if completely healthy. But then again... if you're 27 and up, and have a job that doesn't offer health insurance... wouldn't it be smart to get cheap health insurance just in case instead of paying that tax penalty every year?
I was arguing that "healthy" people aren't healthy. So for him to say healthy people don't need insurance made no sense, being that these people don't even know if they're healthy or not. 

Because they don't go to the doctor to find out. 

Could you show me where he said that?
Affordable Care Act
Obamacare enrollees become urban legend

[email protected]

Will the Floridians who have enrolled for Obamacare please stand up?

Nearly two weeks after the federal government launched the online Health Insurance Marketplace at, individuals who have successfully used the choked-up website to enroll for a subsidized health insurance plan have reached a status akin to urban legend: Everyone has heard of them, but very few people have actually met one.

The Miami Herald searched high and low for individuals who completed enrollment for a subsidized health plan through the marketplace, also called an exchange, launched by the federal government on Oct. 1 in 36 states, including Florida.

The Herald solicited readers for stories of enrollees online and in the newspaper, and received a fair number of responses reflecting various degrees of success with, which has been plagued by technical problems that federal officials attribute to an overwhelming number of people trying to access the website at once.

A keystone of the federal healthcare reform law known the Affordable Care Act, the exchange is intended to provide affordable, comprehensive health insurance for the millions of Americans who do not have coverage.

As of Friday, however, only a smattering of success stories had emerged in news reports., an online news outlet, reported that a 21-year-old Georgia resident who enrolled successfully has become a cause célèbre, with national media and even the White House touting his story.

For now, there’s no reason for consumers to panic, federal officials say.

Enrollment in the exchange lasts until March 31, though people must pick a plan by Dec. 15 to have coverage begin on Jan. 1.

On Friday the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the federally-run exchange, reported that had received 14.6 million unique visitors in the first 10 days.

Technical experts have added capacity to allow more simultaneous users onto the exchange since the first week of launch, and officials also have ramped up telephone and in-person paper applications. And a new feature added to on Friday allows users to see premium estimates by state, health plan and two age categories.

“We have greatly reduced, and even eliminated, wait times at the registration stage, and more people are actively shopping and comparing plans,’’ said Joanne Peters, an HHS spokeswoman.

Roll out of the health insurance exchanges has not been an all-around flop, however.

States such as California, where state legislators chose to create their own exchange ( Covered California) instead of handing off to the federal government, have experience some problems. But they also are reporting the successful enrollment of thousands of eligible individuals into subsidized health plans.

HHS has not said how many people in Florida or elsewhere have enrolled or attempted to enroll. Federal officials said that Americans have enrolled for coverage through the exchange, but they have declined to reveal how many. Obama administration officials said they will release those numbers once a month.

Insurers selling plans on Florida’s exchange, such as Florida Blue, also said a number of consumers have purchased subsidized plans through the exchange. But they, too, have declined to say how many.

Florida media and nonprofit groups have reported at least two successes in detail.

Florida CHAIN, a statewide consumer health advocacy group, has highlighted the story of Vincent Mutia, a 24-year-old political science student at the University of Central Florida.

Mutia said he tried to enroll on the first day but ran into problems that kept him from shopping the available plans, applying for a subsidy and making a purchase.

“In the last few days,’’ Mutia told the Herald on Friday, “the experience became more fluid. I was able to put in all my information. After the security questions, I created an account.”

Last week, the Orlando Sentinel reported the story of one man who succeeded in buying a plan — after starting at 6 a.m. on the day the exchange launched.

Daniel McNaughton, a 22-year-old computer science student at Valencia College in Orlando, told the newspaper he purchased a Florida Blue plan that will cost him $70 a month after the federal subsidy.

What does a computer science major such as McNaughton think of the program design for

“My best estimate is whoever built the site wasn’t prepared for the type of use it was going to get,’’ McNaughton told the Herald on Friday. “I think the interest was higher than they expected it would be.’’

Like I said previously, it's going to be interesting when providers stop taking insurance as a form of payment, just how many have already stopped taking Medicare/Medicaid. Taking insurance as a form of payment is going to end up as like the latter in not being feasible to maintain a business with the amount of people, time, and energy that goes into the administrative side of running a practice.
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