Heat Vs Pacers East Semi-Finals. Good Series Folks, Now Time To Destroy Boston.

I understand Pittman is an absolute nobody, but a flagrant 1, really. It doesnt get more blatant than that.
Did anyone catch Pitt's wink after the bow?

Pittman elbowed Lance in the neck and then winked *DEAD* then started to choke

Thats what Lance get for pullin chokin signs on the king
lovin watchin them destroy indiana
video game James

where the pacer tough guys at now?
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23


Pittman elbowed Lance in the neck and then winked *DEAD* then started to choke

Thats what Lance get for pullin chokin signs on the king
Ok. Didn't want to see Pitt throw wild elbows like that, Stephenson was already embarrassing himself with his level of play in the closing minutes.

Also did any catch the fans throwing stuff at the pacers bench?

Great win hopefully Haslem doesn't get any extra game suspension for that hit.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23


Pittman elbowed Lance in the neck and then winked *DEAD* then started to choke

Thats what Lance get for pullin chokin signs on the king
King of? Laying down in the finals? Disappearing when his team needs him? He's not getting a ring this year so calm yourself.
Pittman definitely gonna get got for those shenanigans.

Haslem will probably be out for Game 6 too, which would be a huge blow for Miami.

This idiot Shaq trying to defend Haslem saying he was going for the ball.

Pittman winking.
Originally Posted by hoosiergunner

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23


Pittman elbowed Lance in the neck and then winked *DEAD* then started to choke

Thats what Lance get for pullin chokin signs on the king
King of? Laying down in the finals? Disappearing when his team needs him? He's not getting a ring this year so calm yourself.
strong is the hate within you
Originally Posted by miamib30514

Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

I can't believe this 

I honestly don't see Miami coming back from this 

Stop making predictions

Sorry I didn't predict Lebron to have a career game and for D Wade to play incredible after they looked like !@@$ 
 Don't act like you guys won anything yet either man. Miami turned it around big time but it's not over until it's over. 

Obviously I was wrong but I wasn't the only one, I was just shocked to see the Heat struggling because I thought they'd beat the Pacers in 5 fairly easily. I thought they were collapsing the way they were playing but they definitely turned it around. Impressive. 

I don't know how anyone is laughing at these flagrants either 
If I had to guess:

Pittman will be suspended multiple games, probably 5 or more. Haslem will be suspended for G6.
Originally Posted by MrSwagtastic

Originally Posted by hoosiergunner

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23


Pittman elbowed Lance in the neck and then winked *DEAD* then started to choke

Thats what Lance get for pullin chokin signs on the king
King of? Laying down in the finals? Disappearing when his team needs him? He's not getting a ring this year so calm yourself.
strong is the hate within you
You really think they are gonna beat OKC/SA if they even get by Boston? I know what I've seen in the past from the Queen to know it won't happen. Dallas last year was not nearly as good as either of those teams.
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