Heat Vs Pacers East Semi-Finals. Good Series Folks, Now Time To Destroy Boston.

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by solarius49

I just feel like the whole concept of trying to get a bunch of stars on one team is ruining the NBA. Another example is the Knicks (not to offend anybody), but Im not even a Knicks fan, but I LOVED watching them when Amare was the man, before they acquired Carmelo.

Alot of these guys are used to being the star, and used to having the ball in their hand in the stretch. And just like you watched Amare disappear while Carmelo was "being the man", the same thing is happening to Wade.
Name all the teams that have tried to do that and failed, because I don't buy that it's ruining the NBA. Melo and the Knicks, then the recent Heat's struggles, and...? You can say the chaos over Dwight leaving was a bad thing for the league, but what else? Boozer went to Chicago and they've been fine, Indiana, Boston, San Antonio, OKC, Lakers, Memphis, Denver, Atlanta, none of those teams had superstars team up. People kept saying how the Heat, then the Knicks were setting an awful precedent and soon we would have only a few superteams and the league would be awful, but that hasn't happened.

Originally Posted by Jumpman2314

Yea wade played terrible but why yall mad at him yelling at spos for???

Yall don't know what spos said...coulda call him a !+!@% for all we know.
And that makes how much sense? What seems more likely... an NBA coach insulted a franchise player in-game or Wade let his emotions get the best of him and took his frustrations out on his coach.
Ok "ruining the NBA" may have been a poor choice of words.  And Carlos Boozer is not and hasnt been a star player in years.  But I guess a more appropriate phrasing is that, I PERSONALLY like to see the talent spread about throughout the NBA, as opposed to players trying to join forces for titles.  And its not teams that are currently together, it includes the whole Dwightfest, Deron Williams ordeal, CP3 to the Clips...maybe I'm making too much of it in my head, idk
Originally Posted by lilpennymagicfan1

All these haters for the heat but I dont see the lakers getting this hate for getting pau gasol for free or the celtics forming the big 3?


you serious?
you musta not been on niketalk when those things happend atleast for the lakers getting gasol part. you still have people to this day who talk crap about how the league was rigged or how jerry west helped the lakers in getting gasol...

or you have selective memory
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by solarius49

I just feel like the whole concept of trying to get a bunch of stars on one team is ruining the NBA. Another example is the Knicks (not to offend anybody), but Im not even a Knicks fan, but I LOVED watching them when Amare was the man, before they acquired Carmelo.

Alot of these guys are used to being the star, and used to having the ball in their hand in the stretch. And just like you watched Amare disappear while Carmelo was "being the man", the same thing is happening to Wade.
Name all the teams that have tried to do that and failed, because I don't buy that it's ruining the NBA. Melo and the Knicks, then the recent Heat's struggles, and...? You can say the chaos over Dwight leaving was a bad thing for the league, but what else? Boozer went to Chicago and they've been fine, Indiana, Boston, San Antonio, OKC, Lakers, Memphis, Denver, Atlanta, none of those teams had superstars team up. People kept saying how the Heat, then the Knicks were setting an awful precedent and soon we would have only a few superteams and the league would be awful, but that hasn't happened.
I agree with most of what you said but IMO Boston started the whole superstar team up trend with the Big 3 in 08. 

Granted, their teaming up was them nearing the end of their careers in which they already accomplished pretty much everything except winning a championship, so they understood what they had to do as veterans and were willing to take on a new role, whereas the Heat Big 3 is three players near their prime all wanting to be a star player. But anyway, all I'm getting at is that I don't think Heat or the Knicks were the ones to set the trend originally, I think they saw Boston winning the title their first year together as "The Big 3" and it made everyone think that it was that easy to do, and all you had to do was team up with some other all stars. 
Originally Posted by solarius49

Ok "ruining the NBA" may have been a poor choice of words.  And Carlos Boozer is not and hasnt been a star player in years.  But I guess a more appropriate phrasing is that, I PERSONALLY like to see the talent spread about throughout the NBA, as opposed to players trying to join forces for titles.  And its not teams that are currently together, it includes the whole Dwightfest, Deron Williams ordeal, CP3 to the Clips...maybe I'm making too much of it in my head, idk
I mentioned Boozer because while he was a smaller FA, he was still involved in the summer of 2010. I don't think you're making too much of it in your head because I see a lot of people say this same thing. I agree, I like to see talent spread out too.. but people aren't being honest when it comes to the reality of the NBA. OKC has three of the best young players in the league. The Spurs have had a great trio of players and hell they got Tim Duncan to pair up with DAVID ROBINSON. Boston has their Big 3. The Lakers had Kobe, Gasol, Bynum/Odom, the older Lakers had Kobe and Shaq, the Bulls had Michael and Scottie, the old Celtics and Lakers teams.. so the whole "talent spread out" thing was always kind of bogus to me... the best teams had great players playing together. There's the rare case of the Mavs only really having Dirk or the 04 Pistons, but you need a couple superstar/great players to win... people don't like the players cutting out the middle man (inept management) and doing it themselves. The players aren't doing it "the right way" and that bothers people. 
I think people can't separate the Decision from Lebron and Bosh going to Miami. I'm a Lebron fan and the Decision was an incredibly stupid idea. Lebron playing with Wade and Bosh? Disappointing as a Knicks fan, but I got over it because in the end I'd rather see him play on a better team than not. Right now, the Heat don't look great but that isn't the issue at hand. 
Originally Posted by Rocky437

Its so unfortunate how Wade is fading due to LBJs presence. Why cant two superstars go hard on the same team, easier said then done obviously. 
well in this case, Wade and Lebron's games do not compliment each other at ALL. you have two guys who need to dominate the ball to be effective, obviously someone's not gonna eat.
on top of that you have Wade deferring to Lebron mentally when that is clearly not his nature.. not making excuses for him playing like *##, but clearly it has been throwing him off. let's be real, how are you gonna feel when you're saying "this is MY HOUSE!" every night meanwhile there's a guy on your team winning MVPs. Wade's game is to mentally be the alpha dog, but by deferring to Lebron he's taking away his own competitive fire. 

it's funny that the best thing for the Heat to do, assuming they lose, would actually be to trade/amnesty Wade and keep Lebron and Bosh. of course Riley would never do that (would he?)
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by solarius49

Ok "ruining the NBA" may have been a poor choice of words.  And Carlos Boozer is not and hasnt been a star player in years.  But I guess a more appropriate phrasing is that, I PERSONALLY like to see the talent spread about throughout the NBA, as opposed to players trying to join forces for titles.  And its not teams that are currently together, it includes the whole Dwightfest, Deron Williams ordeal, CP3 to the Clips...maybe I'm making too much of it in my head, idk
I mentioned Boozer because while he was a smaller FA, he was still involved in the summer of 2010. I don't think you're making too much of it in your head because I see a lot of people say this same thing. I agree, I like to see talent spread out too.. but people aren't being honest when it comes to the reality of the NBA. OKC has three of the best young players in the league. The Spurs have had a great trio of players and hell they tanked then got Tim Duncan to pair up with DAVID ROBINSON. Boston has their Big 3. The Lakers had Kobe, Gasol, Bynum/Odom, the older Lakers had Kobe and Shaq, the Bulls had Michael and Scottie, the old Celtics and Lakers teams.. so the whole "talent spread out" thing was always kind of bogus to me... the best teams had great players playing together. There's the rare case of the Mavs only really having Dirk or the 04 Pistons, but you need a couple superstar/great players to win... people don't like the players cutting out the middle man (inept management) and doing it themselves. The players aren't doing it "the right way" and that bothers people. 
I think people can't separate the Decision from Lebron and Bosh going to Miami. I'm a Lebron fan and the Decision was an incredibly stupid idea. Lebron playing with Wade and Bosh? Disappointing as a Knicks fan, but I got over it because in the end I'd rather see him play on a better team than not. Right now, the Heat don't look great but that isn't the issue at hand. 

I know we're speaking in hypotheticals now, but I REALLY wanted to see Lebron/Amare in NY versus Wade/Bosh in MIA, that would have been the rivalry of a generation.  Of course thats not how it turned out, oh well
Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by solarius49

I just feel like the whole concept of trying to get a bunch of stars on one team is ruining the NBA. Another example is the Knicks (not to offend anybody), but Im not even a Knicks fan, but I LOVED watching them when Amare was the man, before they acquired Carmelo.

Alot of these guys are used to being the star, and used to having the ball in their hand in the stretch. And just like you watched Amare disappear while Carmelo was "being the man", the same thing is happening to Wade.
Name all the teams that have tried to do that and failed, because I don't buy that it's ruining the NBA. Melo and the Knicks, then the recent Heat's struggles, and...? You can say the chaos over Dwight leaving was a bad thing for the league, but what else? Boozer went to Chicago and they've been fine, Indiana, Boston, San Antonio, OKC, Lakers, Memphis, Denver, Atlanta, none of those teams had superstars team up. People kept saying how the Heat, then the Knicks were setting an awful precedent and soon we would have only a few superteams and the league would be awful, but that hasn't happened.
I agree with most of what you said but IMO Boston started the whole superstar team up trend with the Big 3 in 08. 

Granted, their teaming up was them nearing the end of their careers in which they already accomplished pretty much everything except winning a championship, so they understood what they had to do as veterans and were willing to take on a new role, whereas the Heat Big 3 is three players near their prime all wanting to be a star player. But anyway, all I'm getting at is that I don't think Heat or the Knicks were the ones to set the trend originally, I think they saw Boston winning the title their first year together as "The Big 3" and it made everyone think that it was that easy to do, and all you had to do was team up with some other all stars. 
I agree with this, but you have to understand that that 08' Celtics team had role players all over. They also had defensive minded guys who were all willing to do the dirty work I.E. Posey, Perkins, House, Powe etc. They also controlled the glass and tempo of the game. The problem is the Heat don't have too many role players that are willing to do the dirty work and rebound. Perkins was HUGE for the Celtics and that's why when Perkins was out in 09' Doc Rivers always mentioned how losing him was such a big hit. They damn near got out rebounded by 20+ boards that final game 7. 
When it comes to the off season and acquiring players the Heat are using the wrong formula. Instead of going for shooters all the time (Miller, Battier, House and Bibby), they need to go for a center who can rebound the ball and defend the paint consistently. Last year the Heat lost because of Chandlers presence and the interior defense and this year it looks like the Pacers are using the same formula as the Mavs. Not to mention, they also have those "blue collard" guys who's willing to do the dirty work. 

I know we're speaking in hypotheticals now, but I REALLY wanted to see Lebron/Amare in NY versus Wade/Bosh in MIA, that would have been the rivalry of a generation.  Of course thats not how it turned out, oh well

Not to be a homer or anything, but I think if the Knicks were at full strength (Shumpert not going out after game 1, Chandler starting the series with the Flu and Amare making his hand look like a baseball) the Knicks would've made that series really interesting. Especially with Chandler being off the first two games. He really sets the defensive tone for the Knicks. When he's doing well, the entire teams does well. But that's all "what ifs" and doesn't get you anywhere. 
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by Rocky437

Its so unfortunate how Wade is fading due to LBJs presence. Why cant two superstars go hard on the same team, easier said then done obviously. 
well in this case, Wade and Lebron's games do not compliment each other at ALL. you have two guys who need to dominate the ball to be effective, obviously someone's not gonna eat.
on top of that you have Wade deferring to Lebron mentally when that is clearly not his nature.. not making excuses for him playing like *##, but clearly it has been throwing him off. let's be real, how are you gonna feel when you're saying "this is MY HOUSE!" every night meanwhile there's a guy on your team winning MVPs. Wade's game is to mentally be the alpha dog, but by deferring to Lebron he's taking away his own competitive fire. 

it's funny that the best thing for the Heat to do, assuming they lose, would actually be to trade/amnesty Wade and keep Lebron and Bosh. of course Riley would never do that (would he?)

This wouldn't be such a bad idea at all. The heat can clear up some serious cap space and get much better role players to compliment the team. Of course, Riley will never trade away Wade because he's the darling of the team and started this all. If anyone is to amnestied it's going to be Bosh and that's sad, because ever since last year I've always said that he's the guy that's sort of like a relieve pressure valve for Wade/Lebron. He spreads the floor and makes that 15 ft jumper to bail them out when they need a bucket. Someone should look this up, but I don't think the Heat lose when Bosh has at least 15+ points and 10+ rebounds and Wade/Lebron get theirs as well. 
Originally Posted by Drizzyd

Love seeing the Heat lose, but why's Granger such a female? Get your damn hands off of the dude, you were literally ridin' him like a chariot and then get mad when the foul is called and wants you to get your hands off of him?

Luckily Indy was dominating because those kind of weak-minded plays can cost your team points, momentum and even games.

Sidenote-- Did they even give LBJ a clear path foul for that? I know the Heat got the FT for the technical but now that I think about it, I dont think they even called it a clear path

It wasn't a clear path foul
Back to the series...Do you guys think Paul George can develop as a scorer in this league? Granted its only his 2nd year, but he completely disappears at times on the offensive end. As big and athletic as he is, I would love to see him attack the rim more
Pacers chance of winning this series just got bigger. Looks like Wade is starting to snap every game.
Originally Posted by Prada G


eight championships, son?
people in here acting like they lost the series already.

but the funny thing about that video was the crowd reaction and pat rileys reaction. dude had the "cmon son" stoneface look.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Back to the series...Do you guys think Paul George can develop as a scorer in this league? Granted its only his 2nd year, but he completely disappears at times on the offensive end. As big and athletic as he is, I would love to see him attack the rim more
Paul George has a lot of promise. His only problem is that he does disappear in games. This can be due to Granger though. A lot of what's expected from George, Granger already does. If George can develop a jumper and attack the paint on a consistant basis, he'll be tough to match up against. The only problem is that there are about 20+ other guys in the league that this also applies for. 
Can someone update me? Was there a post game interview (from Wade)?

Has he said anything to the media?
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Can someone update me? Was there a post game interview (from Wade)?

Has he said anything to the media?
No and yes, he spoke in the locker room for like 30 seconds. 
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Can someone update me? Was there a post game interview (from Wade)?

Has he said anything to the media?
i caught a little bit off of sportcenter but he was playing dumb and said "i dont know what you guys are talking about" when the reporters brought it up.

damn shame what wade has become. scumbag status
Wilbon made this point about Wade on Wednesday's PTI: he's not just a different player, he's a different person now, and he doesn't understand where this came from. He got calls back in the day (obviously), but now he's turned into a petulant whiner. When even Wilbon is calling out a Chicago boy who is an NBA superstar, that's saying a lot, because he defends everyone in the league.
lmao as a fan of douchebaggery I applaud wade. but as a basketball fan i think its pathetic.

I'm thinking Bron might have a flu game next game.

And I don't care how much the we need bosh,

that guy is still softer than clouds
Ok. No the Heat have not lost the series, as of now. But if they get bounced 2nd round, what was the point of Lebron giving up what he built in Cleveland?

They'll probably bounce back but good Lord its going to be an unreal summer if they don't get it done this year or make it pass the PACERS! Not Boston or the Bulls at full strength. The Pacers.

People thought Bosh was a weak link but his absence is hurting big time.
Did I hear correctly that LeBron is 0-5 in series' which he's lost back to back games? Not saying the series is over, but I wonder if he can break that trend... EDIT: just heard it's 1-6

Ric Bucher pulled LeBron's card on this one. He's been saying recently that LeBron seems to go into the post just to quiet his critics, not because he can provide consistent PF play. Regardless of what Wade did, if PF play is what they are lacking, then The King should be shoring up the ship. But as always, he hates playing with his back to the basket and is being exposed on his skill set. He's an athletic freak with sick court vision and (most of) the whole 9, but he is not, never was, and never will be a legit force in the post. I glad people were able to see Melo flourish at the 4, while LeBron finds it "taxing." http://espn.go.com/nba/playoffs/201...mes-says-playing-pf-injured-chris-bosh-taxing

With that said, Pacers MUST WIN this next game. D-Wade and LeBron only know how to "play off each other" in transition. They've never had a cohesive half-court game. That's why I think it's stupid that Nash would even consider the Heat. LeBron would conceded to needing another multi-year MVP to help him win, and you would then have 3 stars that need the ball to be effective. I think it's pretty clear at this point that "team structure" trumps "star power."
Game 4 is a must win for the Pacers as much as it is for the Heat.

If we tie up with MIA...with a demoralizing loss at home and lose all momentum...not going to be good.
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