Hello, Am I crazy for this? give me some SKA

Sorry man, I know its not what you want to hear, but shes been with other dudes. It actually seems pretty obvious to me. Why would the dude who wants to getwith her keep hanging out with her if he wasnt getting any and he knew she had a man and wasnt gonna give it up?

So she gives her number to guys who buy her drinks because she 'feels bad'??
When they ask for her number all she has to do is say 'I have a boyfriend' and thats all there is to it. The guys would leave her alone and she has noreason to feel bad.

Bottom line, your girl is grimey and you need to dump her.
Homie it depends on her, if you trust her than forget what everyone thinks. I'm talking to a chick who has a man but i'm not tryna smash or anythingjust like chatting w/ her from time to time. Her mans be tripping sometimes but she not letting anyone else smash. It just depends on the chick. If she a jumpoff then its nothin you can do abt it really. Homie just flip a coin. Heads u stay with her! Tails homeboy is smashin so give her the HEISMAN!
Originally Posted by Bo55Diesel

I think I would have a problem with my girlfriend giving her number to guys at the bar. It just doesn't seem right.
same thing here

after a year my girl transfered home cuz i told her i wouldn't do the distance thing anymore, guess i got lucky. good luck with her.. have you talked toher about it yet?
Thanks for all the honest replies, Fanatic and everyone! Also, no I trust that she will not cheat, just that her views are different than mine andunfortunately I view it as quit bad this post is just about what I dont think should be accepted. No I have not talked to her yet, im going up there thisThursday. We split the cost of a flight, both been excited about it for awhile, so ill either talk about it then or before. Despite, itll be a fun vacation,even if I end up sleeping in some other room. I guess if she cant understand why I see it the way I see it then ...
Originally Posted by And I Love It

even if I end up sleeping in some other room

If I may get my James Lipton on. A scene from the Niketalk classic film "Paid in Full"

Calvin (played by Kevin Carrol) - You hittin' that, rlght?

Ace (played by Wood Harris) - Come on, man.

Calvin - Oh, my God! Kid, you're supposed to be hittin' that! Sweatin' in that laundry for nickels and dimes is not gonna got you that %!*.

Also you neglected my question of whether she would be okay with you doing what she seems to do but the inverse or "guy role" of buying girls drinks,talking to them in bars, getting their number, etc. Because something tells me she would trip if you did that. And it's only fair.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by And I Love It

even if I end up sleeping in some other room

If I may get my James Lipton on. A scene from the Niketalk classic film "Paid in Full"

Calvin (played by Kevin Carrol) - You hittin' that, rlght?

Ace (played by Wood Harris) - Come on, man.

Calvin - Oh, my God! Kid, you're supposed to be hittin' that! Sweatin' in that laundry for nickels and dimes is not gonna got you that %!*.

Also you neglected my question of whether she would be okay with you doing what she seems to do but the inverse or "guy role" of buying girls drinks, talking to them in bars, getting their number, etc. Because something tells me she would trip if you did that. And it's only fair.
Sorry, I didn't neglect, im going to ask her, I KNOW she would not, but yes ill ask her. Ill let you know, ok?

Also I have not seen that movie.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Why on earth would she need to take a phone number or give her own to a guy she meets if she isn't going to talk to the dude. Taking a drink is one thing cause really beyond maybe a simple conversation if that nothing is really implied (clearly the dude wants more and initiates that by buying the drink but still nothing can be assumed or guaranteed by doing so).

But just being friends with a guy who calls her and "makes her laugh" is $%*%#$% ******ed. Clearly that dude got "friend zoned" and sidenote: what the +%** is with dude's not respecting other dudes girlfriend? It's one thing if the girl is about to break up with the guy or it's rocky or what have you. But I'm sorry you're $%*%#$% douche bag if you try to get at some girl that's clearly happily taken.

But yeah she might not be getting plowed but talking regularly to other dudes that are clearly trying to get at her is some foul $##$. I would either have her stop or dead her if she doesn't want to.

Just hypothetical, can you buy other girls drinks? or hit on other girls at bars etc? If that's okay with your girlfriend then, I suppose you just have more open relationship, but I'm willing to bet your girl would be salty if you did any of what she seems to do, which to me seems quite foul.

To be to the point if you can do the same $*@# she can do and she doesn't get upset then I'd say whatever… But if that's not the case, smh.
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by And I Love It

even if I end up sleeping in some other room

If I may get my James Lipton on. A scene from the Niketalk classic film "Paid in Full"

Calvin (played by Kevin Carrol) - You hittin' that, rlght?

Ace (played by Wood Harris) - Come on, man.

Calvin - Oh, my God! Kid, you're supposed to be hittin' that! Sweatin' in that laundry for nickels and dimes is not gonna got you that %!*.

Also you neglected my question of whether she would be okay with you doing what she seems to do but the inverse or "guy role" of buying girls drinks, talking to them in bars, getting their number, etc. Because something tells me she would trip if you did that. And it's only fair.
Sorry, I didn't neglect, im going to ask her, I KNOW she would not, but yes ill ask her. Ill let you know, ok?

Also I have not seen that movie.

Letting me down already. Watch it with your girl when you go see her. It's a solid film by any standard.

I've hooked up with a girl off the strength of the line "can I get two more grape sodas?" when she was home alone on friday night and told me shewas "boring". I hold the film in high regard for that alone.
Wholly aside from it's entertainment value.
Originally Posted by And I Love It

This is a female post. And before I say whats going on if you are wanting pictures you can press the back button.

Ok, me and my girl are doing long distance after about a year. I trust her completely and feel as though our relationship is going as strong as it did when we were together.

But the other day this is what we argued about, so I wanted to ask you if I am crazy for stating this. And ill just lay them out in point form, and you can state all your opinions or suggestions or beaks.

Alright, now I understand we are far away and we gotta continue living, cant just not meet people and stay in your room all hours, but there are lines, I think.

- When she goes to a bar /club and dudes buy her drink, she will sometimes give her number to him. Which I am "cool" with to a point, but I say she should not be answering phone calls/texts from him. Expecially not meeting up with him, right?
- Before she left for school she some dude on facebook hit her up and they talked and chilled when she was there. Now he calls her, now I would be "ok" with it if he was not interested in him, but even after she has told him she has a boyfriend he continues to complement her and call her and suggest they be more. However, she is ok with it and considers him a friend because he is funny or whatever, so now its cool they hang out and talk? I think otherwise, is that crazy, I know its ultimately up to her what they are, really, but I just see it as wrong , no? So really she consideres someone a "friend" even if he would rather be more, possible?

- now there are many great things about her I wont list in this topic, and I love her, but just these things she sees as fine, I do not, and wanted to here your thoughts or experiences.

Are you gay?
Your girl is playing you. ANd your dumb if you think they have done anything. Like my dad says "AMOR DE LEJOS, AMOR DE PEN--JOS". TRASNLATION- DUMPHER. Get your self a girl thats close enough to slap when she hands out her number.
Chicks having guys for friends FTL

If she didn't already know him before you got together, then she's basically playin you.
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Originally Posted by And I Love It

This is a female post. And before I say whats going on if you are wanting pictures you can press the back button.

Ok, me and my girl are doing long distance after about a year. I trust her completely and feel as though our relationship is going as strong as it did when we were together.

But the other day this is what we argued about, so I wanted to ask you if I am crazy for stating this. And ill just lay them out in point form, and you can state all your opinions or suggestions or beaks.

Alright, now I understand we are far away and we gotta continue living, cant just not meet people and stay in your room all hours, but there are lines, I think.

- When she goes to a bar /club and dudes buy her drink, she will sometimes give her number to him. Which I am "cool" with to a point, but I say she should not be answering phone calls/texts from him. Expecially not meeting up with him, right?
- Before she left for school she some dude on facebook hit her up and they talked and chilled when she was there. Now he calls her, now I would be "ok" with it if he was not interested in him, but even after she has told him she has a boyfriend he continues to complement her and call her and suggest they be more. However, she is ok with it and considers him a friend because he is funny or whatever, so now its cool they hang out and talk? I think otherwise, is that crazy, I know its ultimately up to her what they are, really, but I just see it as wrong , no? So really she consideres someone a "friend" even if he would rather be more, possible?

- now there are many great things about her I wont list in this topic, and I love her, but just these things she sees as fine, I do not, and wanted to here your thoughts or experiences.

Are you gay?
No, sorry Im not. And ill put that on our movie list if it all works out.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

As a person in a long term long distance relationship let me tell you what I think is okay and not okay in a relationship.

- taking a number = okay unless she has the intention of using it.
- giving a number - No. I generally as a rule don't give out my number even when I'm not in a relationship but giving out your number implies interest.
- Taking a drink = fine
- Dancing at a club w/ whoever/going out w/ friends = fine
- Having guy friends = fine
- Spending a significant amount of time w/ a guy who obviously has ill intentions = Not okay.
- not letting people who approach you know you are in a relationship - Not okay.

I agree w/ what ebayologist said at the beginning of his post...

"Why on earth would she need to take a phone number or give her own to a guy she meets if she isn't going to talk to the dude. Taking a drink is one thing cause really beyond maybe a simple conversation if that nothing is really implied (clearly the dude wants more and initiates that by buying the drink but still nothing can be assumed or guaranteed by doing so). "

Only you know if you can trust her or not, it's up to you to talk with her and to establish some boundaries, but to act like she shouldn't be out having fun and occasionally have a drink bought for her is extreme imo. I couldn't be with a guy who is that insecure. Perhaps she feels you are putting too much restraint on her and this is her acting out. Reevaluate what is really important, and pick your battles. What is really worth fighting over?

Yeah, alright but how would you become a guy friend, would the guy not have to hit on her than she tell him not interested and he be cool with it?
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you're cool with her giving her number to another guy? this relationship has FAIL written all over it...

If she is never going to speak to him again, I can be cool with it, but really I dont think she should even accept drinks in the first place.
Why would she give her number to him if she's never going to speak to him again? Man you need to put your foot down and have a talk with thisgirl or just let her go
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

As a person in a long term long distance relationship let me tell you what I think is okay and not okay in a relationship.

- taking a number = okay unless she has the intention of using it.
- giving a number - No. I generally as a rule don't give out my number even when I'm not in a relationship but giving out your number implies interest.
- Taking a drink = fine
- Dancing at a club w/ whoever/going out w/ friends = fine
- Having guy friends = fine
- Spending a significant amount of time w/ a guy who obviously has ill intentions = Not okay.
- not letting people who approach you know you are in a relationship - Not okay.

I agree w/ what ebayologist said at the beginning of his post...

"Why on earth would she need to take a phone number or give her own to a guy she meets if she isn't going to talk to the dude. Taking a drink is one thing cause really beyond maybe a simple conversation if that nothing is really implied (clearly the dude wants more and initiates that by buying the drink but still nothing can be assumed or guaranteed by doing so). "

Only you know if you can trust her or not, it's up to you to talk with her and to establish some boundaries, but to act like she shouldn't be out having fun and occasionally have a drink bought for her is extreme imo. I couldn't be with a guy who is that insecure. Perhaps she feels you are putting too much restraint on her and this is her acting out. Reevaluate what is really important, and pick your battles. What is really worth fighting over?
Yeah, alright but how would you become a guy friend, would the guy not have to hit on her than she tell him not interested and he be cool with it?
Not at all. The guys I know and are friends I know through other people and we all just sort of hang out. There was not hitting on andrejection. We just knew the same people, and went to the same parties/events and grew to know each other. I also know and have befriended guys who arefriends w/ my brother.
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