Heroin addiction.

You are oversimplifying it man.

Her mind is altered. You cannot judge her decision making as if she is of a sound mindset.

Simple concept man.
Hmm after contemplation, you have brought me full circle.. I still stand by my point, but to elaborate..

I've seen you around here, I respect you and I do not wish to argue with you, you make a valid point.

This toxin has a iron grip on the victims. Deep down to their souls, the full extent of this venoms power to warp the human brain and consume the individuals soul should not be taken lightly or under emstimated.

Repped and thank you for your insight.

The Lord of the rings series took inspiration from it with the transformation of smeagol into gollum over the power of the ring. The ring and gollum being a obvious innuendo to the drug and it's effect/impact it has on the victim.

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View media item 1332398
Even if someone wants to get right, dropping an H habit is one of the hardest things the human body can endure


This is so sad and true, in my personal experience I have never met a person in real life that was an addict of this substance that ever did managed to fully over come it and conquer this terrible substance. Some individuals may be able to keep a handle on it and not let it consume them completely letting it turn them into the character like described above, still keeping their humanity along with some form of a functioning adult life whilst still being able maintain their relationships, but their life is still controlled, dictated to and ultimately destroyed by this poison.

People that trade this toxin, knowing the damage it does to people lives. I have no respect for |I

Again I can only speak for myself when I say what course of action I would take after myself and my family had exhausted all other avenues, this is merely the thoughts I would be contemplating and the choice I would be struggling with.
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dorrispringle dorrispringle What I meant to say is, I am greatly empathetic to your situation, I am deeply saddened for yourself and your family for what they are going through, your sister included. I am appalled at how she has treated yourself and your parents though I must admit this angers me, I hope she comes to the realisation soon of what her actions/choices have done and are still doing to not only her life but more importantly her closest loved ones also.

I hope she can make the necessary changes to get this monkey off her back and get her mind right this is going to be no easy feat though I fear as for the nature of not only one but the two highly addictive, highly corrosive substances involved, Inturn she can then hopefully start to put right and salvage/repair her relationships with yourself and your mother n father, if it hasn't gone too far already, which I fear it may have, it seems too much has happened for too long, from what has been described.

Afterwards she can then start the long journey of getting her life back on track repairing what damage she has done to not only her life, but yours and your parents also. I meant no disrespect to your sister and yourself, for that I apologise.
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Let me guess. She started on marijuana sugar and caffeine and moved up to stronger drugs over time? 

Dont worry I fixed it for you.

H is blowing up in my area. :smh:

My girl had a pill thing for a while after she got in a serious car accident. She wasn't anywhere near as bad as your sister but that **** was rough on both of us. Got her off them with bud, boomers, and just being there to help her fight withdrawal. I guess the difference is she saw what was happening and knew she had to stop before she was too far gone. I know if she wanted to keep going she would have.

I hope you guys can figure out something, or she can.

Addiction is a terrible disease and its incredibly sad watching someone you care about fall apart.
Yea man. People can't break sugar addictions. Heroine must be THAT much harder of an addiction to break
Have you tried telling her to get lost and don't come around no mo'?

That's what I would do. If she is choosing the path of death I don't want to come along for the ride.

It's obvious she only cares about herself and no one else, only herself. she treats you and your parents in the most disgusting manner, that's not love. :smh: it looks like it's time to cut her out of the family completely, it's for the best of the family, before she destroys all your lives. It's not like you all haven't tried to help her. She doesn't want the help or the love, all she wants is to take from and use you all, then she turns around and attacks her own parents and siblings when she doesn't get her own way, she has no morals. it's sad to say but she is that wrapped up in her selfish ways, she even seems to see her own family as mere "tricks" just another group of people to take advantage of and exploit. Get rid of her. You don't need people like that in your life |I

You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about :smh:

Pops went from moving to using.

Dude i went to HS with OD'd this year.

What I dont get is that, we in the new millennium.

How are you under 30 still tryin this ****?

I was raised in the hood and knew better then this.

Honestly if I'll give this generation anything, it's health consciousness*

I just dont get people who still do drugs born post 90
I can only imagine the physiological effects of a hardcore drug like that. sorry to hear that your fam is going through that. i'm sure it's disappointing to you all; whenever I see porn images, I sometimes wonder what her fam thinks, or even if the girl pictured has any fam.

that line about being flattered had me :lol: you've got some writing skills op.
Heroin is serious **** sorry to hear about your sister op hopefully she can kick that **** it'll be tough as hell tho
You shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about :smh:

Pops went from moving to using.

Dude i went to HS with OD'd this year.

What I dont get is that, we in the new millennium.

How are you under 30 still tryin this ****?

I was raised in the hood and knew better then this.

Honestly if I'll give this generation anything, it's health consciousness*

I just dont get people who still do drugs born post 90

How do you know what I know or don't know, what I said has basis. Look at the way she is treating her family, even the op agreed. Its unacceptable selfish disgusting behaviour. Did you even read my follow up post. :smh:
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lot of people get caught up in pills and just move to h since it's cheaper. pain killers are terrible man.
This is a difficult situation, i had a close friend that was dealing with something similar, the family always tried to help him, but he had to hit rock bottom to really change. 
my grandmother started giving me her perc's that she was prescribed awhile back for some back pain I was having and that **** terrified me how fast I "took a liking" to it ...

I told her no thanks anymore but even when I seen her on new years the other night, i seen a fresh bottle of like 90 of them ***** and I just got the urge :smh:

**** is poison man, for real. anybody who even thinks about tryin it, think twice ...
My friend's brother died from an overdose last year.
They tried everything to help him. Supported him, interventions, rehab, etc.
You can't force someone to change. It's sad but that's just how it is.
all I can say is pray for her or if you get the fund$$$$$$$ to send her to rehab or know of any places where she would pull a 180 do it. but for the most part once your addicted to sweets there is no going back. just try to spend a lot of time with her and give her the proper treatment she needs. most of those people are trying to feel a void because someone isn't there for them so try to reach out to her before she od
Speaking from previous lives but in the end usually addicts are very sensitive people bro, you may not realize it but even the simple **** talk can trigger ger to use. Its hard to figure out what that person is missing n that person n making them use that's also not your job. Don't give up on your blood man. Never, Fam is everything. Coordinate with your folks and get her whatever help you can, there's lots.
Do what's right because it's the right thing to do. Your effort alone could influence the smallest thing to spark change.
I have a cousin in LA who was doing Heroin and Meth and all other kinds of stuff. He's been clean now for a while but is just kind of stagnant in life. My old man and I invited him to move in with us in the Bay area hoping it would help him grow and get him away from his group of friends and toxic relationship with his girlfriend. He's driving up tomorrow :pimp:

idk, if my sister was as bad as OP states, I'd just cut her off 100% I'd also be sure she knows I'd cut her off before she ever started any kind of drug.
Heroin hitting the states hard right now. Seems like it's targeting a completely different demographic as well.
Its tough bro. I got my younger sis to come back home after getting a collect call from a county wall out in philly for possession of H. I don't know your circumstances on your upbringing but the love that's lost as a younging from caregivers can definitley be replaced by siblings. Today she's trying to enroll at LSU, my kids fav auntie and most importantly alive. Stay strong and supportive Famb!!
Sorry to hear about your situation. I don't know that much about this topic so I can eve begin to understand the addiction people go through.
Ive see. Heroin my whole life. My grandpa was on for like 20+ years. Wenever i would go to san antonio i would see used needles all over the streets and dope feinds walkin around. I had a patna that OD'd when he was 15. ***** the devil man.
Sorry to hear about this. I had a buddy die from overdose last year. Got hooked on pain killers years ago, and then obviously moved to heroin. It's pretty terrible. I have a friends brother who's been hooked on it as well. Stay away from pills just as much as you would stay away from heroin is my honest opinion.

That yellow journalism got America all confused
My uncle got addicted to marijuana and ended up losing everything important to him. It started with his job when he couldn't make it to work on time, he just wanted to sit around all day and smoke the stuff. This put a lot of stress on his marriage and he ended up getting divorced and losing the kids too. Over time he just kept hitting it hard to make the pain go away. Eventually smoking it didn't do anything for him and he starting shooting it up with his drug addict buddies whenever he could. He eventually contracted HIV from sharing needles all the time, and in 2009 he died from full blown AIDS. Marijuana is no joke, man. Trust me. 
My uncle got addicted to marijuana and ended up losing everything important to him. It started with his job when he couldn't make it to work on time, he just wanted to sit around all day and smoke the stuff. This put a lot of stress on his marriage and he ended up getting divorced and losing the kids too. Over time he just kept hitting it hard to make the pain go away. Eventually smoking it didn't do anything for him and he starting shooting it up with his drug addict buddies whenever he could. He eventually contracted HIV from sharing needles all the time, and in 2009 he died from full blown AIDS. Marijuana is no joke, man. Trust me. 


worst chain of events evar
My uncle got addicted to marijuana and ended up losing everything important to him. It started with his job when he couldn't make it to work on time, he just wanted to sit around all day and smoke the stuff. This put a lot of stress on his marriage and he ended up getting divorced and losing the kids too. Over time he just kept hitting it hard to make the pain go away. Eventually smoking it didn't do anything for him and he starting shooting it up with his drug addict buddies whenever he could. He eventually contracted HIV from sharing needles all the time, and in 2009 he died from full blown AIDS. Marijuana is no joke, man. Trust me. 

Stopped reading after I read "addicted to marijuana"
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